My Random Thoughts of the Night...(Niches, Crypto, etc)

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do you need a niche on Steemit? Is there a point to this post? I don't know the answer to either of those questions....

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I keep on waiting for everything to drop again when I check Coin Market Cap...and they haven't...yet? COULD THIS BE IT?! Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Who knows. Seriously though, if it does go up, great. If not, I would love to buy some more STEEM at low prices... (I am sooo close to becoming a Minnow!)

My Mother keeps tagging me in old crypto news (like, weeks and months old) on Facebook even though she knows that I know about all of this already...but I cannot break her heart by telling her to stop so I guess I am going to keep letting her tag me in all that crap.

I'm kind of in the middle of a "Steemit existential crisis" that started a couple days ago. I started asking myself what I should write about...and I didn't know. I am not sure I have developed a niche. Most people talk about crypto, and that's whats been on my mind lately...but there's only so many times that you can write about how sad you are that prices are, I am a self proclaimed crypto noob, and who the heck wants to take advice from someone like me?

My other interests? I am not sure if there is much of a community here that would actually want to read about them. I enjoy gardening (when I don't murder the plants I'm growing) Trance music (But I haven't been going out to shows as much lately because I spend the next several days in a perpetual hangover Hell and its possible I'm getting old....) and I own my own consignment/resale business selling designer clothing online...which I am sure no one wants to read about, lol.


So... yeah. I'm kind of lost right now.

Does anyone have any advice out there in Steemit World? Do you just write whatever you want to write about? Do you think having a niche is important on Steemit? Do you think that the implementation of "Communities" on Steemit will drive people away from only writing about one thing but rather go into different "communities" and make contributions all over the platform? I personally am looking forward to that and I really hope they are planning on implementing them soon.


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I wouldn't worry yet about a niche because we are still so new. If you plan to do that later on I wouldn't waste your best content now while nobody is looking.

I do think that people would be interested in your consignment business because it is interesting and relatable . Communities will work well in the future but right now I think people are more interested in learning about the ecosystem and how to earn here.

My issue with steemit is that people complain about shit content. Well, that is exactly what social media is and that is what people share on facebook and instagram. If "shit" content is not embraced steemit won't grow.

If people are expected to leave facebook for steemit then we have share the same crap with our network that we on facebook.

I think early adopters like us should focus on outreach and helping the new members. If all they get out of steemit is frustration then this thing is over.

When and if this takes off you will be the pied piper bringing your networks onto steemit and write about what they want to hear. Trying to write for the entire steemit community and trying to please them is a daunting task and you'll burn out.

Great points and I agree with all of them! Most people are not bloggers, they just share whats going on with them however mundane it is. I know that Steemit is a blogging platform but i think its going to evolve into a more casual social media experience..
I am just going to write about whatever is on my mind for right now and focus on a niche hopefully as steemit grows :)

Even though we're noobs, I think it can be helpful to establish what we're interested in and what we're good at by writing about it. Even if no one "cares" about your content, you'll become known for what you write about. And once new users join who are interested in your content, guess who they'll be recommended to follow? YOU! :)

Honestly, I don't think people are only following content they care about ... they're following people they're interested in and who they think will do something on Steemit. It's apparent you're dedicating yourself to this platform, so tell them why you're interesting!

I live in a condo b/c that's the option we can afford but I like to read about people who are growing gardens. I really liked your article on how you're getting plants to grow on your deck.

A lot of people are entrepreneurs on here, so they can probably relate to your small business experiences. And who knows? Maybe you'll inspire someone (maybe even in another country) to start their own business like yours!

Last thing, I promise ;) consider what you can give to the community. I think people like your posts because you ask for their opinions. You give them a place to dialogue. I think there are lots of other things you have to offer too!

