Ping Ping Alert Alert New Message Check This Bling Blong Something Is Happening Look Here Now Here What Next BEEP BEEPsteemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  6 years ago 


I got inspired by @Winstonalden's post late last night but was just about to go to bed so left writing this for the morning. He pointed out that he doesn't like Discord because there is just so much going on, along with security concerns, and I completely agree. Different servers, groups, rooms for different subjects within subjects and of course private messages. @Winstonalden said he might be too old and slow for it, but I am young and fast and I don't like it at all either.

I have grown to hate any and all alerts, pings, bleeps and pop-ups on my phone and computer. While I spend a lot of time on both, I want to check messages, emails, comments and calls manually, all of them. My phone is always on silent, and most of the alerts are turned off. All groups (it’s not like I’m part of many) are silenced until further notice and I will answer when and if I feel like it.

If you want to talk to me on the phone, book an appointment. I will flat out stare at my phone in distain when it rings (silently as I don’t have sounds on) if someone else other than my parents are calling. I will ignore their phonecalls only about 30% of the time, I can do that because we call each other on the daily, other phone calls go unanswered 99% of the time.

I am very sensitive to alerts and I am sometimes near murderous when people try to reach me on an inconvenient time. They can not know what is and what isn’t a good time to reach out to me, it’s not their fault, even I don’t know that in advance, I just get annoyed easily. But low and behold if no-one tries to get in touch with me for days, then I'll be sad. Let's blame it on being a girl, mkay?

I really don’t like having people see when I am on/offline, it’s too much pressure. I like seeing what someone messages me, but I hate that most communication apps will notify that I have in fact seen the message, and not answer it. Left on read, we all hate it! So if I read a message, I have to answer it right away in order to not make the other person feel bad. I would just like to read the message and if it's not something urgent, reply later.

My favourite way of communicating with variety of people is Steemit. I can check comments when I want to, and nobody knows if I have read them already or not, and I can answer when I feel like it. Though I do have sort of a system of letting people know that their message has been seen; I upvote comments I have read for kind of ”hey I see you, I appreciate the comment, and will come back later.” I don’t always answer every single comment, I try to most of them, but sometimes they get lost between other comments if I have many active posts. Oh and I also have a bad habit of reading comments half asleep and then forgetting about it. I feel like there is less pressure in Steemit to answer comments or react to anything within seconds you see it.

Steemit is cutting edge technology, yet it kinda feels homey and old school too, there is not too much fluff and it keeps your attention where it should be, on the people. I've grown to love the ugly, simple design and how it makes communicating with likeminded people the main point, not some filters and emojis and gifs. While you can add those all, the default is to use actual words for communication, a lost art really.

I used to have a co-worker who always said:

I'm an analogical man in a digital world.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this. Are you old school and want to take your time communicating, or are you always on top of all the messages and alerts?

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I'm still in the middle of carving a stone tablet to reply to this...

old school

give me two cans and some string over a few walkie-talkies anyday..

I have two sides to me that fight whether I'm super old school, or cutting edge new technology. I feel like it's easier for me to connect with people who are pretty old school, I think it's the child in me that grew up climbing trees and who had the two cans and a string. I hear you loud and clear.

This is a fantastic post / issue!
Communication is (arguably) millions of years old. The internet, as I was advised by google yesterday :D, is now 30 years old.
We have a lot of evolving to do and kinks to work out.
We are now at the point where fish just crawled out of the ocean and started to walk. Can you imagine the first fish with legs, accidentally stepping on the second fish with legs' foot?! The confusion and emotions welling up in the second fish's little mind! "Did they not see me?! Do they not care?! What do I do now?! I understand, but I have self respect too! But.. I've done it.... hmm". And now... we have the first issue of boundaries and etiquette.
Here we are... It will be interesting to see how we handle it years down the road. 🤔😁 (I like imojies... they help convey lifeless text's mood if you suck at writing. Kiss my A@@ if you don't like em! 😆)

BTW... ya, I know I am THE WORST for interpreting reactions. AND also delaying answers, usually just because I wanted the pizza and shower I had in mind first before I saw the message. Never (usually) a personal thing. I'm always trying to get better at managing both.

Eve - you're awesome! You always seem to dig out the most interesting and touchy subjects. Your blog is always worth following. (... and NO, I'M NOT JUST KISSING YOUR ASS!!! Lol ref: one of your previous posts. 😉😆 Superfluous imojis, just to get under your skin. Your welcome!)

