Let's Talk—How To Deal Effectively with Steemit Skeptics on Facebook and Reddit!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

You'd think that a social media platform that rewards it's users in internet tokens of some monetary value is an easy sell. Ideally that should be enough to get anyone who wants to earn money online to use such a platform and participate. But, truth be told, it's not!


Every time you tell your friends about Steemit I'm sure you have had to face a ton of questions. But, it doesn't end there! Most responses will include atleast one of the following:

  1. It's a scam.
  2. It is a Ponzi scheme.
  3. It can't be true! Those are just fake figures on the posts!
  4. Steem cryptocurrency isn't real and you will get scammed!
  5. The followers are false and it's garbage overall.
  6. The founders will run with your money.
  7. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

Most of these stem from sheer ignorance, misconceptions, not enough understanding on the workings of the site and even jealousy sometimes. This is just scratching the surface but I'm sure you see my point.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win—Mahatma Gandhi

So, Let's Talk!

Anyone Can Do It!

Recently, I wrote about my earnings through Steemit over the past year starting with a used laptop, 10 Steem Power and working my way upto $70K in 11 months. For a change I felt like posting about my success as the last couple of weeks have been great after 4 difficult months and then an acquaintance writes this:

I found it funny and responded accordingly. I told him the truth, that my post was indeed paid for by the upvotes received on it from all of you here on Steemit. This earned me some Steem crypto which is worth a fair amount of money and if he's so concerned about my promotional activities surrounding Steemit to help grow it's user-base then he should do some due diligence before further scepticism, and that was the end to that conversation as he didn't have much to say anymore.

I mean it's not really that hard to find information online. Better yet, why not join Steemit and test things out for yourself? Steemit provides everyone with equal opportunity and makes no guarantees for success.

But, isn't that the same anywhere else? Before you complain, allow me to reiterate that I started here as a nobody, maybe one of the 5 first Indian sign-ups, living in a so called 'third world country' and today I'm one amongst the established authors with a fairly large following on this platform.

I don't give much thought to anyone's perception of Steemit because I've been around long enough to learn and experience this platform for myself. I've tested every aspect of it and know that it works as intended. I am in a position to rely on my own better judgement and so should you! Steemit isn't perfect but it's good enough for me.

I'll Admit I'm Not a Fan of Reddit and I don't Need To Be One!

My Steemit friend @acidyo asked me if he could share my article in a top Indian news publication on Reddit. He said that he wouldn't share the Steemit link but instead share the link from the news publication itself because Redditors don't like Steemit URLs. Guess what happened?

Recently, @jesta had to face this BS on Reddit.

Reddit feels outdated, centralised and the censorship towards an article like the one I was featured in feels wrong. As a social media influencer I find Reddit to add no value to my life and my target audience whatsoever! 99% of the time I never even come across any Reddit links when searching for info on Google.

But feel free to read some Reddit BS on Steemit or do your own due diligence.

How I Deal With Steemit Skeptics

We were all skeptics of this platform at one point in time or the other. We've all converted along the way. Maybe this will help you bring some excellent people on board who might not understand or believe in this platform today.

1. Understanding of Steemit as a Product/Service
As a non-programmer and a regular user I have a fairly good understanding of Steemit and how things work. My understand of Steemit as a product makes it easier to make a good presentation to help the skeptic make an informed decision of participating on this platform. It's true that I don't get the math behind many of the algorithmic changes that place but that's not always necessary! You need to be able to talk to people in a way they can understand your thoughts. I've managed quite well here!

2. Being Transparent Is Helpful
When I'm talking to my friends I am transparent about my earnings. Frankly, it does worry me sometimes as I might set a greater than realistic expectation amongst new users because frankly I've done quite well over the past year. But, hiding it would be worse because my story is motivational and has inspired excellent new users to join and use the platform. Many have found it to be very successful. Being honest and transparent helps. I try to answer as much as I can while offering no guarantees that I can answer it all.

3. I Believe in Steemit
I truly believe that Steemit is a game changer and anyone who's been around has noticed my passion and confidence in the platform. It's always a great idea to try something out for yourselves before recommending it to others. Good or bad, you must always experience it first yourselves. Even a $1 earned here doing anything is more than I've made on my personal FB account over 8-9 years of using Facebook! To me that's worth it's weight in Gold!

4. Know The User/Friend/Family Member/Influencer
It's important to understand the needs of whoever you are trying to get on the platform. Some of my friends who are rich, simply don't care about the monetary aspect of using Steemit. They are happy with Facebook and Instagram showing off their lifestyle and anything materialistic which translates to hundreds of likes resulting in great emotional satisfaction.

It''s unlikely they will switch over instantly and that's okay. Knowing your target audience is important. For me this is anyone who could greatly add value to their own lives by adding value to Steemit and I usually know instantly if they will sign up or not.

5. Steemit Is Free To Use
Informing the skeptic that they can use it freely and leave at their will makes a good case. Most of the time people are worried about having to put some time, effort or money into any activity and get nothing out of it and yet we do it with FB/Insta/Snapchat etc and give 1000 excuses for it.

You can start earning on Steemit by being active a few minutes in the day. In a country like India, earning even $5-$10/day can effectively improve somebody's life for the better! This has allowed me to bring over a 100 users onboard who are currently adding good value to the network. Just, use Steemit for free and let the network work for you as you grow with it!

