Steemians: Are You Empowered or Entitled?

in steemit •  8 years ago 

2 Kinds of People

Really, the difference between the two sorts of people is mental approach and outlook. They're really not two different kinds of people in any outward obvious way, but their mindsets are drastically in opposition to each other. I have seen one and the other, but I don't really see a mix of these approaches in one person, not where this is concerned.

You can either approach life with an Empowered Mind or an Entitled Mind. It's up to you which you choose. But one approach is absolutely better than the other.

The Empowered Mind

The first mindset is an approach that believes the world does NOT really owe a person anything, just by nature of that person existing. However, a person with this mindset also believes they were given all the tools necessary to figure out for them-self how to acquire whatever it is they want or need. This mindset understands that all one has to do is use their own powerful mind and will to figure it out; the more effort is applied to learning and discovery, the more effectively one can reach their desired ends and achieve their goals.

This is the mindset that essentially says, at the end of the day, "It's always up to me, I own my life and my decisions, and I even own my outcomes."

The Entitled Mind

This mental outlook is founded on expectation of others, and subsequent blame on others. It is a mindset that is rooted in a belief that other people throughout this person's life should just treat them a certain way, or care for them, or give them respect, or things, or money, you name it... regardless how that person acts.

When things do not work out, or this person attempts to do things for themselves and those things go wrong, it is always someone else's fault.

Typically, this mindset dodges any offered solutions that would require them to invest effort in solving their own problems and building their own value. This Entitled Mind does not think they should have to put in the work of discovering what others around them might value. Yet, an Empowered Mind understands it needs to do this in order to learn how to connect their own creative desires with the needs and desires of others.

A Brief Breakdown

An Empowered Mind says, "How can I do what I love and also help others?"

An Entitled Mind says, "Why aren't others helping me out?"

An Empowered Mind says, "I can't force people to value what I think they should, but I can find where my
values meet theirs."

An Entitled Mind says, "I think I'm valuable, so others should value me and my work too!"

Are You Empowered By Steem, Or Feeling Entitled To It?

Pay attention to the reactions to the website that is Aside from the helpful site suggestions, and the constructive criticism, you'll notice that among the praise and complaints are these two mindsets that tend to crop up.

You'll see people who are inspired by the idea,

whether they're making much money yet or not, and they are putting in the work to build their name, their work, and their audience. You won't see complaints from them that sound like, "My writing was quality! Way more people should just recognize that, but they aren't! Waaaah!"

However, there are many other Steemians from whom you will see complaints that sound very much that way. "My stuff is good, but it didn't make anything!"

Well darlin', that's the thing about where your creativity meets what others value. You can love something you created, and think you did awesomely, but there's a lot of factors that come into play with whether your work makes any money. For one, people have to see it to even know it exists, and on Steemit, you don't automatically get to have high exposure--you have to work to build that.

Those who came onto Steemit automatically having an audience, didn't just have luck. They might have had a small bit of that, but myself and those who came over here and did somewhat well right away also already spent time and effort building an audience elsewhere. That audience followed us here, too. If you were not a regular content producer before you were on Steemit, and you didn't have an audience, then you are starting at game Level 1, so-to-speak, and your success absolutely depends on you.

I for one do not understand why one would want to live a life where everything is always another's fault, or where it's always up to others to get me what I want or to make me succeed. That leaves me powerless, after all.

An Empowered Mind has to take responsibility, has to put a lot of effort in. But that mind is also using something the Entitled Mind is not -- willpower.


How appropriate that those who are empowered by Steem, are effectively Steem-Powered.

{Maybe @dantheman & @ned did that on purpose?}

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A very empowering article, makes me think. .....
Didn't need to think long, I know which side of the road i'm on.

i need to learn how you do all these cool fonts.
you rock

Maybe I should do a "How-To Basics" video/post. :)

I'm definitely EMPOWERED
I'm thankful for every upvote I get and super appreciative of any comments. I'm really making connections here and I'm not panicked by taking a day off if I need to. That goes with building a great foundation - even if you're starting from scratch here. Well, I've been online active since 1999, but my elsewhere people choose to stay comfortable where they are instead of pushing the boundaries. So I search for people who want to live outside the box. :)

I think reality is more nuanced than this post suggest. Being "empowered" doesn't mean you are never a victim of someone else's or just life's bullshit. (Unless this post is just in regard to steemit. in which case, never mind)

This is mostly in regards to Steemit, but this is not suggesting circumstances don't come about that are out of our control. It's about the mindset and approach to life that says, "I choose to believe I have control over my outcomes, and I can handle whatever comes my way." That mindset is key to being able to make a negative into a positive, or being able to dodge unsavory circumstances. And only years of living in BOTH of these mindsets at varying times taught me that.

