Discover How to Make Money and Have Fun on the Social Media Site that Pays YOU to Post and Vote on Content

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Get Paid to Post and Vote on Good Content

What if you got paid to post on Facebook? What if you could make  money by upvoting other peoples’ posts on Reddit? Imagine a social media  site that rewards people and not greedy shareholders. Welcome to  Steemit. This short guide will explain how you can join for  free and start earning money right away. But first, we need to explain  what Steemit is and how it can afford to pay people like us just for  posting blogs, voting, and having fun.  

"I couldn't be more proud to see these talented authors come  together, adopt the technology, and begin using it to empower others.  Get a head start with this book." --Ned Scott, CEO of Steemit

Chapter 1. Introduction to Steemit
Chapter 2. The Trouble with Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and Other Social Media
Chapter 3. Steemit’s Fast Start
Chapter 4. Getting Started on the Site
Chapter 5. Make Money Posting  
Chapter 6. Tips for Creating a Popular Post
Chapter 7. Make Money Voting, Commenting, and Having Fun
Chapter 8. Mining STEEM
Chapter 9. Steemit Economics 101  
Chapter 10. STEEM Power: Betting on Steemit’s Growth
Chapter 11. Finding Up-and-Comers and Rewarding Good Quality Posts  
Chapter 12: Introducing Yourself Nicely
Chapter 13: How to Deal with Trolls and Bullies
Chapter 14. Following Your Favorite Posters
Chapter 15: A Supportive Community and a New Tag
Appendix. About the Authors

What is Steemit?
Steemit is much more than a money-making opportunity. It is a  decentralized social media site, like Facebook or Reddit, but without a  big company at the top that sucks out profits. Steemit uses a new model  for social media, relying on people instead of advertising. Users post  content, link content from other sites, and help to curate it by  upvoting the best content to everyone else’s attention. That puts it  beyond the control of greedy corporations, large media conglomerates,  and repressive governments. It is the first social media site that’s  truly free of these controls.  

The content is free and the money goes to the people who post and vote on it.  

Steemit runs on the blockchain, the same technology that powers  Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The blockchain allows information  and transactions to be verified quickly, securely, and automatically.  Because the site can pay you automatically, there is no need for a big  corporate infrastructure, and there is no corporation to run away with  your profits. You are paid in STEEM dollars, a price stable token that  is always worth about $1 and can be converted to Bitcoin or regular  money. You are also rewarded with greater voting power and a stake in  Steemit’s growth each time you post and vote on good content.  

Who are we, the co-authors of this book? We are four members of the  Steemit community who want to share it with the world. In our first  month on Steemit, each of us earned several thousand dollars for posting  content that became popular with the Steemit community. We earned more  money by voting on and replying to other peoples’ posts. We’d like to be  your guides for the next few pages as you learn about this site. We  will help you discover how to make money and have fun when you post and  vote on content. And we’re pretty sure we know how to have fun on  Steemit also!  

Maybe you want to drop the book at this point and just head over to  Steemit. You are welcome to do so, but we encourage you to invest a  little time and energy to understand it first. We promise to teach you  some secrets that will save you time, cut down on your learning curve,  and help you succeed right away on Steemit.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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