6. Sell The Networking Potential
I've made some excellent real life friends by using Steemit and Steemit.Chat over the past year. The potential to interact with anyone, anywhere in the world today on Steemit is immense. The incentive to earn from comments ensures that mostly people actually leave some good feedback. Some take care to get into the details which makes for great engagement.

You can organize meetups and get to know each other better as you go. I've been on all old social media and never seen anything as powerful as Steemit before. Even as I have a real life outside of computers and internet, I talk to many of the friends I've made here using various channels (Steemit.Chat/FB/Signal/Whatsapp/Slack etc) of communication every day!

7. Compare Platforms To Differentiate Use and End Results
Money is a evil necessity required to survive in this world for %99.99 of the people on this planet. Then, why should we waste our time (the single most value thing in our lives which even money cannot buy) using platforms and technologies that add no real, tangible value to our lives. Where we get consumed by negativity every day. My decision to step back from participating on old social media and use the time to focus on Steemit has been one the best decisions of my life.

Last night as I dined with an old friend and new Steemit joinee @madnomad, I blew his mind as I demonstrated how this platform works by giving his first comment on Steemit a slight upvote, translating to some real world value of around $3 that was created on the internet but can be fully extracted into a tangible FIAT currency in a few days after payout.

He's runs a top micro-brewery and restaurant in my city and is well known in the under 30 social circle. The fantastic part was that we were sitting at our table and using Steemit on @good-karma's Esteem app, discussing and debating content on Steemit, similar to how we used Facebook years ago to see what our friends were doing. This was such a powerful feeling. You could tell, times are changing!

The new UIs that are being built on the Steem blockchain will take this experience to the next level in the months to come!

Steemit is a powerful new opportunity and only a fool would ignore it!

Dear Skeptics and Trolls

You've wasted years of your life getting your worthless Facebook likes and Reddit karma points which have zero value anywhere else on the internet and mean absolutely nothing in the real world. That's the harsh truth!

Ask yourselves, have you been able to positively grow your life because of your participation on your personal account on Facebook/Reddit? Or help a talented friend or family member earn a living or improve their lives by earning from participating anywhere else online? You've spent hours of your lives trying to get your loved ones onto Facebook and waste their time. Then what right do you have to stop someone else from benefiting from merely using Steemit and take their lives to the next level?

Be honest to yourself and remember my words as you introspect. Ultimately, all that FB instant gratification you strive for and false sense of pride of having a few thousand fake followers on Insta or a bunch of worthless karma points aside, the truth is that in the real world 'Money talks, and bullshit walks!'

Thank you for your attention and support towards my work!

If you like my work, please share my posts and follow my blog to support me. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:

  1. TheQuint Features My Story as an Early Adopter to Bitcoin, Steemit & More!
  2. Press Coverage of #1 India Steemit Accelerator in Top Indian News Publications!
  3. How I made $70000 in 11 Months Using a $300 Pre-Owned Laptop, Steemit and 10SP!
  4. My Most Incredible Steemit Milestone Moment and Why It Means the World to Me!

Follow Me: @firepower

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I do note your example of India, where $5-$10/day can mean a lot to someone. I've taken a different approach in that I've been explaining the platform to a few people, but have minizmied the money aspect at first because I think if you come in with a 'hard sell' with that feature, it can turn people off, thinking it's a scam.

Also as a female, it's tricky because once I start talking about cryptocurrency, I begin to see blank stares. My softer sell approach has been to mention Steemit those that write blogs or are creative in other ways that are trying to get noticed (but aren't right now) and presenting Steemit as a easier way to get noticed as the community is much more engaged here. Then I mention the monetary aspect. So far I've been liking this approach, particularly with females.

That's a great way to go about it. It gives me more ideas to go forward with a softer approach! Excellent comment!

Thanks. I see it as an exentsion of what new users are recommended to do here when they get started. That is, post quality content, interact with others and up vote/resteem, and then the money will come (maybe). Even the most money minded people can appreciate that, because liking a bunch of posts on FB or IG gets zero dollars. Here you at least have chance, in due time.

True that! :)

you are right

It really is sometimes more about how you say it than what you say. Where a rational argument can sound like you are selling a multi-level-marketing scheme, sometimes the softer approach is better.

can confirm. much less likely to get the obligatory "ponzi" response when I dont mention the money aspect until after they understand the censorship resistance and open source platform.

I like your gentle approach

Great read!! Can relate, has happened to me.
Luckily my closest friends listened and are here with us now :D

But yeah... people are usually so untrustful they are a little too cautious sometimes. Disbelief is common nowadays, the system shapes us this way.

Thanks for the great read!

Thank you. Glad your friends are on board with you here.

I'm happy to help. Cheers!

This post received a 4.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @dontstopmenow! For more information, click here!

Hello @firepower, and what an excellent set of points you make here! Thank you-- bookmarking this!

I have run into pretty much the same set of "rebuttals" when mentioning Steemit on our gallery page on Facebook, as well as on my wife's and my own personal Facebook pages.

What's interesting (aka "sad") is that even though we're also taking the "doing good" angle in our appeals (this Steemit account was mostly created as a way to give additional exposure to art AND to help raise a few $$$-- withOUT people actually having to GIVE money!-- to fund giving new aspiring artists exposure in our store) it has fallen on dead ears.

