Writers block and how to break it down...

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Anyone who knows me personally knows, that I am a person who just can't shut up. But there are days when my head is just empty, and I can't even think. Like today, for instance - a busy week at work, and both of my girls having chicken pox at the same time was just too much for my mind.

So the title of this article is ironic because I'm just experiencing a blockade of writing. Slowly typing a letter for a letter, a word comes up after the word, from these words a sentence and finally a dot. I did it! And I already have a few sentences with which I'm starting this article. If you believe me or not, I needed more than half an hour to pick a topic I'm writing about and actually start thinking and writing. And if this time I succeeded with a little motivation and forcing myself, I am convinced that I will succeed in the future.


We all have above-described problems sometimes. It doesn't matter whether it's a school essay, a work report, a graduation thesis, a newspaper article, or just a meaningful post here on Steemit. It doesn't matter whether you are a schoolboy or a professional writer. Holding a pen in your hand in front of the paper, but you can't even move the hand. You have fingers on the keyboard, but there are no words on the screen. It just doesn't go. You're wondering what's wrong with you. You know that you know how to write that this is part of your work and now you feel like you've let yourself down. Or if your brain has let you down.


If you didn't experience that before I congratulate you-you are a miracle of nature... :) I'm not so blessed. There are days when I have to think hard to write something. Ok I know, I could just post a photo, with a comment and that's it. Sometimes I just do that, but that's not the point. I don't want to be one of those people, who goes for the volume. I want less with more quality content.

So why does the writer's block even appears? I think, that the causes are very different - at least that I can speak from my own experiences. The blockade of writing can be caused by stress, fear of failure, low self-esteem, over-thinking, whether or not the reader likes my writing, stress due to the deadline, self-criticism, emotional accumulation, physical illness, lack of time, etc.. But sometimes, I'm just too lazy and I really don't like to write, at that times I just don't want to do anything.


I tried to break the hard ice blockade in various ways, and I don't want to write all down because I think I already wrote too much. I will give you just a few simple tips:

  • Try to eliminate the sounds of surrounding, if it's bothering you or try to listen to your favorite music, to focus,

  • have drinks and food close by, so you won't be distracted while trying to write,

  • turn off the phone and tell the people around you, that you are busy and you don't want to be disturbed,

  • try to write the funniest part first - bring joy in your work and try to be at least a little personal (it's easier to write when you write from your soul),

  • and finally, take a break, step away from the "crime scene" and take a walk or even start exercising. You will add oxygen to your brain cells, so you will definitely have the energy to write some more.


Being systematic is very important when you want to write a little longer posts. With a little effort will your paper become full of letters, words, and sentences. With this closing line for today, I wanna wish you some productive writing. Good night.

Photos made by me and my Nikon COOLPIX P510.

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I find when I get blocked I come to realize that I'm forcing something that's not in my heart. When I write from my heart, it's effortless.

Also, if I am preoccupied with a problem or situation, I can't think of anything else at that time. Or I will write from the pain, not what caused it in real life, but something within that space.

Because I usually share my photography, I get inspiration from looking at my photos.

Very well done and helpful @emmamia.

Often writers block comes in part at least from your inner critic. Forcing the writing in 30 or 25 minute spurts with no editing or research allowed can often do wonders

Thanks for the advice! I will give it a go next time!

Nice shot @emmamia. Hope ur daughters heal

Thank you for your concern. They are doing much better, but I have a week off, so I'll have them at home, so they can heal properly before going back to kindergarten.

When I get a writers block I like to do as you said, take a walk. The problem is that I sometimes "forget" to come back, haha. And you're right, overthinking doesn't do me any good. When I'm not stressing over it, the words seem to come naturally. It happens to everyone, but there's no need to panic :D Good luck!

Hihi... It happens to the best of us to forget and go and do something else. 😉 Thank you for your words!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Holding a pen in your hand in front of the paper, but you can't even move the hand. You have fingers on the keyboard, but there are no words on the screen.

as a professional script writer, I know how painful can it become sometimes; especially with the filming ahead and you know a lot is depending on you - sometimes it really gets you. Your first tip always help me - listening to my favorite music. thanks for sharing your experience @emmamia -
here's one of the songs i listen to when I struggle to find words to put on paper or screen. I hope you enjoy it, Happy writing :) have a wonderful day

Thank you! This is really a lovely song. I am glad that someone experienced like you think alike. I wish you a nice day and successful writing.

thank you so much for your kind reply; and, I'm glad that you liked the song :) I wish you all the best :)

Beautiful post..... ...Northern-Tourism-PK.jpg

Thank you! And I must say your photo is amazing. Where is that?

I need complete quite to focus and being fully productive. Great tips here and fantastic photos @emmamia! :)

Thank you @bitdollar, I always appreciate your opinion.

Aw thanks! :D

Or just browse your photo albums and find some great photos to share with your steemit friends. Be creative and keep grinding.

:) How could I forget about this... :) Hehe. Thanks, @oldtimer!

Very beautiful!

Thank you.

I experience writers block every single day before writing a post and I am only 6 days old steemit. In the last two days I've posted pictures with only a paragraph attached to them through steepshot. I really didn't like myself for doing that. I had no idea that they would reflect on my steemit as posts. I write at least two quality blogs on steemit per day. Those pictures were an addition to that. But I doubt many people will see that. They will just think I am one of those without going through my page.

Although I have difficulty starting, once I get moving it's even harder to stop, as this comment of mine is showing. Ok I'll stop here.

Just wanted to say those are good tips of overcoming writers block. I would be sure to use them.

Believe me, we all have been there. I advise you to make max. two posts a day. And try to make those longer. Because even if you make 100 posts a day people who see your posts can't vote to infinity.
Now when you are just starting, try to first make your blog appealing. Afterwards, when you will write comments to others, like this one you did to me, people will check your blog and see what they can expect from you. If you will have there hundred of posts with just a photo, it better be spectacular to attract people to follow you.

I recommend you to follow @gold84, you can learn a lot from him. Happy steeming and thnx for coming around.

Thank you so much for this advice. It's always appreciated to get tips from someone who has been in the field for a while. I will take everything you've given me and better my work and make my blog attractive.

I'll be sure to follow him starting today.
Thank you for your response.

Fantastic post! Awesome idea to start with the funniest/most gripping part of what you have to say, I’ll have to try that! For me it usually happens when I’m trying too hard, I love how you said it starts if with a few words and just evolves from there, that’s exactly what I find! I have to just relax and see what comes along! I love how Steemit has made me write so much more though!

Thank you for your words. It's always a pleasure reading that my blog is useful for someone. And I must say I just love Steemit. I think it shows the best in people. Especially with those, who are in real life a bit introvert. They can really start to shine. I wish you a nice rest of your day!

Very well written and good tips. I often have this block, what helps me as well is also to just write down words and sentences that do come to my mind, in general, and in any order. When I have a few of them down I think what to add to them and fill in the gaps. Then put them in some sort of order. If nothing good comes out, I like to take a walk in nature :)

Love the totem by the way :) Great photos

Thanks. That helps a lot. I know that when you figure out the system, then everything gets easier.
I know that when I have the time during the day to think about Steemit, I wrote a post quickly and with less pressure. But when I'm in a hurry all day, and when I sit down behind the screen with no clue what I'm about to write, then I spend way too much time just for posting a blog.
If you have troubles just make a plan. Write down what you will write about during the week, and believe me you will know what to write about when you will start.

Nice write-up and beautiful views :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much. I' m glad you liked it.

Good post as always! Beatiful photos! <3

Thank you.
