RE: How to Save The Human Race and Earth - Before It Is Too Late!

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How to Save The Human Race and Earth - Before It Is Too Late!

in steemit •  3 years ago 

You have probably heard the expression "garbage in, garbage out." A computer can only give the right answer if the correct data is input. I'm going to give you another scenario. While we are focused on CO2 in the atmosphere, we are ignoring that we are going through a magnetic pole excursion.


This image from this 2008 article, Geomagnetic excursions: Knowns and unknowns, shows identified geomagnetic excursions occurring roughly every 6,000 years. Since that time they have identified several excursions including two 24,000 and 12,000 years ago.

You might be familiar with the wobble the Earth goes through which accounts for some of the huge variations we see in climate.

Instead of a nice circuitous movement, it is likely a series of sudden jerks accompanying each geomagnetic excursion. These jerks are possibly exacerbated by the Large Low-Shear-Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) found in the mantle.

The Laschamp Excursion is the first and most researched excursion. It accompanied a Grand Solar Minimum, and a loss of the majority of the magnetic field (less than six percent of pre-1859 levels). This wiped out the ozone layer.

Around the equator, is a bulge of water due to centrifugal force. If the geographic equilibrium snaps (current estimates are that it could take less than eighty years) anywhere between four and twenty-four degrees, this bulge will reorient itself making lots of new areas really damp.

There are three conditions suggested to warn of the excursion:

  • Grand Solar Minimum (we are entering one now)
  • Movement in the magnetic poles
  • Loss of the magnetic field

Position of the Magnetic Poles:


Strength of the Magnetic Field:


I encourage you to investigate along these lines. The underlying cause wipes out your extra planet solutions.

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"The underlying cause wipes out your extra planet solutions."

Not really as Mars (currently) has a solid core and very little electromagnetic field. Additionally, if we built the Dyson Sphere around our Sun the solar system would be in an eternal "Grand Solar Minimum" and Earth's Magnetic Pole swaps should end. for good!

According to the evidence, the solar system goes through a cloud of dust every few thousand years. The dust accumulates on the surface until it is ejected. The resultant CME(s) can be solar particles that have 1000 times the energy of X-rays, microtektites (like shotgun pellets), and larger masses. The projectiles that hit during the Younger Dryas were sufficient to put Earth back into a glaciation for 1000 years.

This event is supposed to happen anytime between now and about 25 years from now. I doubt if anything significant could be built on Mars in the remaining time.

You realize that the Sun is a million times larger than Earth. There isn't enough matter in the Solar system to create a Dyson Sphere.

Here are excerpts detailing the evidence of micro-tektites.

When the United States landed on the Moon we brought back samples of the lunar soil. The soil was made up of 27% small glass beads measuring .1 to 1 mm in diameter. The same glass beads were found in the ocean and land sediments corresponding with the last geomagnetic reversal about 12,000 years ago.



PS. It is better not to broadcast this information. If it is wrong, there is no problem aside from a number of people looking foolish. If it is correct, you might want to investigate how people survived the last time.