What DID seem to help a little was focusing purely on the "Stake Holder" aspect and not mentioning money at all: instead just saying that Steemit is an exciting new social content venue where people can become stakeholders in the platform by building the equivalent of "shareholder influence" (Steem Power) over time.

What makes me really sad about the whole thing is that almost automatic assumption that if someone gets rewarded for something "it must be a scam?"

Thanks again, for a great article!

You said it! Perfectly laid out! It's sad that people think so negatively about this when they could simply join and do a lot better!

I guess people with this mentality can simply stick to their facebook likes to do things for them in the real world :P

Facebook is fair but Reddit is even worst when it comes to censoring post. I got frustrated after my first two posts on Reddit because I didn't know what content was appropriate, how, or where to post it. The openness and freedom we enjoy on Steemit surpasses that of any other social networking platform. In my opinion, I think skeptics can join the winning team or remain losers under the centralized control of Reddit and others. @firepower great content and thanks for sharing.

Facebonk shadowbans steemit links.

For sure, I believe they are all intimidated by what Steemit has become. However, that is so low..))

The increasing trend on Reddit of open censorship, editing of comments, literally changing users posts to say things they didn't say has gotten totally out of hand. What started as a somewhat underground location is now almost as bad as Facebook.

Reddit and its operators complete and utter failure to do anything but continuously make their platform shittier in every way, leading to things like UpVoat starting specifically to avoid censorship, is why I invested all my crypto portfolio right here on Steem.

Also, fuck luke-jr. Obvious shill is obvious.

Yeah, it's not cool that they do that. Hopefully things will change with people coming here. Thanks for reading and stopping by :)

@firepower.When you informed me about steemit a month ago, I was not a skeptic, but concerned as I had no idea of blogging. Though it appears simple, it is not. It requires the same time and effort of doing any regular job.
Right from ideating, to the story, to the presentation requires careful thought and planning. Funny thing is I was too much on FB earlier. Now a days, I rarely open FB. Steemit has replaced FB for me. Money is one of the reason, but more than that I get to read seriously high quality content. Everyday I am learning new things, everyone is eager to help, It really feels like a community here.
Establishing here as a good author will not only take time but is also very challenging. There are many excellent bloggers all vying for a piece of same pie and that makes you to put your head down and work harder.
Steemit is changing me gradually. I have started to drift from mediocrity to excellence. The difference between FB &steemit is very contrasting and I don't think I will any longer be an active member at FB hereon.
Anyway it feels great to be here. It's lot of fun and some dhan (money) too 😊

Well said! :)

My convince-friends-arsenal just got upgraded! Thank you!

Good article. But I didn't like the quote "Money talks, and bullshit walks!". Therefore, I'm more in agreement with @parveen's approach.

Money is not always the motivation for everyone. And very few people join facebook or youtube for monetary gains. Money should never be a concern in a person's social relationships. When its all about money, then it's just another business model and not just a social circle. Steemit is not a substitute or an alternative for Facebook. But yes, serious bloggers may consider joining it. Here, you don't need to take care of SEO to get more visitors for your blog.

And by the way, the quote you mentioned is mis-attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. He never said those words. At best, you can credit Nicholas Klein for it. 😊

Thank you! I stand corrected on the quote but unfortunately missed editing the post before payout time.

Hello @firepower

great post ! We read your article with lots of enjoyment and are happy to see your great reward for it !
You are already at earnings of $ 133 wthin 32 minutes online time of your post ! Thats fantastic !!

We @fairvote are looking manually for good content like yours with the focus of users, which contributing that kind of content,
but dont have the network or reputation like yours yet.

We think it is an good idea to reward these users at least with a minimum for their efforts, to keep them in our community. Thats our mission !

We would be happy, if you will have a look at the contribution of @adil,
who posted an huge article about
how to use steemit - steemit guide 6.0

We upvoted the post of @adil and hope many upvotes will follow !

All the best @firepower !

Thank you very much.

ESteemIt is the best community around the globe so far. As of now the youth of today has been too busy wasting their time onto social networks that add to nothing except wasting precious hours of the day.

Whereas SteemIt is a total different story. You do what you like best BLOGGING and still get paid sitting at your homes.

I agree with your points. Thank you :)

Excellent post @firepower. I am following you for sure! I am a newbie but posts like this one confirm the fact that I made the correct choice with steem :)

I have a FB account, but just don't use it that often...what began as a great way to keep in touch with my family became overwhelming with other people's posts....grant it, there were things I really didn't care to read about either. I do enjoy the occasional fun/comedy posts....but you are correct, it doesn't produce anything, unless you have a business .
I can't wait to learn more from you!

There are some nice fun posts on Steemit that you can enjoy.

Thank you for reading and stopping by. I'm glad you liked it.

We need more people like you in india...Crypto and steem is creeping in india slowly but people like you can accelerate this process...

Thank you :)

Great post, I found Steemit thru an article I was reading about the value of crypto, and stumbled upon this platform. Very true that the the egomaniacs that need to be stroked daily with likes probably won't be interested in coming over, but do we really want them anyway? Good content creators and curators will naturally migrate here, and that is what we all want. Steem On!

Yeah, I totally agree on that. Thanks for dropping by. Cheers!

