How to create a blogging plan on Steemit.

in steemit •  7 years ago 


Hello Steemians, I will be doing something different from the usual post and that is telling us how to create a blogging plan. Yes, a blogging plan that will help us better get organized.
Many just get into the whole blogging stuff without first being able to help themselves understanding if 1. Steemit is important for them to give it their all & 2. If anyone truly cares if they have a plan.
Well, I care that you should have a plan and so I will be sharing some tips.

What then according to @ejemai is a blogging plan?

A blogging plan is a plan that outlines your blogging plan for the day, week, month and year. It is simply that sets of rules you put in lace and then follow through to help you get a balance.
You may decide to stick to a weekly routine so you have time to move around these plans, you could add or remove some parts to better suit the vision of your blog.

It is important to have plans that will help you get ahead in your Steemit adventure. Having a blogging plan and being able to work with it will make all the difference as your Steemit blog will look better organized and appreciated.
While setting up a plan, consider these few tips.


  • Consider your Steemit goals.

    Considering your Steemit goals and knowing when and how to go about your day on the platform helps you get a grip of things as they unfold on the platform. From there you will be able to identify changes and best case scenarios.
    Determine if your current blogging style is sufficient and working well for you. Does that plan you have or do not have work for you? Are you able to draw a productive line between your work inputs and achieved goals?
    Your Steemit goals are important and they will help you maximize your time here and make you a better organized individual.

  • Know your audience and research your topic to fit in.

    Knowing your audience is another important aspect of creating a blogging plan. Don't just go on and blog because the page tells you to 'post', blog because you understand what it is the readers who are your friends want and expects from you.

If you are not aware of your friends, you will not be able to effectively sell your blog to them. One great way of getting to know what your friends like and what they may expect from you is by first, looking through their posting habits and understand the topics that interest them.
You could also find that out during conversation on chat channels and on the comment sections and also through to see the posts they vote on.

When authoring a post, make sure to get the right message out and as accurately as possible. Dropping posts that do not carry the right information will definitely turn readers away from your blog as you will be seen as unaware of what you are talking about.

  • Educate yourself.

    Steemit is an amazing platform and once you get in here, it is practically and mostly impossible to get out and have a quantifiable taste of the outside world and that too can spell doom for your blog.
    Educate yourself on the happenings around you and expand your topic scopes to involve real life situations that can help your readers better understand what your stories are about.

Sticking to a particular model can dampen your knowledge base and cause some friction as for when you should be able to function well.
Begin by first, analyzing the news trend as it affects your world and get an understanding of how people relate to these happenings.
Secondly, if your blog is about farming, make sure to get the right information about new trends that happens on the Agricultural scene. This factor will better help you relate real life stories to your readers that will help them get a hang of the state of things.

  • Know your Strengths and Weaknesses.

    We all have them and knowing about it and how they play out is best way to get results and win. Say you post on random topics daily, see which topic(s) gets the most views and interactions and then work on the ones you see as being your strong suit.
    Be happy when there are criticisms on your blogs because it will help you make the best plan on how to put your stories together.

  • Be original.

    Steemit is all about original contents and getting contents that are original help make your blogging experience fun and profitable. Plagiarism and spam will not get the you type of attention that makes for good reputation. You will be shown the way 'down' when you are caught doing any of these.
    Make sure to blog about what you know. Look beyond the earnings for the time being and crave the satisfaction. When you are able to truly feel that satisfying aspect of blogging, you will strive to create your own story.

  • How many articles do I post?

    On the Steemit platform presently, you can post as much as you want but is it really healthy to dump multiple posts on your blog per day? If you ask me, I will say no.
    Blogging should be about fun and taken also like serious work. When you drop multiple posts per day on your blog, you will just make it impossible for readers to get the best of your blog as they may be confused.

Doing neat work is a sure pointer to achieving your goals and one of such ways is to try as best as you can to know the number of posts you will be dropping everyday
If you can pull off posting multiple articles daily, then please do but if not, reevaluate your posting habit and apply the one that will make sense to you.

The above tips are to my opinion proven ways you can create a blogging plan that will help you get the best Steemit experience. If it doesn't help, then try try again and you will be able to put down the ones that will help you ans others. Hehehe.

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thanks @ejemai,it was helpful to me

Thanks friend, glad it helps.

Good advice dear friend! A maintenance plan always helps any job. It organizes and sistematizirovat action. But sometimes still allow myself to deviate slightly from the plan, if there is something very interesting, which I can't wait to tell.

You are on point. Being able to have a plan and then still be able to play around with it to allow for creative purposes helps a lot. Thanks for reading.

Thanks for the info.


Great advice bro! If you fail to plan you plan to they say. Having strategical plans on anything one does is just the key to success. Thanks for sharing these tips, I am sure to make use of a thing or two from here. Stay awesome.

WhatsApp Image 2017-11-05 at 11.48.30 PM.jpeg

You are right, planning helps us achieve a lot and though you may tend to work outside the plans most times, it helps to have a plan. Thanks

It's all good bro! I will keep visiting here for wonderful ideas as this one. Stay awesome sir.

Wow!! this is so insightful...generally i blog because i am spontaneous, different topics or ideas come to my mind at different times and i love having somewhere to put it out so it just never occurred to me to have a plan because i always drum up something to write....Though i think taking up your advise about knowing strength and knowing what the people want will help make my blog better and also organized... i am really grateful i got to see this

Thanks @tolarnee. Being spontaneous is a good thing and writing about various topics helps us learn while even trying to educate others. The important thing about planning is that it helps keep your blog as neeat and sane as possible.

This fascinating, it's really a useful tool for me. Tnx for sharing this information.

Thanks for checking it out.

Thanks For YouR Good Info.


Thanks For Reply.

Nice one @ejemai. Didn't expect anything less. Thank you

Thank you for stopping by. Glad you found the piece informative.

@ejemai.. You too much.. Opening our eyes is your day by day gift. Thanks, because I never know this before now. Yes, now i can create and do more, using my blogging plan.

You are right my brother. Sometimes could get carried away with the amazing things happening here. Its only best we make plans in everything we do and steemit is not an exception. Thank you for this.

Making plans helps us not get carried away with stuffs. We have unlimited time with lots of activities and being able to make some work makes life easy. Thanks for reading.

This is a power-packed post.


I usually just drop my post unscheduled and irregular, this post just reminded me that for longevity a plan is always required. Thanks for the reminder

Thank you for reading.

thanks for sharing this post


your welcome