How will we deal with COPYRIGHT ISSUES on Steemit?

in steemit •  6 years ago is here to stay, but what if we get sued using pictures we don't own? Who does legally own the pictures on your channel, as steemit does not need identification with data provided by the government?

What is the best legal guide so far?

The @skyleap post that made me think about this topic:

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  • use your own pictures
  • use CC0 sources, likely some of the sources @vladimir-simovic mentioned in his post
  • always identify the source of the picture by text (like "sorce: pixaybay") AND a link to this source in this text (and by clicking on the picture itself, as a double option). That link should point directly to the specific picture, not only to the start page of the service.


source: pixabay

This is just the way i do it and not a legal proved advice of any kind.

I made a mistake.
Image containing manufacturer's logo should not be a free image.

hard to say. American law allows us to post a few paragraphs of a work for purposes of commentary or dissemination. I'm sure this will eventually be a problem. I'd think it more likely to happen on Zuckerbook fortunately.

Am besten nur Bilder nutzen die man entweder selbst gemacht hat oder für die man eine Lizens gekauft hat. Die Lizensen für Bilder, die man in einem Blogbeitrag verwenden möchte kosten auch meistens nur einige Cents. So mache ich es zu mindestens. Oder wahlweise Lizensfreie Bilder, gibt es ja auch.

Ich nutze meistens nur meine Bilder oder dann solche die frei sind, wie beispielsweise von Pixabay COO Lizenz. Darran sollten sich eigentlich alle halten. Ich denke es leigt an uns allen, hier bei verstössen, andere Steemians auf mögliche Folgen hinzuweisen,
Toller Beitrag, danke

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