RE: Can we stop rewarding people for half truths and whole lies?

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Can we stop rewarding people for half truths and whole lies?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

There are patents for anti-gravity machines that are nothing but a 50 gallon metal drum filled with magnets. Unless you can prove these things were made and used for the purpose you're saying they were, then It means nothing.

Ok. Such as?

I can find you testimony that the pope is ushering in an alien god and that CERN is using the large hadron collider to dig a portal to hell. Do these people have any empirical evidence? Or should I just accept them at their word?

"Ground level tests for particulate on crops"
First, source. Second, what do you mean by this? Spraying chemicals at ground level to see what they do? Low level crop dusting flybys? High altitude dispersal and then analysis? What?

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Sorry about your tiny penis.