Dormant accounts

in steemit •  7 years ago 


So many people sign up to Steemit thinking that they are going to make bank, no realising that it takes some work and originality.

Some give up..and they don't bother with their accounts, whether there many be amounts in their wallets or not.

What happens to those accounts? Does it become inactive? Does the voting power and dynamic work on the amount of signups/users or active users?

Maybe I have it all wrong.. I personally just use the platform to express myself and to find interesting articles that I would not find elsewhere (even though I'm sure reddit may have it, it's blocked at my work so I steemit more)

But I would like to understand more in a more layman's practical means..

Could anyone help or shed some light?

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Hello, I have read that once you create an account on Steemit it remains on the blockchain forever! There is no way to delete an account and no way to close them. If you edit an account or blog or comment the original information has already been saved to the blockchain and that also remains on the blockchain forever. As far as I know the steemit portal only shows the edited version and accessing original "deleted" content may be available through third party apps or if you have a better understanding of accessing the blockchain. The old line from Cheech and Chong, "this will go down on your permanent record," definitely applies here. So be careful on here and always remember - say it don't spray it, ha ha!
