YouTube, Google & Twitter censorship in Cryptos will bring them DOWN — watch

in steemit •  7 years ago 


More censorship ...more distrust of media and the oligarchs that run our Social Media Platforms like : Google/ YouTube , Twitter etc....

They are shooting themselved in the foot. People know what is right and what is fair. I heard a great analogy the other day for these platforms to be considered a “utility” as they are used by ALL. Now...imagine AT&T silencing a voice becuase of what somebody said on their phone. There would be outrage — Senate hearings and people leaving enmasse.

They are doing a “job” — Zuckerberg and others don’t decide anything. They are being told what to censor. It is by design and they will all be dust.

This is the chance for Steemit to rise.

This is the reason Theta Token will be HUGE.

Decentralized media and video platforms are coming.

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Agreed, censorship will destroy them.

also a great time to buy Steem right now, because we all know where it’s going.. UP

Very much agree ....all is a great time to buy more.

Yes Theta and steemit will rise to replace the dinosaurs

You can understand and see how all this is going to occur.

And a decentralized internet too.
Yes, this is all shtupid, but we really can't change until the majority of people actually want change.

Until people want change or the “system” is exposed and the dollar is less wanted. There is a plan for this. They just don’t like normal people in on the ground floor.