⏺Money mentality on Steemit.. Part 2

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Imagine you wake-up tomorrow morning.. You log into Steemit, and you see a big announcement on the front page saying that there are no more rewards for posts. How many people do you think would still be actively posting after a month? I am convinced that it will be far less people.

That is why far less people are making good money here.

It's not about anything obvious that might be attached to it. It's simply true passion for what they are writing about. You need to fall in love with the things you are doing. Do something that you will enjoy doing on a regular basis!

If you would carry on posting your content every day, even though you get no physical return as a reward, but rather just the satisfaction of the response from your audience, then you will succeed!

Just go search-up any successful content-creators' backstory.
Pewdiepie currently has 56 million+ subscribers on YouTube. It's incredible! We all know now about his success, but do you know what he was doing 8 years ago? He was doing the exact same thing he does today. The only difference being his circumstances. This was way before he started to even make a cent on any of his content. He enjoyed gaming, and making people laugh. That's why he started! He never started to make a cent. He enjoyed it so much, that he worked at a hot-dog stand for almost 6 months to scrape together enough money to build himself a gaming computer, just so he could have a better experience.

That's why he was making $1.6 million per month in 2014 already. He came-in with the right intentions. He is humble, and his actions showed that!

So guys, find something you really enjoy doing. Something that you can do comfortably on a regular basis, and that you'd like to share with others! Give it your all! Hold nothing back, and you will be noticed if you are truly showing passion.

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous motivational post:
Money mentality on Steemit.. Part 1

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @longfield98! Beast in the making!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️Send-Back Sunday: Creating the best odds for yourself to win!

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 Posting Milestone: 4000+ posts! What I have learnt so far!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.4K+ Followers.

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Good stuff right here man! I do this because I love it. I like to give people upvotes and help them get started too. Keep up the good work with stuff like this. You earned my 100% upvote, education and encouragement is the key.

Man you're such a boss! Thank you for being so optimistic by holding all that power! Seriously, it's awesome.

Stay great man! I trust we will talk again soon :)

Fo sho!


Ah, yes. . . . the 'do what you love; the money will come' adage. I totally get it (and it DOES happen). Unfortunately, to make ends meet in the meantime, we might have to work the crap jobs. This is where I see people get stuck :(

They know what they want to do, but they spend most of their time and energy doing what they have to do. At the end of the work day, most are too tired to work on what they want. THAT IS THE REAL CHALLENGE - forcing oneself to do a little bit each day until the transition can be made. That's the hard part and where I see many people give up.

We need motivators like you, @enazwahsdarb!

Wow I couldn't have described that better. Perfectly said! You are so right, as that is exactly the challenge. If only we could all get a $100k head start.. But then again, many successful people start with nothing, and I suppose it's persevering through the tough times that turns the situation, since like you just described, most people cannot get through with it.

Talk soon my friend :)

Hey man

This is quite motivating and i think you are right with this concept

A lot of people will quit steemit and regret putting time and energy here in the first place if steemit happens to say no reward for post again.

But, love for what we do drive us to success and empower us to keep moving when quitting looks more attractive and easy. Money should be only a side effect of doing what we love passionately.

We need more people who truly love and enjoy writing like you do on steemit so our platform won't lack quality content.

Though money and reward motivates and that's good but i support you in advocating that it shouldn't be the core purpose of doing something interesting such as steemit.

Upvoted and thanks for sharing

My man this is it! Thanks for your awesome comment :)

The thing is, for people making less than a dollar per post, it can be very frustrating, I understand.. But I can safely say that even earning $10+ per post isn't that satisfying.. It's when you are making $100+ per post that I really think people start to realize that money will not be able to be a consistent motivator.

It's exciting the first few times, but eventually it just becomes a shadow, and we just want more.

Awesome comment brother. I gave you a follow! Talk soon.

Yeah thanks man for the follow, you've a great blog too

Thank you man! :) My next post will be up a little later!

Talk soon.

Now this made the post complete. I would like to say that It is one of the most amazing posts I have seen till now! Keep up the good work and bring improvements in the society! Upvoted

Ah great to hear!

Thanks for those incredibly encouraging words man. Really awesome. I am glad my words are able to impact like that :)

Well that's the plan hey! Let's make this community incredible.


