COMING UP Next week: My 2nd Anarchast Appearance w/The Dollar Vigilante, Alongside Larken Rose

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Photo on 1-21-16 at 4.52 PM #5

I am on fire about Steemit, and so is Jeff Berwick and Larken Rose, both valuable anarchist/voluntaryist powerhouses who have been immensely significant in the spread of real human freedom.

Larken Rose, my project partner on/creator of The Mirror and friend/mentor, is already experiencing immense success in just his first couple days, and Jeff Berwick at The Dollar Vigilante has hit it out of the park.

I am so thrilled and inspired by them both and immensely grateful to the community of Steemit for supporting the same people and ideas I value so much.

I was discussing with both Larken and Jeff earlier today how I view the economic and global implications of this idea, and because my passion is helping to inspire humans to become more effective, thriving, powerful, and intelligent beings, I am now 1000% FULL STEEM AHEAD. (So cheesy, but you snickered, so I succeeded at my PUNniness.)

So next week, when I am visiting Larken and his family in Pennsylvania to narrate more script for The Mirror, He and I plan to record an interview on Anarchast about Steemit and our experience with it, as well as the potential global/economic/societal implications of it.


Larken and I are both former Anarchapulco speakers, an Anarchist conference that occurs in Acapulco Mexico each year, founded by The Dollar Vigilante, and will also be speaking again in 2017 there, as we were both invited back.

If you value sound, articulate, logically potent and consistent ideas, you'll find that following the Anarchists (Voluntaryists) on Steemit is where it's at.

Ideas change the world, and the founders of Steemit understand that.

Full STEEM ahead, and a profound appreciative thanks to all my fellow beings of beauty, badassery, and wisdom!

Look for the Anarchast interview next week and follow The Dollar Vigilante if you want to see it here on Steemit when it shows up!


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Yeah, what she said. I'm still relatively new to the whole Steemit thing, and haven't quite wrapped my head around how all of the mechanics of it work, but the main thing that jumps out at me about it is that, instead of having a few huge media outlets (with huge corporate backers) deciding what messages you hear, and which messengers get rewarded, Steemit is intellectual anarchy in action. What the readers like gets rewarded. What they don't, doesn't. And here it isn't a matter of having several cookie-cutter statist opinions to choose from (a la mainstream TV), but a basically unlimited number of opinions from anyone who wants to fling an idea out there. The people will have spoken, AND the people will have decided who was worth listening to.

As always my friend, I so appreciate you and what you do and your support.

It's like putting money where someone else's mouth is!

Wow! I can't believe how quickly this is all happening with Steemit and Anarchist thought leaders. We have a chance to establish a presence on a major social media platform, unlike anything we have ever seen before. Imagine Steemit really takes off, and in 2 years Anarchist posts are trending over mainstream political posts. Together we'd have the Steem Power to make that happen, and over time, who knows, maybe we change some minds! This is a unique opportunity and all like minded individuals need to see this.

Thanks for the article. I'm amazed every time I check this site to see how many forward thinking people are vested into Steemit. It's very nice to know that you can be part of something big if you just keep at it. Thanks

Your comment alone is inspiring, and the many like it I am seeing around here on Steemit. I am in love with this platform and I just found it.

I feel your passion for this Amanda! Several years ago I tried to launch a blog: Live All Your Life. :fail
It's tough to write when you feel like you're getting lost in the echo chamber, or when you devote hours to an article that gets 3 views.
Steemit (and in no small way, you, Larken and Jeff) have inspired me to dust off the keyboard and make a stand.
Thank you for being such a powerful voice of reason!

Thank you so much for that encouragement. I truly have never had more valuable and high caliber conversations than among my anarchist friends. I value and enjoy everyone's voice and contribution to some degree, because everyone is always adding some form of value.

I'm happy to see this taking off like it has. And it's good to see fellow anarchists being compensated for their work disseminating liberating logical thought. I hope to bring my own unique perspective to all of this as a new business owner working with international partners. Maybe we can collaborate on some projects in the near future on the charity side of anarchist philosophy...and have great fun doing it.

Thanks for doing what you've been doing over the years. Keep it up and we might have our peaceful revolution after all.

Saving my votes for the content, rather than the promo, but yours and Larkens work are greatly valued, looking foreward to it. That said have you checked out my most recent post? Some upvotes and maybe promotion would be Great if you like what I have to say!

I am by no means a Steemit expert, but I think you can upvote something like 20 times a day before you really start to lose any power. Of course, you need to space out your voting a bit to let your influence "recharge." Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

Idk, I've only upvoted like 10 to 15 things since joining 3 days ago and my steem power is like half what we start with.

I got on Steemit because of your recommendation and I'm so glad I did! It's awesome that Steemit is becoming such a big community for anarchists to spread the ideas of freedom... and get paid for it!

And if it makes the Mirror happen sooner, then I'm even more on board.


I want to be first in line!

You also turned me on to steemit I think it's great. Just as we do in life the ideas that we manifest are the ones we nurture. I love it!!!

Awesome! My first comment and upvote. :)

What the hack Sasha is doing there ? :)