Hey SirJuiln I follow you from Trevon James Youtube live streem and finally found you. Thank you for the feedback and great post, what did you do with that $70000 anyway?

All invested in Steem and other crypto projects. Trying to make 100K out of it haha!

I do remember the back days of 2009-2010 when BitCoin was treated as one of the Biggest Scam on Internet . Me too was one of them for sometime. But Time changed !
Every Groundbreaking Concept use to be treated as Scam or Ponzy or False Promise at first. But History is a Proof that All impossible Concept during that period has changed the way we are living now.
Thanks ! - @cWorldV99

Yeah, that's what happens with every new technology. People always write off in the early stages and then come back to adopt it later.

Great post!

I don't even waste my time trying to explain the possibilities to stubborn people. I will just buy them a drink with steem dollars.

My mom thought steem was a new drug and that #steemit is how you do it 😂... So I made a fake text message post making fun of myself trying to explain to my mom what #steem is.
You can find the post here.

Haha! That's great. Keep doing it and success will make all the noise. Cheers

I think the best part was when I tried writing an introductory post to Steemit on Fastlane Forum (which is so behind in just the cryptocurrency world in general), they immediately got super skeptical and banned my post. I laughed it off and a few days later made a few thousand dollars from the rise in Steem :) Sucks for the haters

Haha! Awesome good to know.Haters gonna hate. Keeping Steeming! Cheers!

This is perfection, @firepower. Every day on Facebook of all places, I have friends who knock on cryptocurrency. I won't be surprised if they parrot the same ol' crap if I were to pitch them Steemit it.

I also won't be surprised once almost everyone in the world is on Steemit, they'll hop on because it's the "it" thing. And their tune about crypto will change..because everybody's doing it.

It happens every time with most successful platforms. One will write it off, but then 12 months later they join because their best friend and their Uncle Joe are now on it and they enjoy the shit out of it!

You said it man! I fully agree. Thank you for reading and commenting :)

Great article and I think you outlined the different struggles going against the reddit/facebook crowd. So far I've only told a few people about Steemit yet (since I'm quite new) and two people also signed up (a friend and my daughter) and from other friends I had several responses like you mentioned before. One of them told me: Are you sure it's not a scam? That they don't run with your money? I just laughed and said: How can they run with 'my money' if I never paid anything to sign up with them? She went quiet then. Sure you can spend money on steem or sbd, but so far I've only done that on my trading account, so that's hardly an argument. Great writing. Looking forward to more.

Haha!That's great. Thank you for dropping by and sharing your views. :)

Imagine my shock that luke dashjr would make a comment as fucking moronic as that.

bitcoin maximalists are more of a scourge in the cryptospace than scammers. at least scammers disappear after they steal value.

@jesta - howd you handle that one?

edit: side note -- @firepower: raiding facebook and reddit with anti censorship memes is on the agenda :)

Haha! You said it!

Good luck raiding FB and reddit.

The reward pool is supposed to be draining too quickly. Let the fakebookers stay there, we can have more for ourselves :)

Yeahhhh!! More Steem for us!! :D

You've wasted years of your life getting your worthless Facebook likes and Reddit karma points which have zero value anywhere else on the internet and mean absolutely nothing in the real world. That's the harsh truth!

Great! I hope that reality convinces them at least.

Yes, indeed. Only time will tell and success will make all the noise.Cheers!

Image source: http://links.chethstudios.net

What's up @firepower? I am relatively new to the platform and I was one of those skeptics you talk about. I truly believed in the power and potential of the platform when it launched but deicided to stayed away. Due to no understanding it to the fullest and thanks to Tone Vay's input I didn't make a move till recently. I changed my mind because in reality Facebook and Instagram aren't creating any wealth for me after so many years and hours curating or creating new content I didn't make a single buck from it.

I totally agreed with you, I will be a supporting and promoting the platform on my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Depending on my success using Steemit I promise I will go as far as doing paid ads on Facebook to bring my friends and followers who appreciate my efforts on catching their attention with paid promotions. Hell, they know I am a entrepreneur, a hustler by nature... I spend my money wisely and once they see am invested in the platform plus running ad campaigns they will surely come on board. Thank you for posting in how to deal with skeptics and trolls, I followed your account a while ago and just re-steemed this one 👍 Keep up the good work.

By the way, what do you think Facebook is going to do when they start losing grip of their users? Redcoin or Facebook own Crypto? They do have a great devs and enourmous capital. Will this slow Steemit progress, I'm just wondering what will happen. I just posted this post on my Facebook hehehe



I'm not exactly sure what they will do but I am sure they have something up their sleeve. Thanks for reading this post :)

People who just make up their minds with their own thoughts without experiencing something are the most unsuccessful ones.

Experience is greater than knowledge in every aspect be it in the bad or in the good ones.

Conclusion should only be drawn after experiencing something, before that everything is a Hoax.

That's all I have to say.

Wow, wow , wow, to this post. You are so right about people on other platforms. And You are right about Redit, censorship and controlling. I don't even go there any more.
I came across this post today where this guy was telling people on YouTube to come to steemit and make money from their content, and YT Terminated his account. This is disgusting! Why should people be punished for trying to help others. I re-steemed the post, because I like what he is going to do to bring more people to Steemit. https://steemit.com/steemit/@probizranker/youtube-terminates-my-account-for-telling-people-to-come-to-steemit
Because he hasn't been on steemit very long, it isn't getting the views it should, but people should go and vote it up.

