The Berlin Bitcoin Meetup says "Danke Steemit!"

in steemit •  8 years ago 

As previously announced here and here, I went to the Berlin Bitcoin Meetup yesterday with the 0.3 BTC I earned through Steemit to pay for beers and burgers. 

Here is my burger and boy, it was as delicious as in 2012, when I bought my first one with Bitcoin there:

People were very interested in Steemit and I am confident, that we will see more Steemians from Berlin in the next couple of weeks. 

We had a whole lot of fun, as usual at Room77. So much fun, that I have a nasty headache and actually do not want to write at all, but I here are two more pictures


As a wonderful night came to an end, I paid the BTC under the vigilant eyes of my auditor @teambitwala. You can check the transaction here:

It was a whole lot of fun and a big success, so thanks again, Steemit.


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looks like you guys have fun , wish i could be beside you guys for a drink , cheers :)

You just earned some drinks just by saying that hahahaha

Great pictures, looks like a fun meet up! Needs more girls, ;)

WoW that's a really cool idea! We should consider doing more meetups everywhere in Europe to get more people into Steemit and discuss it there face to face with others and share interesting steemit stories! :)

Nice initiative!

Just to clarify, this was the regular monthly Bitcoin meetup in Berlin, probably the longest steady Bitcoin meetup in the world. We just celebrated our 5th anniversary last month. New ideas (beside Bitcoin) have come and gone, maybe steemit will stick around a little longer. :D

Ahh, that's cool! I'd love to join one of those meetups some time in the future. Maybe it would help my german get up to speed again, hehe. (haven't used it in many years :P)

Only a little bit. Most attendees do speak English.

I was thinking of looking for meetups where blogger meet and introduce it to them. It`s all rather easy to understand and do for Bitcoiners, but not as easy for "normal" bloggers

"but not as easy for "normal" bloggers"

That's true, even though Steemit makes it really easy for non-blockchain people they may have a hard time understanding what they are earning and how they can withdraw or deposit into their accounts safely and securely. I hope Steemit will announce some "stickied" posts soon for the guides to be visible easier to newcomers instead of them having to google search for it now.

@fabio, was fabian aka @xeroc there?
Good stuff regardless!

I don`t think so, is he german or american? He would have spoken with me about steemit I would guess.

@fabio STEEMIT is going to be a game changer for all crypto currency. Keep spreading the word about
Full $TEEM Ahead!

I`m slowly starting to realize how insanely cool this thing could become...

Yes @fabio , this is only the beginning. Yesterday, Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante joined STEEMIT. He has a big following, is a multi-millionaire and now a Steemit Member. This will turn alot of heads. I posted about it in my blog

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Macht mal nen Trip nach Holland Whopper for free :-)

Burger King accepts bitcoin
The well-known fast food company, Burger King, has started to accept bitcoin among its allowed payment methods, but only in Arnhem, Netherlands.

Located in the city center of Arnhem, this Burger King venue will accept bitcoin and anyone that will pay with in this way will receive a second burger (a whopper) for free.

What a pity I wasn't there. But it's fine because a lot of more meetings will follow.
In other words: Tschüß und bis zum nächsten mal :)

Bitcoins + Burger klingt echt gut. :) Wenn Berlin nicht so weit weg wäre.

Das nächste Treffen ist am 1. September, bis dahin schaffst Du es nach Berlin. :D

ja schaun wir mal :D ....letztes bitcoin meeting auf dem ich war, war letztes jahr in amsterdam also wirds eigentlich mal wieder zeit aber momentan steht zuviel arbeit an

Thank you for the beer, @Fabio and #steemit! Here's to blockchain eternity!

...and beyond!!

Room77 is a nice place to spend Bitcoin. Too bad they removed their Lamassu ATM.

They had to, as far as I know. Regulation.

Dann mal ein herzliches Willkommen an alle, die dadurch zu Steemit finden! :)

I love that you paid with BTC and are able to show the transaction.

The Future is Here ... and it's steem'in.

@fabio nice to see fun with the meetups 8]

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Awesome @fabio ! I translated your previous nice and clear story to introduce germany to steemit (and added some of my own idea's...hope you dont mind) in my own language, dutch. Managed to get it published in a magazine over here in the Netherlands soon! :D You can find it here:

Greetings from your neighbours in the Netherlands!

Lets spread the word and make the world meet steemit!


@fabio Looks like it was a nice meeting :) Hey, I live in Berlin also and didnt knew about the BTC Meetups. Can you please give me some info abou it? How it is for to go, etc? That would be nice. Im also here in Steemit too :) Cheers and thanks in advance for ur help

Hi! I had linked it in the post, but here it is:
Just come and join us next time!

Sieht so aus als hättest du deine BTC gut investiert ;)

Ist leider etwas zu weit von mir entfernt. Aber irgendwann werde ich den legendären Room77 auch mal besuchen kommen.

👍nice meeting, have fun @fabio

Hey, es freut mich zu sehen dass die deutsche Community wächst. Ich und mein Team kommen aus Hamburg und sind alle auf Level 7 bei Steemit, dazu gehört auch @sirwinchester (früher Bitcoin Investor und Miner). Ich bin nächste und die Woche drauf einige Tage in Berlin, wenn du/Ihr Interesse habt zusammen noch stärker zu werden auf STEEMIT und Deutschland aufzuwecken, dann schreib mir gerne: [email protected]
Liebe Grüße,
Mrs.Steemit :)

Das mache ich sofort!!!

Liebe Grüße


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Sehr sympatische Runde seit ihr, wie auf dem erstem Foto zu erkennen ist.

"Burger, Drogen Pornos" weissa ja nicht, ob das die richtige Reihenfolge ist..muss mal drüber nachsinnen. :)

I upvoted You

wow amazing, pay steemit
upvote me @bittrez

Where can I buy those T-Shirts? :)

Nice @fabio

So inspiring !

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Darn beer and burgers look good maybe because it is in Berlin ? lol

STEEM | unter den linden .... :)

looks like good burgers and food.

Steem will be become more and more popular in the all over the world.