A rainy day is a day when it rains all day long. On this day, the sky remains coludy. It rains in torrents. The sun is not visible. It looks dull and dismal all around. Sometimes it pours and sometimes it drizzles. Thunder roars and lightning flashes. Water stands on the road. Village roads become muddy and slippery. Sometimes roads go under water. As a result, vehicles cannot run on the road. People cannot go out without umbrella. Students cannot go to schools easily. Poor people cannot go to work. Sometimes, for this they are to starve. But there are opposite pictures, too. Poets get inspiration to compose poems on this day. Village women sew 'Nakshi Kantha' and gossip with one another. Some people enjoy 'Khichuri'. All the scenes of this day are interesting despite some sufferings. It is an enjoyable day indeed.
A Rainy Day
6 months ago by emran44 (25)