Thanks @helenoftroy.. I think I always start off with a new "thing" all enthusiastically and then after a couple of months I start to question if I have a purpose when doing that thing. (Who knows it might even have to do with the price of Steem and the whole crypto market subconsciously getting me down...) Luckily I think we are all so early on here that we can do all sorts of things to see what we like before it goes mainstream, and we have a movers advantage too :)

I'm the same way, i have so many interests, my gf jokes with me I have a short attention span. This past winter I bought a wetsuit and a surfboard to winter surf on lake michigan, I've been out one time. Now I'm thinking about buying a short bus to convert to a camping bus and my gf sat me down the other day and said dude, you realize we have a surfboard sitting in the back bedroom, how long is this bus thing going to last. Prior to the surfboard I had a sailboat sitting in our driveway for a couple years lol

I think you're going to do great things here! I enjoy your posts because you talk about the current status and issues in the crypto world from a personal perspective. And I think others will appreciate whatever it is you decide to talk about and engage in.

I know how you're feeling though ... questioning your purpose for being here ... that's what it was like for me in the online dating scene (I think you read that article, right?) But after meeting Matt there, I guess I'm optimistic that good things can happen on Steemit too.

haha yes, I read it! I was a comment and then my computer died and I lost it! I met Brad in an AOL chat room, so I know exactly what you are talking about (Ugh!)

No way! You were so young, so I thought you must have been high school sweethearts. An AOL chat room ... I remember those days!

@helenoftroy that's a great point. When I first got in here 99% of the posts were about Steemit itself and/or cryptocurrency. I started doing content about business and entrepreneurship. While it was sometimes frustrating that there wans't more of hte content I like on here, I figured I'll be the first one to bring it here and if Steemit ever actually really takes off and YOutubers and other social media influencers start comming over here I'll have a head start and already be established in my niche.

That's great! I recently decided to treat Steemit more like a business and have started writing more articles to that effect. I'm excited to read what you write on the topic!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am seriously having same issues. If steemit have allowed other search engine optimization where other random readers online would be able to make contributions and upvote post without necessarily been on steemit, it would have been easier.
Most people on steemit are interested in either blockchain cryptocurrency, blogging and wanting others to read and upvote posts without interest in other posts or SEO. What if am not good in writing such? How can I get an audience then?
Nonetheless, whatever the case a Niche is still the key.

I agree Steemit has almost too much of a focus on Crypto and Steemit as a platform itself. That said this is a young platform trying to find itself. You and I can be a part of shaping what Steemit is all about. If you want to see more content about camping start posting about camping and be the first to bring that niche here to Steemit

I think as Steemit grows, more people with different interests will start joining and hopefully we will start to see more diverse topics :)

I think to an extent, having a niche on steemit IS important or will atleast help you alot more than otherwise simply due to the fact that you must set your self apart from others. People need a reason to follow you and there will be no point of them following if you do the exact same thing and type of content as the next guy especialy if there are thousands of people talking about the same exact thing.

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@emmyem84 I also question whether I should stick within a niche or post about every little random thing. I was just getting ready to post a post about a snack I found at Costco lol which is totally different than anything I do normally.

I love gardening myself, last spring/summer I was doing a lot of posts about my garden and going out to the nurseries with my gf, she's a huge fan of cacti and succulents. I was surprised there was so much interest in gardening on here. Id love to see some posts about gardening. I just killed my lime tree recently so need to get another for this summer

I heard that you can grow Fig trees in Chicago, not like I eat figs... I just want to say I have a fig tree... lol a lime tree would probably be way more useful since I actually use lime juice in recipes. Honestly, I think that you should just post whatever you want, its early enough on Steemit to see what will work for everyone. If steemit stays a "blogging platform" then it will be bad to write about everything and not sticking to a specific niche. If Steemit goes towards a more casual social media platform, people will be selling "themselves" and you will follow people based on who you like personally. I hope its the latter, because I dont think I could write about one thing forever, no matter how much I like doing something, haha.

If your into gardening this Spring you have to checkout Ted's Greenhouse in Tinley Park. Awesome greenhouse and nursery, a lot of really cool and unique plants, if yoru into cacti or succulents they have a ton of them, have whole sections of carnivorous plants as well, fruit trees, etc, etc, etc. The guy who owns the place is a cute little 96 year old guy who's been running the place forever, he's still in there everyday helping customers and answering questions. If your into gardening and planting you'll love it.

Address: 16930 84th Ave, Tinley Park, IL 60487