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It's not that she said: "Hi",

It's that she said:

"I have almost 1.5 million followers in my country, between Facebook, Twitter and Instagram."

See the difference?

I do. I'm just being facetious lol @friend5

She is inviting an army of followers who might enjoy your "art" and bake you some steem. You should have a relief seeing such posts. You might as well create one yourself :)

Once again... I know, I'm just being facetious lol

An army of porn lovers maybe... paint boobs, should work.

You might be on to something there hahah

Spot on hahaha @wroman0207


I'm glad someone else said this. I saw that post and thought "Wait, What?" .. As someone who is honestly not here for the money (its true) I had the notion that results like that may likely run off actual original creative talent in frustration. Despite any backlash @flandude receives by speaking out here.. please note - I share your sentiment and you are not alone!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Haha yeah, it's a little ridiculous @giftedgaia . The platform is still in it's infancy and "recruitment" stages though, so I guess it makes sense for now... I think eventually it will turn into a "hotpocket" (<lol) for creativity and originality. Fingers crossed at least!

I don't like it as well but that's life. If you want to make it you need to break it!

You need to see to bigger picture in this, if everyone wants steem currency and steemit to be here for a long time, then we need more people like this. Not because they are bringing anything new to the table, but because of the reach they have.

I do. I'm just being facetious lol @rnobrega

oh sorry hahaha, didnt know what that word meant!

I'm just being a jackass. haha @rnobrega

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Why did you steal that poor bunny's picture?

art vs beauty... i guess ppl prefer beauty...

art IS beauty

or should i say art vs playmate... lol...

You forgot anatomy, people prefer anatomy over all else

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

This is @brendazambrano and fake, and if I could read I would see your point. Feel free to click the pic about #steemiquette.

I had a little success with my 1sI Post and started posting for the Steem and then I realized Steemit is crazy cool, Open source and growing because of this. now I have been posting to post and if the Steem comes? great!! I have made great new connections and I love how this open source format is working!


jelly eh? here let me help....

thx 4 the help

And she's pretty damn fit. Just sayin' ;)

Life's Ironies.... LoL! Your beauty and your art are of equal caliber.....

It is very sad... completely support a post!