Congratulations on your success and I think more people like you should show how with a little work and determination you can be successful on Steemit.
Great post and I look forward to more from you

That's just crazy. Maybe he should get on Steemit. Thank you for reading and stopping by :)

I kinda understand the reasons some people are really skeptic when it comes to websites like Steemit. I was one of them as well.

I was on the internet for a long time, and if there's something I started believing, is that in order to make money online, you need to work hard, that only things like graphic design, programming, having a personal blog, etc will actually get you something.

It's hard to believe that you can create content for a website, interact with the community, and make money out of that. I know it was hard for me to believe.

That only until I decided to give it a try, since I needed money, and I got, in around 2 weeks, almost $300. In two weeks! I can't make that amount of money from graphic design, even tho I have over 230 design packages on Graphic River.

So yeah, I understand why some people are skeptic. I don't believe it's a good attitude, but I understand it. It's hard to believe you can make a huge amount of money from posting on a website.

But again, if we learn how to use the right words, and we actually show them some evidence, we can convince some of those people that Steemit is actually a great place to spend your time on. If we have a friend that doesn't believe in what this website does, we can just say things like "Hey, here's what you can do - take 5 minutes to create an account, forget about it until you get accepted, when you do, post a few things, invest like... 1 hour a day into the website, for a week, and we'll see what happens".

Things like that may convince people of what they can make on this website, and why their skepticism is bad, because if they spend at least one hour a day on Steemit, for a week, they will get enough rewards to realize what a chance this website represents.

I know I am really happy I decided to give Steemit a try, because my future looks brighter because of this decision.

Anyway, great article, really enjoyed reading it. Best of luck!

Yeah, that's a good way to go about it. I'm glad you found this article useful. Thanks for stopping by :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you, i have had several funny experience convincing people on Cryptocurrency and joining steemit. All i decided to do was take steemit and crypto as a whole to be an hobby and a funny part of my life so everyone coming around me wanted to know what i exactly i do with phone that makes me stay on line then i start talking and show some proof of knowledge and motivation i have gotten since i joined steemit and this has really worked for me.

That's great. Good to have you here. Good luck Steeming! Cheers!

Bam 💥 excellent points you make here. I'm sold on steemit too just from my experience here in This past week. But for now I'm still running parallel posts on my Instagram page because my friends and followers there would miss my content if I left and only steemed it here. I think I will start promoting steemit on IG though for the network effect here.

It's incredible to see your comment here. Big fan haha! I use old social media to promote my steemit content too just that I don't utilize most of my time there and use it as a tool to promote my work here further.

I wrote about how I'm leveraging FB to promote steemit here!

Do you have a link to your Insta page somewhere on Steemit?

You're a big fan of me? 😲 You just made my day. :)

I will check out what you wrote via the link above. Thank you.

No...I haven't linked or mentioned my IG page on steemit. I'm conflicted about that. Ive posted content on IG for 9 months and sometimes I just reshare some of that stuff here. I worry that if I link then y'all steemit folks can just go see all my back content stash! Lol what are you thoughts on that?


I like the way you present your thoughts and I enjoy reading them very much!

You make a fair point and I think you should keep it that way as far as the larger audience is concerned, from your content and privacy stand point. If you want, you can follow me on my Insta and I will connect back. I'd love to be more active there but currently I just use it to follow select people who's pictures/life/work I'm interested in. :)

Okay...I'll follow you on IG . Had to think about it for a minute because you will be the first person from here... to there. But I'm ready to start Linking my worlds and having things less compartmentalized. Trusting

you are not far from the truth @firepower.
as a student here in Nigeria,i have found it hard to convince my friends about steemit. reasons because most of here in Nigeria have fallen victims of punzi scheme: MMM, Gethelp etc.but i kept on telling them this is different because you are not required to pay money nor bring anybody to earn but as we say in psychology, first imprison matters and is had to change. but i know that they will come around soon because i plan to start seminals once i start earning with this platform because that's what my country needs now that we are in recession and many youths idol and unemployed and worst still wasting their data on Facebook, and other. i love how you clearly wrote everything here and am sure that i have shared it on my Facebook,it will change some minds. thanks


I totally get that! It's crazy how things are and it's hard to convince people when they have seen these situations and feel every good thing that comes their way is the same. Btw there's a steemit meet up at lagos hosted by @oluwoleolaide


yes sir,i know about it but live at Enugu which is not even close. its in south east while Lagos is in southwest. so i plan to do such things later this year when i must have had the finance and the experience to tackle any challenge it brings our way.


Good to know. Keep going ahead and you'll do great. Cheers!

thanks..hope you don't mind if i chat you up privately on steemchat..? i have a project coming up which i will like to interview you on.

Sure, we can talk about it. Leave me a DM and I will come back to you!

okay sir, that will do.

All valid points. The number one thing I hear is "it's a scam!" lol. Oh, and my favorite, "but where does the money come from?" followed by an explanation of crypto, with the reply, "but where does THAT money come from?"

I think the number one sell, above the money even, is your own personal passion. If you are not passionate about something, how do you expect anyone else to be?

