FACEBOOK REHAB -Rewards for Being Yourself! Yesterdays STEEMIT is up to $1300 -Seems Like a LOT of People Want to Detox from FB and Go Where We´re Free

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Yesterday I was so excited about my vaccine post generating the interest to create $350 virtual dollars, not even real money yet....but likewise it could be the seed of endless dollars!

I was writing in disgust at continual Facebook censorship, from small annoyances when they hide friends comments because they contain "swear words" (on my page which has featured endless multitudes of filth for a decade)

to, yesterday one of my favorite people and natural health advocates, Erin Elizabeth having her fantastic Health Nut News page ripped, after shed gathered half a million followers.
How pissed would you be???

I would find Zukerberg and make him PAY

I think a lot of you feel a similar gnawing disdain... but what alternative do we have, right?
Where else can we go where we all are....

As my Grandma used to tell me, "I can count my friends on one hand"... I used to think ´gee thats depressing Grandma, I have at least 30 friends just in 3rd grade, and heaps of cousins...´

As I have grown I know what she meant. Real friends are rare and take time to know and deepen and survive the wounds of the self saving selfishness our current system expects of us and rewards us for.

I woke up this morning, and thanks to mostly strangers, and a few friends somehow, yesterdays post went from $1 to... well, its now at $1300!

Its funny, like your first taste of some drugs, the second high aint quite as much of a shock. but I did still nearly choke.

It´s really not the money as trite as it sounds.
For a start I dont trust the government, the electricity, the fake meteors, yellowstone volcanoes, the san andraus fault etc not to all break and burst before its time to cash out... so Im not counting my chickens...

and blah blah blah I know I can only access part of the money and the other half has to stay invested for 2 years and who knows where we´ll all be in 2 bloody years...

and I heard STEEMIT has already been "hacked"
but I also heard everyone got the payouts anyway.

Beyond all the immediate questions...its just the feeling I have had these past few days, to be paid for being me.

Everyday I am pretty able to be myself.
I massage and I teach yoga.

Jesh joshin´ Im not that good

I work when I like, and when I can.

The rest of my time is quite obsessive about learning, this, that and everything as it falls before my feet.

Facebook has been a great place for us all to collate ideas for a decade and grow ourselves, argue, debate, troll, shill, whatever it all is, its been a learning ground for me about the deeper nature of the game.

As much of a back door as Facebook is for mind control and peer group pressure, to my mind, over time, the truth is rising and the government and all associated self serving cancers are flailing.

Facebook has exposed everything.

Let a facebook vaccine argument run for a few dozen posts and then ask the vaccination cheerleaders how they earn their income...

They all just vanish. I´ve seen it a hundred times.

We dont want those people too close in our lives anyway.
Theyre paid to forward an agenda and theyre in your face when you first light up in the mornings.

Its hard enough to decipher truth without having people pretending to be a genuine grassroots movement who are paid to steer and control the whole debate.

On STEEMIT so far it seems there is a dearth of trolls... many beautiful humble souls sharing their joy, their life, and then the financial incentive STEEMIT has brought to their lives, and the sheer freedom this affords

You know why? Because trolls are already paid for their content and comments and they have hoops they have to jump thru for the government to make their cash so they probably have little time for STEEMING

I have been time rich but dollar poor.
I can make good money as a massage therapist, but I often feel bad taking money for something I can just give someone in an hour of my time.
It really doesn´t cost me anything but energy, which I feel we should just be exchanging.

I also dont like to make my friends pay for yoga if I am doing it anyway and if their energy is low and they are low on finances I prefer people come and join the class until they raise their energy back up and theyre earning again.

In short I am SHIT at business.

Almost everyone becomes my friend and I dont want money from any of them!
Its hard though because we all do tend to breathe dollars.

So to think I just made $1700 in a few days isnt about what i can have or buy.
It means I am freer.
Looser. Relaxed as a contented happy cat.
Justified for my unpaid decade of study. Self loving. lucky, and hardworking.

