How Steemit Can Financially Disincentivize Bad Behavior in the Real World

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Steemit for Peace?

We've all seen the effects of being a bad person, here on Steemit.  If you attack, berate, or spam people, you're gonna have a bad time.  Not only will you make less money with this strategy, but with the new reputation system coming into effect, your voice will effectively be silenced for your repeated bad behavior.

Steemit has encouraged an engaging environment that has clearly favored more courteous and outgoing users.  I'm going to explain why I think the fundamentals of this platform can potentially have massive ramifications on human behavior well beyond the site itself.

We Won!

Let's imagine for a moment that we are a couple years into the future, and Steemit has become an iconic platform that practically everyone uses.  It may be a bit optimistic at this stage, but let's assume that we won, and the Steemit takeover is complete.  What are some of the things we will notice around us?

Of course, we will notice that Steemit has a lot of good users.  There certainly will be some bad eggs, but if the proper strategies are employed by the team, these types will almost certainly drift away from the site.  They just won't have any reason to participate when they can't get heard and they can't earn.  Meanwhile, the good Steemit users will obviously be invested in the platform, with their Steem Power.


Let's say that Ted is a good Steemit user.  Ted has built up his reputation over time and has a good chunk of change in Steem Power.  Ted now is invested in not only Steemit, but he is invested in keeping his reputation stellar as well.

Ted gets drunk one night.  He gets in an argument with his sober wife.  He starts a vicious physical fight with her.  He gets arrested and an acquaintance posts about the incident.  Maybe Ted isn't so good afterall?

Now, with his legal and marital troubles behind him, Ted returns to the site, only to find many people have unfollowed him.  Some have muted him.  When he posts, he has less influence, even with all of his Steem Power.  All of the time and effort he put into the platform has now turned to ash because of bad choices he made in real life.

It won't take many Teds for people to realize what exactly is at stake.  Bad people capable of acting like "normal" people on Steemit for monetary gain will need to continue this "act" in the real world or else they will simply lose.

This means people are quite literally invested in becoming good people.

Thinking of driving home after drinking too much?  Thinking of shoplifting?  Thinking of even worse things?  Steemit better not find out.  Granted, there are laws in place to dissuade people from these actions currently, yet people still do bad things all of the time.  Laws can be manipulated, cases can get thrown out, and with enough money it sometimes seems that you can get out of almost anything.  Steemit's community can't be deceived.  We will not waste our votes on known bad people.


Steemit is the first emergent system that can financially incentivize society-wide, good behavior, without the use of force.  It may not be enough on its own, but in my opinion, it's potentially the start of a fundamental shift of how we approach our society.

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Love the post , steemit has already made me a good person ,cheers steemers :)

That is something to watch out for in the future, the effect of information drip from "real life" into the Steemit stream of content. How many people are going to notice? How will they respond to knowing this information?

Lets go on with the Ted example, so he has done a horrible deed to his wife that gets leaked to Steemit and, being a prominent user, a ton of people become aware of the event. What are the ethics of an anonymous user? Will they disregard such a horrible deed because they like the content Ted produces, or will they toss Ted out regardless of his content.

Interesting thought you've had @derekareith, I'm excited to see what's in store for us with such a fundamentally new tool for communications.

I have to say, @derekareith , this was a GOOD read man. Well done! The fact that you can simply break it down and make it more understandable from a real-world perspective really shows that you belong on here.... I mean hey, you convinced ME to get on here and get involved, so that much more props to you bro! Cheers!

Yes, I can see that working, alright. Imagine Ted's wife cheated on him, he found out and posted the proof that she's a lying whore on SteemIt.

He will be immediately silenced by the good people of this community for harassing her, and they will console the cheating wife: "obviously he wasn't right for you, you were not happy with Ted so he made you cheat, we wish you the best & here's a list of the best divorce lawyers!!1"

Ted's wife could then post some crying pics of herself with deeply emotional cleavage included, and will raise $30k overnight to help pay for the cutthroat lawyer she needs.

Entirely possible, but again since the people voting are invested in this platform themselves, when they continually cry wolf or make fake victims, then over time they will likely be negatively affected financially as well. Even if the masses are delusional and irrational, they still won't push money through their votes like the top SP holders. And since the stakes are even higher for their reputations, I doubt they would frivolously throw votes at these situations without thinking it through.

It's a bit of a stretch, but still an interesting thought on the potential future of Steemit.

Very nice post