Haha That's true! I face the same thing! People just dont get it at all when you explain where the money comes from.

It will take time but people will get to know about it.
They are addicted to Facebook that's why they don't see other social network

I guess this site's probably going to be a lot stricter in terms of payment when that would happen.
Better make the most of it while we can!

Yes! Go for it. Give it all you got.

Yes aye sir! P:

Yes, only time will tell. Eventually things will change and they'll realize the true potential.

Si tienes toda la razon

Thank you.

no hay por que

necisitas a mas useros de steemit de to pais! nececitas a ir y sign up mas personas en tu pueblo a steemit y usa la facebook a connactar a mas personas...usa la promisia de dinero facil y tues amigos y familia voy a "sign up" a steemit cuando ver tu con $100 por post y $1 por comment!

vas a ganar mucho pero necistas una pictura de profile! una avatar! su photo...es nada..necisitas un foto personal!!!

si pondre

Dropped The mic with this one... Great article!

Thank you so much. I love dropping the mic :D


hell ya he did and @firepower your pioneering a new type of post..the
'how to deal with your skeptical facebook friends" post or basically a type of post where your arguing the pros f steemit and how t break down all the bullet points of why its better not just the paay but the fundamental decentralized p2p system for actually hosting the website.....

reminded me of this mitch hedgberg quote " I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut; I don't need a receipt for the doughnut. I'll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I just can't imagine a scenario where I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut. Some skeptical friend: "Don't even act like I didn't get that doughnut! I got the documentation right here...oh, wait it's at home...in the file...under 'D' ..for donut.""

man we need to domore steemit comedy where we go on stage and actualy record it with just a few steemit users in the audience maybe over skype

really great article :)
I also often have very skeptical reacting friends, but usually when I explain them a little bit what steemit is (as far as my understanding of it goes), they find it fascinating, but just don't log on to steemit...

Thank you. Keep going ahead with it. I'm sure they will realize the true value of it soon. Let success make the noise. Cheers!

Yeah you are so right ;)
I am doing my thing anyway :)
have a nice day! ;)

Great post....

Thank you Ma! Glad you liked it.

I guess something different must be done when advertising steemit
I think most people are not interested to get into steemit because you can't Delete anything you've posted
It stays on the blockchain
But what do I know

Yeah, it could be a reason. Time will change it eventually. Let success make all the noise. Cheers!

True mate
Let's hope it will all play out well
Have a lovely time

I've been on Steemit for exactly 2 weeks. I got on to it to 'check' it out. And now when I can feel the energy of the people who visit here, people with real feelings, real appreciation, real interest in growing and growing together, I can't tell you how much I feel at home here. I don't get the skeptics. Why don't they try it out for themselves before they speak out against it? It is a different world here, hop on and see for yourself is what we should tell them.

Yes, true that. Keep going ahead with what you are doing, you will do great. Let success make all the noise. Cheers!

Well, I was sceptical at first. Then I abandoned the project for some months. Now I'm of a much better opinion of the platform and its cofounders (don't throw things at dantheman)

Good to see you on board again. Keep Steeming! Cheers!

I was initially skeptical but mostly because it seemed all of the top posts - and most of the not-top ones too - we're all about blockchain and crypto. I'm simply not savvy enough about those to have felt like my content would fit here since I mostly write humor and fiction. But after a month I'm finding some of my posts do alright for a minnow, and slowly but surely I'm making a place for myself, finding like minded content creators, and mostly just loving writing what I like in a place where people seem to be looking for more effort than posting a pic of their dinner.

I find that Steemit does lend itself to more quality posts and I too have found some folks here already that I'd consider friends irl.

Great post and congrats on your success! One more follower, here 😉

Thank you so much for reading. Hope you stop by more often. Cheers!

I find myself intimidated by the site, but I want to write about my passions as well and see where it takes me! It truly is sad to see how posting a dinner or a bad quality picture of something random really can get likes from "fans", but I suppose something more meaningless to me is "passion" to someone else.

Thanks for that reassuring advice,I had those exact questions asked to me.
I'm fairly new to all this myself,and I'm sure Steemit will be very popoular soon

Thank you. Yes, Steeemit is already making the news and doing great. Cheers!

do u know any of the new changes that are going to take place in UI as u mentioned there will be ???

I was referring to @busy.org and @steepshot.

Kik hopes to decentralize its social media platform with a token as well, and reward between $100,000 to $1m+ a day to users and developers! See the full article here: https://steemit.com/news/@blockrush/kik-plans-to-steal-steemit-s-idea-to-decentralized-social-media

Good for them!



You're welcome
Can you check out my blog ?

I totally agree with you.... Money talks, bullshit walks.... I try to spread awareness related to steemit platform... But they really don't get that it's the future... And even I say them 'I m part of future and you will regret not joining it in future'. Steeming on n on :)

Yeah, keep going ahead and you will do good. I'm sure success will make all the noise. Keep Steeming all the way! Cheers.

Nice topic Greetings Happy day

Thanks. Happy Day!

I bookmarked your article because I am tired of explaining the same thing over and over again. There are too many skeptics in my friends circle.
Thanks Meghan!

Thank you. I'm sure someday they will realize the true potential of Steemit. Keep going, Steemit all the way!