Regardless of mind set, some negatives are and continue to be negatives. Also, some negatives require that one is able to expend a large amount of resources to turn it into a positive. Failing to be able to do these things and rightfully blaming those responsible does not make someone less empowered, generally speaking.

I would never have anything to disagree with on that front. This post stands on a point outside of that entirely. Negative things will happen, some people are not good to have in your life. It doesn't change the choice to have a certain approach to that, nor does it alter the fact that people who have experienced both approaches over many years found life improved significantly with the empowered approach, just as mine did.

@suprepachyderm Your phrase "rightfully blaming" got me thinking whether there is such a thing as "rightful blame," so thank you for this comment. Ultimately, I did not come up with any rationalization for blame, so I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on that. You can find my post here regarding whether blame has a place in an empowered mind:

Thanks for the original post @dragonanarchist !

wow pure cancer.
you cant group everyone into 2 catagories.
might as well make a post about how people are either good or bad.
it is not only black or white there are shades of gray.

First paragraph: "Really, the difference between the two sorts of people is mental approach and outlook. They're really not two different kinds of people in any outward obvious way, but their mindsets are drastically in opposition to each other. I have seen one and the other, but I don't really see a mix of these approaches in one person, not where this is concerned."

If you didn't understand what I was conveying here, I intentionally pointed out that they aren't really 2 different KINDS of people (the title is a hook, obviously), because people are outwardly varied and nuanced. But the MINDSETS are opposed. Meaning, I can't be in both mindsets at the same time. One day I am in one sort of mindset, perhaps, and maybe the next day or week I am not in that mindset. My last sentence of saying I don't SEE a mix of these in people is not a statement of "objectively people are not mixed on this", it means what I said it means-- that as a GENERAL rule (emphasis on general), I have OBSERVED that people will have a trend of being mostly in one mindset or the other.

Apparently you didn't take the time to carefully read the beginning, you saw what you wanted to see.

Also, anyone who actually takes the time to observe my thoughts over time and follows my writing knows I'm the last person to think in black and white, and that I of all people know of the greys.

And as far as different approaches in a certain mindset, sometimes there are two different distinct approaches that are necessarily opposed. For example, I can't both be pro-slavery AND anti-slavery, if I think slavery is wrong then I think it is wrong.

In this sense, I'm discussing that you either have a mindset of taking responsibility, or you have the mindset of someone who believes they are caught in the wind of circumstance. Some people actually have MOSTLY one of these mindsets, while in certain areas of life the other mindset will show itself. Some people feel empowered and responsible for their lives part of the time, sure, and then other times they blame everything on something else and fall into victimhood.

For the purpose of conversation, I'm talking about 2 mindsets, not black and white people. But if you understand the use of logic and philosophical speaking, you understand that has nothing to do with avoiding the greys of life. For the purpose of this article I'm talking about two mindsets, I'm not saying "this is all there is in life" and anyone who is paying attention to my writing knows that.

wow the ignorance.
I will write a responce to this reply in a bit.
hope you are ready for some dissection. lol
will get the reply sent to you asap.



Create your KEY (to your own empowerment)

Love the poster! Keep making same! Empowerment over entitlement!

Wow! Two powerful words with such deep meaning. Lots to think about. It is a slow but steady climb to success and empowerment. Using one' s God given talents to success instead of blaming others for your failures. Yet, it is through failure that we learn and finally succeed. Keep on truckin', as they say.

Wow simple but powerful thoughts. #Steempowered

Thats a great way to simplify things here, makes plenty of sense too! Although I can see why expression of dissapointment can be misconstrued as an expression of entitlement at times.

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