in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


coffee khop, coffee aceh what called khop because terliatnya unique served with glass face down. However, serving this khop coffee a unique sensation of how to drink coffee in Aceh. Kupi khop now start ogled many coffee drinkers in the city of Banda Aceh. Not only local residents but also tourists who came to Banda Aceh.

kopi khop, kopi khas aceh knpa dinamakan khop karena terliatnya unik disajikan dengan gelas telungkup.

Namun, sajian kupi khop ini menjadi sensasi unik tersendiri cara meminum kopi di Aceh. Kupi khop kini mulai dilirik banyak peminum kopi di Kota Banda Aceh. Tak hanya warga lokal tapi juga wisatawan yang berdatangan ke Banda Aceh.

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