Haha, true. It does feel 'too good to be true' in the beginning though. But reading posts like these will change that.
And the person here thinks that it is mandatory to pay initially to get recognition. So misinformed.
Good post btw!

Thank you very much. I am glad to help. Cheers!

I find it a bit frustrating to not only getting them to join steemit, but it's hard to keep them engaged, especially when they put in hours of work for just a few cents. Great read thanks.

I understand, but never give up,only time will tell. Keep Steeming it! Cheers!

I enjoy telling my friends and family about Steemit and interactions with people all over the world while getting paid and vested in what I love to do.

Glad to know. Keep going ahead and you will do great. Cheers!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think the best way to convince new comers is to make them read some short and interesting post that has nice amount of money earned. And, I see you don't have problem with any of that :)

Yes, let success make all the noise. :)

Great post. I've tried to get many people to join steemit with me and haven't successfully gotten anyone to join. I think a lot of people fail to understand the concept or can't grasp how this could be possible. If our friends join, we all benefit!

Thank you. Well, only time and results will show the people what you have achieved. As they say, Let success make all the noise. Cheers!

i think through visual storytelling is important, i've got a few ideas coming up with live streams that should be interesting and i hope enjoyable, my intention is to use some of the recordings to make 'real humans' videos from them too that go out regularly so people can see the people behind the scenes (screens?) that frequent these crypto passageways.

Yeah, go ahead. I'm sure you are going to help many out there. Best wishes. Cheers!

Hit em in the nuts and... ohh. Well try reason first though I guess :D

Haha! Go ahead :D

Yes, I recommend to go to Steem MeetUps. You will meet very interesting people in real life and gonna have a better, more personal understanding of their posts.

I have been trying to convince people to come to Steemit. So far many are fascinated and wanna join, but this is only talk. So far only one person signed up, and this is my girlfriend :D You need to take them by the hand. Therefore I think there must be some incentives for the persons like us who already trying to get more people in. And there is also the dealing with cryptocurrency.

I started to explain the technology of cryptocurrencies like STEEMIT or Bitcoin through easy analogies everybody knows.

If STEEMIT wants to become mainstream-adopted, its users must gain a basic-understanding of how cryptocurrencies work. So they will be able to interact with the platform in a responsible way.

If you believe in STEEMIT too and agree that every STEEM-USER has to be at least a minimum educated in terms of cryptocurrencies, help me to spread the word.


Awesome! Keep going ahead with what you are doing, you'll eventually do great. Cheers!

Just let them be and remain in their horrible ignorance?

the truth is, Steemit might not NEED tons of skeptics on the site, it might be good if its just built around people who believe in the platform

Facebook has become a place for people to post photos of their newborn kids and to talk about how bad their day has been... they can stay where they are

True. It's better off without such people.

@firepower, you are blowin' up! I just discovered steem a few days ago and wish I had been one the first early adopters. Never mind the haters, there's no point in arguing with them, because time will tell. A certain portion of pople always get heated up trying to defend their old way of thinking when something new comes along. Heck 'em!

Thank you. Glad you are on board. Haters are gonna hate. Let success make all the noise :)

I came off Facebook ages ago, there is so much negativity there,lol.
If I make anything here its a bonus. To be honest this is a nice little hobby and connects me with interesting people.

True that. Keep going and Steeming! Cheers!

STEEMit is where it's at. Better worth of time to accumulate cryptocurrencies anyways. I've stopped using Reddit and spend less and less time on Facebook and increasingly more time on STEEM :)

True that. Thanks for dropping by. Keep Steeming. Cheers!

Terrific post. I do find it hard to talk to people about Steemit without them thinking it's a scam.

Thank you. Well, you just got to show them the results and I'm sure everybody will soon know the real potential of Steemit.

that's good.

Yes, indeed.

There will always be skeptics, the naysayer, the non-believer. The worst part about it is that when you ask them to open their mind and try something out, they'll reject your offer using procrastination as an excuse.

Change takes time. Time can break even the strongest of all critics.

True that. Only time will tell. Looking forward to it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That feels like some one shutting door on our face while we are helping them to grow...
Then I reply them...

I am not gonna let you in my Lamb.

Coz i got it from steemit

Haha! Yesss!! The Mic Drop moment. Kaboom!

I feel the problem is most people think its too good to be true but in this case its really true!

Yep! Only time will tell and people will know the true potential. Keep Steeming!

I know this is off-topic, but:

"They are happy with Facebook and Instagram showing off their lifestyle and anything materialistic which translates to hundreds of likes resulting in great emotional satisfaction."

Narcissistic personality disorder is just considered "normal" these days. If only these people knew they were destroying their potential for future pleasure via hedonic adjustment.

This is one reason why I jumped into Steemit - I think Facebook is bad for people psychologically and for their life happiness. Steemit has a greater focus on creativity and real use. I think it could help move the needle.

As you pointed out, some of the people who won't move over are not the types likely to produce quality content or discussion here, anyway.

True that. Only time will tell. As they say, let success make all the noise! :)

Great amount of information....creates a positive attitude towards steemit....Thanks for providing ways to get the success as a steemian

Thank you so much. Creating awareness about the things happening around Steemit. Happy to Help! :)

I resteemed and upvoted because you well deserve it! Good Fortunes! Aloha Al

Yaay! Thank you so much. Cheers!