Happy to have friends like you, I really like your style, keep the spirit of friends @enazwahsdarb

Ah thank you my friend! I love your photos! You are going to do really well here.

Already following :) Talk soon.

Always with a great post!, you're totally right the money isn't all in this life, theres always amazing things besides money that will make you so happy.

Yeah man! Definitely. I mean, I was merely talking in context of Steemit, but life included! It's all just philosophies of life if you think about it. What creates success in one thing, will majority of the time hold the same traits for success in most other things too :)

Thanks for that man! I gave you a follow. Talk soon.

This is great stuff! So true because if it's all about the money, then when it's not there a person will not desire to do it. That's why a person's WHY is vitally important :)

Exactly :) Doesn't need any more explanation haha

The reason I didn't talk about WHY is because some people get a little lost :P So I just should I'd talk in plain English, so everyone could understand lol.

You know, your post the other day about the Matrix we live-in really hit home for me. It's been on my mind for the last couple days. Very interesting stuff.


no no youre awesome.jpg

Aww Thank you so sweet 😊 But Im right

Doing that which one loves consistently will bring proficience, and money will definitely come. It may not be at immediate.

Yes! Well said my friend. Definitely :)

Thanks for this. Talk soon.

Love this post, so true about behind every success there is a beginning 😊
Find your passion and what you love and others will like it to.
If you believe in your passion then others will to, but if you don't believe in it then no one else will eather.
And to be humble, engage is the key.
Thank you for this post. Important info.
Upvoted Resteemed

Thank you for that my dear friend! Love how you put that! Awesome :)

Definitely others only believe in what you have to say as much as you do!

Talk soon.

Just true words from the heart ❤️ if we want people to belive in our writing then we need to belive in it.
Just like you 😊 you belive in your words and then so do we. Ohh how we do.. Lol 🤗
Talk soon

Imagine you wake-up tomorrow morning.. You log into Steemit, and you see a big announcement on the front page saying that there are no more rewards for posts. How many people do you think would still be actively posting after a month? I am convinced that it will be far less people.

Unfortunately that fact is very true. It's really important to try to gain the mentality of sharing and posting because you're truly interested in it, not just because you're making money off of it. It's very hard to separate the two, but like you said it's important for overall success. This is a wonderfully written post, It's impressive you're planning on putting out two of these a day. Thanks for sharing Zane :)

So true! I appreciate those kind words, Lauren!

I try my best :) We never know what the future holds for us, but nothing can over-come a bit of hustle :P

Already following! Talk soon.

woww very interesting

Thank you my man! What was your favorite part?

Love Pewds ^_^

Haha he never gets old :D

True :)

If you are just here to copy and paste then you won't be here long. I try my best to create content that I hope people can either learn something from or just enjoy reading from my thoughts. I have been here for a year now and I didn't know what to expect at first and just threw up anything. It was when I started to create better content that I got better engagement.

So true! You're a beast for being so consistent, Mike!

Thanks for this. Already following. Talk again soon :)

i got some neo at 26buck, i couldnt wait for it to run up to 50 so i put 8k on it.

That's hectic. I am just going to wait things out. I'm still trying to get that capital out of that investment.. So, if price does drop back down to under $15, then buy. If not, then I will skip.

We had such a great opportunity at $11 hey :D I see it's at $35 now! WOW!!

If Steemit really takes off, then content providers here are early enough to be the next Pewdiepie...just hopefully slightly less annoying 😀

Hahaha 'slightly less annoying' yup :D

Did I read 'if'? Don't you mean 'when'.. Because it will, and we will be the next Pewdiepie's :P

Haha awesome point there. I gave you a follow. Talk soon.

You slots have seen it when steem went down to seven cents. A lot of people scarpered then. But some of us stayed :0)

Ey Uncle Boom! :P

Yeah we have discussed this before. You are one of the OG's here! You experienced that nice fall!

Talk soon.

This post has received a 100% upvote from @melowd. Thank You for sharing @enazwahsdarb. For more information, click here!

Thank you @Melowd! :)

Have a fantastic day! Talk soon.

This post received a 2.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @enazwahsdarb! For more information, click here!