I know I am as worthy as anyone whether I have 10 pesos or 10 billion.
But it does get to be a heavy burdon when you feel like a burdon.

The supernature works in mysterious ways and wants for us, what we want for us.

Reward doesnt always follow effort. Just keep your spirits up, commit to a month of connection and see if anything strikes.

Nature itself wants us to free ourselves of the federal reserve fraudulent slavery scam and we´re doing it...
in fact Id say its done...

Crypto can END the FED

Choo Choo get on the esteemed Steemit train- the earlier the better, you cannot know the value of your time on facebook until you invest that same time over at STEEMIT.

So is STEEMIT really going to spew out enough cash to everyone over time to be reliant enough to create financial freedom.
Not Money.

Free to visit my family 4 times a year in Australia if I want.
Free to see Africa, India, Thailand
Free to sit still on a rug in one place for ten years and just play guitar, marvel at all the magic and watch the flowers come and grow.
Free to help whoever needs it
Free to continue pursuing truth as I find it unfolding and sharing

To save enough to fly home was looking like taking months.... and now it seems I have enough earned in energy-value in TWO DAYS....

This is wonderful stuff, thanks to Dan https://steemit.com/@dan and @ned the genius creators who know the value of heart and brain and soul, and have found a way to mine it and share it.

The best byproduct is we´re all going to be cryptocurrency savvy within 12 months.
Every single one with half a brain will be turned onto the sheer joy of gaining energy points for our efforts.

Never have I seen anything like this great domino effect of many great ideas strung together from people with soul and heart, and Tesla like motivations.

Some people sit back and grumble and watch and wait and then get on when everyone is getting on, some just get on with it like this guy who wanted a new phone , made $40,000 in his first month-
@infovore Well Done!


Its a wonderful idea to contribute our energies to just to see if we can collectively make it work.

AND its a whole fresh mishmashed new international community of free thinkers!

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I really enjoyed your post!


Way to go Elissa :) one more upvote for u. Look fwd to seeing more posts, and hopefully creating a few of my own too. Jonathan <3

Great post. Upvoted and early so you get my curation reward also (I think? Rules aren't my thing) best line of post was this. "It really doesn´t cost me anything but energy, which I feel we should just be exchanging." Kind of sums up steemit also.... I will take the energy to read what you spent the energy to produce. It doesn't really cost anything, but you've earned all the magic internet money for sure! Thanks and followed

woah... : ) where the fuck am I ... heaven??? Way to grasp the essence of ours souls @clevecross... I dont know what anything here means yet but I´m certainly feeling excited to learn... people say when wondering what to do next, we should "follow our greatest excitement". I like that. You just made me well up

I have no idea what anything means either lol. Just excited by what it is and doing what I can to get my people on board.... and you @elissahawke are my kind of people! I drank the fuckin kool-aid

Enjoyed reading your post. Made me think and laugh at the same time. Really great combination of thoughtful lines and funny pictures. Looking forward to your next posts!

thanks for the encouragement @mfeu

I enjoyed this post. I have to get to it writing new posts soon, as the first one is pretty good I think but not getting many views. It was good to hear that your first posts didn't get much attention but it finally clicked in when you continued. You do have a good writing style and you seem genuine when I read your stuff. Congrats on finding Steemit where you can be rewarded for expressing your real self.

yes, I have no idea whats going on here, i feel like its a blog platform where, if nothing else, we can be incentivised to organise some thoughts...give away a lot of intellectual property for no established definitive "reward" but the reward of creating it, like all arts, just like real life... ahhh its funny that feeling getting dragged along on a whim

I noticed today one person getting good money for drawing sketches. Another for original healthy breakfast recipes. It seems the possibilities are endless. As long as you have something people want - either ideas and information or skills and talents.

i think the best advice ive seen sadly I cant remember who it was to credit them, but it was basically, Do You, Do You, And Do you. If noting else we´re going to create more thoughtful content than facebook, if its a waste of time we can get out in just two years ; )