*In the future, WE'LL ALL BE WHALE$ ---Here's Why...The Pay It Forward Business Model*

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

 From one visionary to another.  The Pay It Forward Business Model.  

Here's my comment that I posted in response to @cryptogee post Cryptocapitalism vs Cryptocommunism - The Battle Rages On ...............

Hey @cryptogee, I completely get where you're coming from.  

I want everyone to live life full of passion and purpose and to get rewarded sharing their gifts with the world.  One of my favorite movies is "Pay It Forward".  

I love things that go fast and have always said that I'm motivated by 2 things: helping others and healthy competition.  I believe my life demonstrates this in several ways, well at least I'm trying.

I'm a visionary and I focus on helping to create a world of abundance 4 everyone (my first ever Steemit post includes two videos related to my vision).  

So, anyways, I followed my passions (regardless of money, actually I refused, turned down, and passed on money many times simply because deep down it didn't seem to align with my true purpose and journey)  

While, maybe I didn't strike it rich by doing so ...(well at least, by some people's definitions of riches), I consider myself to be one of the RICHEST men on earth because I am surrounded by love and that is really all that this life is about. 

Well, continuing on...
I pursued a degree at the number 1 undergraduate college in the United States [Go Tigers! :)] so that I could be better equipped to understand what moves people and money fast...so that I could best help others reach all of their dreams faster in the future (that's part of why I chose @fast2future, it's who I am)  While I did learn about the "magic of $$" (and, yes I truly believe making money can be magical, simple, and fun which is why I want to share my story with others for FREE so that they can learn from my experience (success and failure) to manifest their dreams faster!!!  I learned that the power of thinking BIG, being in the right place at the right time, and asking the right questions could help anyone, and I mean anyone and everyone, achieve all of their dreams!!!
I'll have to tell you about the day I profited over $1,000 in one day as a teenager "selling" newspaper subscriptions by employing this thinking, but that'll have to be for another time.  I put "selling" in quotes because I actually did this by "HELPING", not selling.  Yes, you heard this right.  I didn't sell a single thing that day and made more $$$$ than even the adults.  


I've called it "The Pay It Forward" Business Model. 

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                 "When you give first, you'll be surprised how much more you receive."

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It's sounds counter intuitive, which is why it's hard for most people to grasp.

So, we are going to have to show them first.
Believing without seeing is faith.
This is very similar to the entrepreneurial Mindset, you must believe in a vision (mine is abundance 4 everyone when we are speaking about financial stuff). 

You must believe in a vision before seeing.
@cryptogee, you did this, gave first, led with value, and look at what happened!!! Magic happened!!!! I'm looking forward to sharing more about how everyone, and I mean everyone, will achieve their dreams faster.
We will live in abundance.  
And, I mean abundance 4 everyone (we'll all be "whales", lol...the future is brighter than we can imagine) 
                                        This is the future that I want to help create.

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                  "Where every human being lives each moment 

                                 with purpose, passion, 

                                                  and ridiculous faith!!!"

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@cryptogee, I thank you so much for opening up with your honesty here that will only make the world a better place.  You've inspired me.  Thank you.  I'm going to copy this comment and post this comment on my Steemit blog.

Stay Strong everyone


Looking Forward to the FUTURE!

Follow @fast2future

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Let's hope for the best! Keep spreading the positivity!

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Couln't not to upvote) I like the idea.

Love this abundance mindset! Abundance is all around us. It is just a matter of which frequency of abundance we tune in to. Sounds like you are tuned in to a great one!

I agree 100% Helpimg others has always been a priority of mine as well. Great comment/post!