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Wow, that's big!

I thought someone might make a remark - it is VERY big! Wasn't I a good boy taking zero for a C&P ... might show some people up?

I resteemed - should hopefully get a few more people to see it :)

This is huge! I wonder how much publicity this will bring. I bet we see several thousand more active users in the next few months.

Thanks for the great article,
~ @Timbo

No worries, @timbo, I very much appreciate your appreciation!

Major news deserves a ReSteem ;)
Thank y0u

wish I hadn't elected a zero payout now!
Joking with you
Thank you for your kind remarks

That's a good article. I hope more people take notice

Great idea to be 0 payout no one can get mad about that.

I hope not! Trying to get on with my short story - 2/3rds there but now have the Australian Open tennis to distract me ... decisions, decisions! Thank you for your kind and thoughtful message!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Sharing news articles is a valid post for payout btw. As long as you are not trying to claim it is your work (which you are not), then it is not 'against the rules'. Feel free to share stuff like this with payout if you want to. If you want to post for free - you can do that too, but it's entirely up to you if you want to try and earn rewards. (Don't feel that you have to post with no payout.)

If you want to add a few sentences / paragraphs of your own summary / highlights, then you are adding more value than just the link - which could be considered more valuable (and worthy of higher payout) - depending on the material.

Thanks mate, I just felt a bit of a fraud as I wanted to get it out there quickly given the time of day - however I shall bear your suggestions in mind - Much appreciated as ever. I suspect that you are busy going over a few issues - nuff said!
BTW, I thought the roadmap was ... underwhelming!

There are mixed feelings on it. I see it as laying the groundwork / building the foundation. There are enough things that are going to be good for the platform in the long-term, plus it sounds like they plan on working on a lot of "small stuff" outside the roadmap. As a developer, I can appreciate the fact that a lot of what they are taking on is a lot of work. I feel good about the long-term of the community/platform, but suspect it is going to take some time to get to where everyone wants us to be.

I do definitely agree with that - you are a wise owl, sir!

Hey, you could include the tournament in the short story use the distractions as a idea! Good luck, I know that distractions can be rough, I live with nothing but distractions.

Steemit currently has close to a million monthly unique visitors per month

What? Where is that stat from? (plus I love the double emphasis on month)

Some interesting things have emerged over the past day or so ... bollocks is the technical term!!
Thank you for the comment!
Followed you given your disdain for 'untruth', shall we say (my Orwellian in me!)

that cant be true lol

Steemit has about 30k unique visitors per day
I guess forbes took that number and multiplied it by 30 which is about 900k ( This number is innacurate though as many users are coming back every day)

Nice find!
"Concurrently a “feature-heavy” redesign to improve Steemit's aesthetics and functionality is being initiated. As such users will soon have access to free 'drag and drop' image hosting, comment moderation for post authors, community namespaces and moderation (similar to subreddits), achievements (similar to video game milestones), user insignia, mobile notifications and an easy to navigate status bar."

To read the official Steemit 2017 Roadmap, go here:

Many thanks, @darkflame - I did read the roadmap and was immediately reaching for the beer nuts. I cannot get excited over back end development when it is the front end and the structure which requires attention

inb4 $1000 a steem

This is the nugget I found from this article... On blockchain bottleneck and scalability concerns, Scott revealed to Forbes: "We want to be able to handle as many transactions as Facebook, reddit and Twitter combined. To scale all the way, it’s important to think about these challenges before it becomes a bottleneck. Steem is currently second most used blockchain by transactions, behind bitcoin."

Thank you very much to all you steemers!!!


I have to be brutally honest ... I speed read it and have put it to one side for later. Thank you so much for your comments - it makes such a difference! I see you are a new account - I have followed you so please give me a shout if you ever need an ear or a bit of a steer.

I have to thank you.
