Is Steemit just an Online Fraggle Rock?steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  8 years ago 

I was reading an excellent post from @dragosroua about his views on Steemit and I decided to add my 2 bits to the mess.

I don't think there are Discount Buyers or Good Clients on Steemit.

Just Doozers & Fraggles.

Let me explain.

When I moved to the UK with my family one of the popular Kiddes TV shows was called Fraggle Rock.

A Jim Henson Special. Muppets to give them their correct name.

My kids watched it as I ran around the house doing what Dad's do in the morning.

When you're trying to get 2 Boyzz out the door to school.

They explained to me the show was about the Doozers who build stuff all the time.

And the Fraggles who just spent their time destroying it.

It strikes me now, after all these years, we have not moved very much on from there.

The Doozers are us.

The Grunts at the bottom of the pile, writing posts for pennies most of the time.

Trying to build or even be part of some sort of mature sensible community.


Its what we do.

I did join Steemit to earn some cash from my stories.
It is called an incentive in most places.
And it worked.

But I realized very early on it was never going to happen in a flash.

Maybe it did, in the early Gold Rush Steemit days.

But them days are long gone and what we have left is a half built mining town with a lot of tumbleweeds.

Due to the Fraggles (as I will now call them) bailing out of the Steem Dream.

I have no illusions about Steemit.
I don't own this Platform.

None of the Doozers do, or ever will.
No more than the Fanatic Fans own Chelsea Football Club or New England Patriots.

Steem Inc is a company that can be replicated by anybody else with the balls to do it.

Steem Inc along with Steemit and any other spin off Steem Matchmaking Site that is in development, can also be sold, by its owners, at anytime.

To anybody with a big enough bag of Bitcoins.

So the only reason to hang in here is the same reason people stay on FaceB or go to the football games.

Its just nice to be connected to a growing community.

We have a lot of clever people (Doozers) posting a ton of clever stuff (Framework).

But having to put up with a Gang of unruly Fraggles smashing the framework to pieces.

I have watched and read the Bitchiness and some very Schoolyard behavior of the self appointed Fraggle Taliban.

I'm sure they'll all spin a good argument.

As there is some very Las Vegas style skimming off the top going on. We are not totally dumb.

But there comes a point when we the Doozers have to say enough is enough.

If this pointless Willy Waving contest continues, the Doozers will just pack up and move on.

Here Endth The Lesson.

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I think the comparison holds true, to be honest, although I won't keep too much of a grudge to anyone. At the end of the day, everybody is entitled to his own position. Like you said, we're equally entitled to go or to stay.

Well, I didn't expect a Little House on the Prairie environment but I did expect some sort of sensible behavior.
Until they (Fraggles) wise up the Platform will just Tumble On Down.


If what the Doers are creating is community, then what the Skimmers are doing, whilst boorish and ugly, doesn't matter. Long on Steemit is about the community. Let them play with bubbles, there's more at stake than they can imagine.

Upvoted @franks. This is the way, congratulations.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I think it's the oul, "If you are not part of the solution you are the problem."
Fraggles to me are all those, who are generating a negative vibe on the platform.
The general response is, just let them beat the shite out of each other.
When they're tired, they'll just go away.
I can see you are defending yourself. I have up-voted some of those posts.
I would call a Fraggle cease fire.
To get the Fraggles to stop eating the Candy-Framework;d~

Doozers spend most of their time building, and Fraggles spend much of their time eating tasty Doozer buildings.
They thus form an odd sort of symbiosis.

I was building. Content creation. But then there is an issue that needs to be dealt with, by the community, and I need to make noise for people to pay attention to it. I'll get back to being a creator when the issue is resolved.

I have also responded to the fyrstikken post about this issue.
It sounds like a plan.
I think the iFlagtrash account is just not playing the game.