on this occasion I bring an application that functions with api coinmarketcap , is a opensurce project, this cast in electron and want to share to encourage more developers to use new technologies that are emerging , it is a simple and easy project to implement , feel free to modify it .
Made with angular material ,electron and coinmarketcap api .
Github : https://github.com/flash24/Crypto-Market
Windows : https://github.com/flash24/Crypto-Market/raw/release/app/cryptoMarket-win32-ia32.zip
Windows 64 : https://github.com/flash24/Crypto-Market/raw/release/app/cryptoMarket-win32-x64.zip
Linux : https://github.com/flash24/Crypto-Market/raw/release/app/cryptoMarket-linux-ia32.zip
Linux 64 : https://github.com/flash24/Crypto-Market/raw/release/app/cryptoMarket-linux-x64.zip