Excellent post friend thanks for the information, I am new to steemit if you can pass by my blog there I am telling you what happens in my country, I hope your support God bless you

Thank you so much. Best wishes to you. Cheers! :)

Thanks for the support

Thank you for this. I am addicted to reddit, I admit, but I do not like the censorship or the fact that people compete so desperately for karma points, when they are meaningless in the end. Although some of the support groups really have helped me, but I really like the idea of earning potential and less covering up of the truth. Also the editing function and the expectation that every edit has to be explained, or you are deemed untrustworthy, even though one word was edit for clarity. Pretty ridiculous. I am also so tired of surveys as well. Those have never gotten me far and all these people seem to have so much success when I can't earn even close to that. So we'll see how this goes. I'll be crossing my fingers!

Yep! Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best! :)

A well written post and I agree with your view point. Upvoted, keep it up

Thank you glad you liked it. Cheers!


I think the best way to deal with steemit sceptics is not to deal with them at all. Just keep door open for any question. It is more effective to spend the time on seeking for potential enthusiastics

True that. That's one way to deal with them.

Nice post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have a solution for Reddit people who dont wanna giveup the quality and quantity of content u can still get n reddit that uant find on steemit, ad im makin money off it, check it
Test of New Series called "What You Missed on Reddit Today!" reddit.com/r/Pics edition for Friday June 30th 2017

as you can see I just took the top posts from reddit.comr/r//pics and i reposted them all giving full credit to posters and even top commenters , linking their reddit account links and everything!

It made over $40 in just an hour so Im guessing its going to become a reglar series for me! And i HOPE a redditor whose image i repost SEEs this and actually GETS mad and callls me or texts me going "EY UR MAKIN MONEY OFF Y PICTURE" and ill go "hey well maybe u should oin stemit and i can send you a percebt of the steempower that I made off the post! " haha and i used like 7 images so does he want 1/7th of the steem from the post well what about my text? and the work i put into it I think its fair that maybe I give them each 2 percent and actually I need that 2 percent or myself for my own labor fee yeah tahst right its a special tax on reddit users ;) if they dont like it, they can join steemit and start posting their own photos ;)

this will allow you to argue with a redditor that they wont miss anything now! and they can basically get a job reposting reddit content onto stemit! I have proven that it pays off! and its totally moral,and iits ethical! its the same thing were all doing! data mining! were alll just filters! some of us yes post original content andphotos but ost f us all post stuff we didnt make ourselves and thats fine! if that wasnt allowed then facebook and youtube and twitter wouldnt exist LOl to think that we should be held up to some extra strict rules because we make money is pathetic loser think. Its like ASKINg the IRS to tax you ...its like reporting your bitcoins and crypto to the IRS what a stupid idea! They cant prove that you have shit! Its so funny, anyway, we shoould be taking EVERTHINg off reddiit ALL of it

Reddit has been stealing from US for YEARS! we give them BILLIONS of dollars worth of web traffic and they make billions in advertising and pay their users nothing not even mods or top power users get a stinking dime...we should go to EVERY big sub reddit like the_Donald which is the #1 biggest subreddit or Advice Animals which is oen of the biiggest or Two X Chromosome for the ladies! some of these sureddits like this one that i used r/rpics has freakin 17 million subscribers when steemit doesnt even have a quarter of one million yet! imagine how many reddit users who DONT EVEN KNOW about steemiit and the GATE KEEPR assholes whose JOB it is to go around telling redditors NOT to even TRY steemiit hahahaha

they wont evenlet them TRy steemit.com theyll fuckin make up ANy excuse to stop their users froom even TRYING us!

reddit will have to PAy its users to survive and they never will because they are greedy assholes! We are winning this war!

remember a websited called digg.com? hahahaha reemmber when everyone left digg for reddit? yah thats gonna happen from reddit to steemit onvce people figure out there is a place that noone can get ccensored from and isnt lame like that voat website that claimed to be open and censorship free but was just more of the same and it came out AFTER bitcoin came out so how lame is that.....anyone who doesnt use steemit but who knows about the blockchain is a serious fool who needs to figure out that they are NOT as smart as they think, that this society is FULl of achines that can THINK for them and barely NOONE has had to do any REAL hardw ork a DAy in their life or had to actuallly solve a REAL problem and not operate some turn key system like everthing is nowadays...people who get millions of fyoutube act like they have some sort of talent when they are just lucky to have been at right place at right tiem and cant even tell you how youtube even hosts their files....seriously most big youtuers have NO idea how the fucking youtube video codec even works! they have NO idea about Divx and mp3g4 and h264 or how their smartphone camera woks or what a CCD sensor or how THAt works and iits a serious problem that people think they know everting when the know nothing and society being technologically advanced has NOTHING to do with them! We need to teo up our game...create more serious video art....music videos are the future

In my honest opinion, Steemit shouldn't be advertised as a medium where everyone is able to earn some quick cash.

Some people write about Steemit like it some kind of golden route to earn a living using the internet.

The fact is as more people join steemit, the reward pool will continue too spread out. Making it more difficult every day for newcomers to stay ahead.

The fact is as more people join steemit, the reward pool will continue too spread out. Making it more difficult every day for newcomers to stay ahead.

But then by this logic the site should have been shut off from the world a year ago no?

oh ok


I must say the way you explain a context is just amazing. Great analysis.