Drip, drip, drip,....#8!

in steemit •  4 years ago 

Well, dear reader, it doesn't look like today is the day that @justinsunsteemit or @steemitblog give me back my account.

I remain shadow banned at their behest.

Ain't #newsteem grand!

New boss, worse than the old boss.
The old boss just ignored me, the new boss actively dry gulches me at the node, very powerful of him,...


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Maybe this could help.

Thank you!
I got one that works in court from @marcstevens, but so far all I got is bullies on steem that are not ready to take their knee off my neck, yet.

I mean the flaggot bullies have crawled back into their dog houses, so life isn't all punches to the face, but it would be easier to tolerate if I had done something to the chumps.

I can see this? what do you mean?

In your feed, look at my profile page.

I have no feeds.
I can't see anything on my front page.
I can't see comments except on the original link to them.
If I try to see them from the post, nope.
All I see is a -1.

Try it, maybe it is different for you.
For me, it is a pain getting the post numbers right.

Doesn't that just mean you used the HIVE tool that removed your posts?

In other words, you did it yourself?

No, I did not do this to myself.

Why would I do that?
None of my money was stolen.

Seems just smart to not jump off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings, to me.

And, whabaam!
Some sfr flags on hive and I got 35 hbd downvotes wiping out some of the best rewards I'd gotten in quite some time.
I was happy, until these chumps, @huaren.news and @bullionstackers decided to bitch up over some .10hbd flags on hive.

I stopped flagging just after the fork, I seen the writing on the wall.
Not to mention, I follow sfr flags, I don't vote them manually.
So, I didn't even throw the flags they have their panties in a wad over.

Whatever, I'm still here, still posting.
I'm gonna go make a meme now.

You know, every time i see this comic, the guy at the end gets thrown out the window. When are we going to see a different ending?

It's syndicated into reruns, no new episodes.
So sad.

Yeah... seems to be the way tele-comics go these days.

And your reply is hard to read on Steemit
Really annoying it saying this page doesn't exist.

Ask @steemitblog when I can have my account back?

They have ignored me, so far.

At least the racist flaggots are leaving me alone, for now.

Lol, if it wasn't for steempeak they would've blocked me totally.

All hail the big hands!