Where have all the big votes gone?steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  8 years ago 



Is it just my Imagination, Running away with me?

I know there is a bit of a scrap going on.
It has nothing to do with me ... well yes, it does, but it has nothing to do with me!


I have been watching the boards today and everything seems to be well off, as in down (not as in eider) - it is lower (not as in cow) - we are not feeling the lava! Or are we?
The usual authors whom I respect seem to be around and about - some are not but that is more than normal.
People have lives.


Nothing is busting a blood vessel though, is it!
@sirwinchester got to the top of 'hot' with over 300 votes and ... $11+, hardly earth-shattering, though I would be dancing across the hills singing 'The Hills are Alive'.

@ozchartart got to $64 with 239 before his run ran out of puff (couldn't say steam, could I?)

@krnel breached $77 with 279 votes

'Trending' looks healthier but ... this is yesterday's news and that is tomorrow's fish and chip papers, so said Elvis (Costello, of course!)


Just to erase any possibility of doubt kind Mr. Blue, Humpback, Right, Sperm, Pilot, etc


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Rumor has it not all Curation Trails are operating at full potential. But it could be:

Whale Strike

Can you be more explicit? Are you suggesting that I should be more respectful towards whales? If that is the case, perhaps you could be more expansive again and explain the rationale? I would very much like to learn the reasons why I should be respectful as opposed to anything else - the concept is in direct opposition to the concept!
I am hopeful that I misinterpreted your comment and so shall wish you a very good day and Namaste!

no no, wasn't directed at you at all my friend.

It just seems sometimes the whales get all the blame for everything no matter what they do..

It was just my attept at humor, no offence intended :)

In that case, I thank you for your bothering to remark upon my somewhat pithy remarks - it was just in jest! Though, I wouldn't mind a humdinger from time to time. The whales have some soul-searching to do and, much as I have made some silly remarks in the past (mea culpa) out of ignorance, I do see that the path forward is better taken in tiny steps.
Thank you, my friend!

You're welcome, the part about the Curation trails is true though ;-)

I am unsure as to why, but to my understanding @whatsup hit it on the head when he said:

"The entire reward pool will be given out each day."

I guess there are a lot more accounts now, and when whales don't vote for the same things then I would guess the payout/rewards are going to be lower.

Thanks @timbo, I appreciate your commenting very much - it just feels a bit odd and someone else remarked a similar sentiment to me earlier today ... plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!

Haha, you are very welcome my friend!

I may be misunderstanding, but I was under the impression that, the more people that are on Steemit, the more Steemit is valued, so the larger the reward pool. Does that make any sense? If there were only three people here, the reward couldn't be very high because it couldn't be said to be valued very much if only three people were interested. I don't know if that's right, but it is how I thought it works.

Umm, kinda, I guess I am not informed enough to make an educated guess. I am kinda hoping someone will see this and link me to something credible but I may be mistaken.

I have looked to try and find how Steemit works, but I have not been able to find much about it from concrete sources.

There is the "steemit whitepaper" in the side menu.


Whhaaa, now I feel stupid. Google doesn't show you things like this, or well... the search engine I used doesn't. Maybe I need to switch.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It is my understanding the entire reward pool will be given out each day, regardless of who votes. So, maybe the rewards are just getting spread thinner across more accounts or... If the whales aren't voting, I don't know how that would impact the "guess" the UI makes when showing what a post may pay out.

I also have been noticing the trending amounts seem to be decreasing despite the price remaining fairly calm. Just exploring ideas here.

Maybe the comments are finally getting some love. That would be crazy if comments got more payout than blog posts.

Excellent point as there have been some Yyyyuge conversations lately with people voting for comments! Good thinking!

Comments don't make the trending page. How to know?

Very good point @whatsup, I guess I just follow these things and there is a marked difference.
Where does one find the daily reward pool?
Apologies if that sounds like daft question ... I just do not know!
Thanks again!

Oh man, I really don't know how to get to that information. With the right query it could be pulled from the block chain, but .. That is not my skill set. :(

Wow, so I guess my $0.38 is somewhat respectable then. That doesn't bode well for the future of Steemit, does it? Maybe it's only a fluke, get it? whale, fluke? Never mind. I'm baleen while I've got the chance! Just kidding, for now. Oh yeah, one more, Thar she blows!

Thanks for the post.

I got $0.61 from four! However I do know that my $0.61 can transform majestically in times to come!
We steem on my friend. To steemia and beyond!

That's sort of counter-intuitively encouraging. I thought I'd just done a crap job today, which was even a little upsetting, because I was trying to promote the message of a fellow steemian, @carlitashaw, today, and didn't want to do a bad job.

Oh yeah, and I followed you today. I thought I already had done so, but I missed it. Sorry, anyway, followed.

Will follow @carlitashaw from now!

She's awesome. Thanks.