Official Request To Change "Upvote" labels to "Upsteem" In Steemit UI - Issue Opened In Github

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 10.41.53 PM.png

As promised yesterday, I opened an official request (by creating an issue on Steemit Github repository) for changing the labels from "Upvote" to "Upsteem" on the Steemit website. You can see my reasons in the picture above, but just for the sake of those who aren't looking at pictures, here they are again:

  • "upsteem" is closer to the name of the site, it's not, it's
  • "upsteem" will make it easier for people to understand what's happening when they are clicking that arrow - it's not like they're * electing the content in some electoral college, but they are driving away steem from the rewards pool
  • since voting is such a common activity, changing the name to be closer to the site name will help with brand awareness
  • it will make the site stand apart from other sites which are using appreciation input and create an identity (just like "Like" is almost a Facebook patent)
  • it will give people a nice, personal touch: the self-esteem goes up

Not everybody agreed with this proposal in my first post - and I didn't expect it to be that way - but the majority did so I think it's an important change. If you want to show your support for that, you can go to the Github issue and post your comments. That's where the Steemit devs are certainly looking, hence that's the place for such a proposal.

It's just a UI change, it will not affect anything related to the logic of voting, just how it's named. But I think how it's named is very important.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Would flagging become Downsteeming?

Could be, interesting suggestion.

@dragosroua... Sounds Good...

UpVoted & Just Voted You as a Witness... We need more Good common sense !!

Have a Great Weekend !!

Hey Steemers, of course it is a good ideea, but besides commenting here, log in to github and place also a comment there. It would bring more power to the request. Witness vote is also important.

Thanks for the reminder, @alexvan!

Très bon article

@dragosroua When showing the steemit platform to my web/ graphic artist friend. He immediately noticed the logo and praised it. Then he saw "upvote" thought it was unoriginal.

Good call.

agree 100%

Great suggestion - like all your reasons -especially the branding one.

I'm all in for Upsteem!

On the mobile version, the word doesn't show up next to the arrow. Not sure about desktop version.

This is an excellent idea! It makes all the sense in the world.

that´s a great idea!

it´s only a minor change but it has a huge personalizing effect for the community.

all thumbs up.

Wait... is that where we could make suggestions? If so.. HIDE PAYOUTS.. Only original poster can see payout amounts...

Why would people want that? People want to see how much whales make so they can have something to aspire to.

True... and i agree it is inspiring as hell to see $1k on a post (also can be demoralizing to see such a little one too)... but at the same time...looking at how it all works.. people upvote on post that make money.. could be a picture of a toilet.. If a whale posted it.. irs gonna make money.. Simple.. people see that jump to $100 in 5 mins.. upvote alllllllll day.. doesnt even matter the content or quality of that content.. people just want to get paid (curator payments comments etc) hide payouts.. it gives others a chance. That way we arent just hunting for the big payout...

well on that topic i was 100% behind you ,thats a good suggestion.I am sure if its implimented you will be the happiest Steemitian ,

I love the idea of a name change. The language we use is so important and 'upsteem' is like raised esteem, and as you say fits the 'brand'. Nice one.