You just made me laugh, OUT LOUD, with the fish thing! Too funny, and a very good analogy.

I know it's late in your part of the world, and I'm sure you've just had a glass of vodka and are having fun with the emojis.😝 It's so easy to get distracted and jump back and forth between conversations and groups and scroll a little of this and that, never really putting all your attention to one thing, half assing ten thing instead.

Aww you, you is awesome too! I just saw a subjects that sparked my brain into something that kept me awake for a while pondering my views on it. I basically just scroll the internet and wait for something to jump at me and make me think.

I typically turn off almost all notifications or at least mute them, so I can see a notification but it doesn't make a sound.

This is also why I haven't installed FB or Facebook-messenger apps on my phone, as I have very limited interest in getting any extra notifications. Some games I played for fun had notifications "*** is now ready!" so I deleted the game.

I want to make sure people can reach me easily, but in the name of hell I don't want any extra distractions and sounds in my life.

have FB messenger but I know that only my sister uses it to reach me, and that is not more than once a week maybe.

I have deleted or manually disabled all notifications that are not completely necessary. Phonecalls, text messages and WhatsApp messages are the only ones that show up somehow.

I don't even have a microwave because I hate the BLING it makes when the food is warm.

Minulla on vedenkeitin joka on muuten todella hyvä, mutta se piippaa aina kun sen käynnistää, aina kun se on valmis SEKÄ kun sen kannun laskee alustalle. Eli yleensä tulee neljä piippausta :D
Täytä kannu vedellä ja laske alas -> PIIP
Laita vedenkeitin päälle -> PIIP
Vesi on valmis -> PIIP
Nosta kannu, kaada kuppiin vettä ja laske se takaisin alustalle -> PIIP

Ainut tilanne jossa tuo on hyödyksi on se, kun tuota voi säätää 60/70/80/90 asteeseen myös, jolloin piippauksesta tietää milloin se on saavuttanut oikean lämmön kun kiehumista ei missään välissä kuulu.

Muuten meinaa vähän mennä yli. PIIP PIIP

Ahhh, tiedän kyseisen mallin, meillä oli joskus töissä semmonen! En ikinä vois ottaa kotiin, koska käytän vedenkeitintä n. 10 kertaa päivässä niin sehän ois ihan ainaista piipitystä, menis heeeemot!

Beep beep, motherfucker.

I have a Cuisinart that sounds very similar. To be honest, I like the beeps. I get into stuff on the net while I'm waiting and if not for the beep notices I'd forget I put it on and wonder, half an hour later, "... why I haven't I made coffee yet?!" Lol (and ya, I always use the different temps... so no boil sound to remind you. Gotta' take the beeps. 🤷‍♀️)

This is the only acceptable source of beeps in my point of view:

Did you use google translate or do you understand Finnish on a good level? :D

Oh no. Google.
I'm used to seeing Chinese or Russian and hitting translate by reflex. I realized after I posted, maybe you went Finnish for a reason, and I shouldn't have.
I hope I didn't offend you or Eve.

Well to be honest, the main reason was because I didn't remember the word for "vedenkeitin" and could only think of "water cooker" which sounded too stupid to be true, so I switched to Finnish because it's faster and easier.

Also it makes people think I'm discussing something in secret.

If it's public, it's alright to google translate, don't worry. @Apsu just didn't know how to piip piip (beep beep) in English.

Whew! Thank you.
Wasn't trying to be creepy or anything.
With Chrome browser, if I see anything not in English, I just hit 'right click' translate by reflex. It turns the whole page to English. Very handy for contracts, instructions or manuals. Never really thought about it socially before.

Yup :)

My phone has been on silent for about 13 years. This started following most of the noises coming from it being associated with my child's mum ringing to shout at me or texting something horrible. It does mean missing recruitment consultants though, so i do try to have it on noise mode when I'm expecting someone.

Popular whatsapp groups are silenced too.

Discord has some excellent uses, but one too many 'everyones' (so 1 or 2) and the whole server is muted4life.

This message was delivered to you because gina told me it had an weird title, but I had to first wake up and visit gina after my tea and coffee :)

Well it sure seems there are quite a few of us who aren't very into being too reachable at all times in all the groups, I'm glad.

Funny how someone can ruin the whole phone for you, but totally reasonable :D I feel like I want a separate phone for only the most important people and then a work phone for all the other crap. I do actually have two phones so maybe I need to do that.

Did Gina tell you that I, once again, made up a very imaginative, smart, funny and witty title?

Two phones sounds scary, but could work if set up right - maybe one phone could work too, it's just easier to silence everything.

Yes exactly that re:Gina and the title, it got my attention so I guess it worked P

stare at my phone in distain when it rings

Shit, you too? :)) Maybe we should get these people calling us to exchange numbers so they can talk amongst themselves? :D

I'm the same, my phone is on mute or has the wifi off more and more nowadays. I usually do it when I'm writing, so as not to get distracted, but then I just leave it like that. I don't want to be enslaved by those shitty pings and yet, that's what they do. IT's like Pavlov's dog, you know? It beeps and you must check, 'cause it's an important message. I love your title, it's dead on.

grown to hate any and all alerts, pings, bleeps and pop-ups on my phone and computer.

I actually keep both on silent, all the time. People complain when I see them that I never answer my phone...I tell them, "my phone is for my convenience, not yours." Normally shuts them up.

Posted using Partiko Android

I can't stand it how people can tell when you see their message. If i don't respond immediately "What does it mean?!?" It's the worst. I have my phone on silent for years now and all social media notifications turned off or i would go crazy. I think i have lost friends from it. Not entirely lost but who knows what they really think? It's impossible for the most part to interpret messages unless the person is a top flight writer. I just had a really enlightening experience with how Instagram and everything time stamps everything and also shows when you are there and when you last were there and god knows what else. The short story is i got blocked by a woman i had been flirting back and forth with for a bit. I told her i don't drink or do drugs . I sent her a short message at 2:23 am and got a message back from her at 5:45 am basically saying that it was "just a coincidence" that it was the time bars close here and what am i doing sleeping all day if i'm sober? Note the precise times are on all of this. I didn't see her message until 10:30 am because of course i'm "sleeping all day" right? Anyway she blocked me because i must be lying about not drinking and was texting her after the bar for... well you can guess. Note: We hadn't even met yet. And i can't remember the last time i went out to a bar let alone until 2:00 am. I forgot how weird my hours are to "normal" people. I usually do all my photo editing and posting late at night. So yeah i miss the olden days where i wasn't making a mess of everything in cyber space ; )

Did i go way off topic here? Oops, i think i was trying to say something about something

You said something about something and I think I understand your something and we are on the same something.

Ah, the online flirting game, it's a tricky one. To be honest, you dodged a bullet right there. Sounds like a bit of a mental case that woman. I think it's gone a bit too far when everything is time stamped and all the actions of a person are tracked and available, without you even having to be a tech genius to find out. You could always say that just ignore it, but it doesn't work like that if the other people go all Sherlock Holmes about you reading a message or answering at an unusual time. Oh and if you answer right away, you must have been just sitting with a phone in your hand waiting for him/her to message and that means you are obviously too invested and kind of a creep. It's a loosing battle.

Thank you for your perspective and i'm sure you are right about dodging the bullet on that one! Oh crap i'm writing this response to your response at 11 minutes and i must certainly be a psycho and it's it's 2:11 here and i'm drunk in a bar and...

I really write slow cuz it took like 4 minutes so i must really be dumb or not a good typist and oh shit this makes it worse and i just recalled in The movie Swingers when he calls a billion times and i think i look like i have adhd and probably a whole lot of other problems :)

and i made a bunch of typos but came back and corrected them but everyone can see if they want... ok i quit now

Why is it taking you so long!? You are probably soooo drunk and have a girl on your arm in there, while you chat to other girls on the interwebz, PIG!

Wait, wait you can see me?

... stuffs phone in pocket and looks around wide eyed for spies and cameras

I have my resources.

My phone is set to mute as well. I get 0 notifications and although I am in several Telegram and discord groups, I dont allow them to ping me everytime something happens. I cant imagine what it would be like if my phone and laptop would alert me of every notification......I check them on my terms.

See ya on Whaleshares😉

I think I'm not none of Old school, my thoughts always fly 90 years ahead of the current moment... I all time think which new technology changes society, and what impact this society has. But it is me :)) what I can do :))

I hope you have sun there out ... here very cloudy.
And it was good to read :)

We are always in a changing world, now at a more rapid rate than ever before. Its exciting but also a little too much sometimes.

It is actually very sunny right now, but cold too! No summer here for a long time, but that is alright :)

Yes you are quite right... but some how I am happy to see that we are in the moment when society is trying to push the old systems overboard, and start using the new systems. It also generates a great shift in wealth in society, giving us small people the opportunity to take part to get it when we are active.

And I'm sure soon you have summer there, just 2 more months and sun is very long out and warm :))

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