Just another memic monday!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

I will sure be glad when I get a keyboard in the house so I don't have to pay a premium to type anymore.

This tablet is tedious.

Be careful, these memes are loaded and guaranteed to get you kicked by a koolkid!

They are not for the blushing daisies of the platform.

If you are a go along to get along'er, you should probably exit now!

Just because everybody else is doing it didn't fly with your parents, for a good reason.

Yes, kissing ass here will get you rewarded.

At least as long as it takes for folks to figure out that you are one of those.

Stiff upper lip, doing the right thing is it's own reward.

We won't be dependent on whales, gangs, and bots for rewards forever.

Once the building burns down you will be glad that you got thrown out of a window.

So, hang in there, dear reader, keep building your organic following.

This vote buying/selling ganging up reward pool rape can only persist until enough word gets around the cryptosphere that buying in is futile and there are no more bigger fools to buy into the coin.

We've got nearly a million dead users spreading the word as you read this.

Once the word has gotten around, stinc will be forced to change this crap and make the game appealing to the average players rather than the outliers.

What do you think @magic8ball?

Have a perfectly peaceful day.

Vote FBA King of the World!

Keep working, stop paying.

No war, but the class war!!


How to win in court!

How to win in court for far less!!

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You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

Stiff upper lip, doing the right thing is it's own reward.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Nope, apostrophies show possession, and this one is appropriate.
Your data set is in error.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@grammarnazi is right; this is an exception to that rule. "It's" means "it is".

To add insult to injury, I'm going to pile on (just in good fun) by pointing out that you should have used a semicolon, not a comma, and "Stiff upper lip" is a sentence fragment that doesn't quite cut it because too many words ("You must have a") are implied.

It's fun to be a jerk once in a while. I'm sure that you'll repay me if I give you the chance!

Yep, it's is a contraction, but as i am refering to the it having having something the apostrophie is appropriate.
It's the dog's bowl.
Doing the right thing is the right thing's own reward.
Here doing the right thing is shortened to it, ergo the apostophie's showing the it's possession.

This is why i hated skool, too many conflicting rools.

I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed your post. (A lot.) er... (Alot.) ???? He who has the best grammar checker wins.

I give exactly 0 fucks about your grammar? I'm more interested in understanding what you're trying to say! Grammar Nazis make me imagine radioactive aids blood pouring from their anuses!

Bunch of rool followers,...

Well said man. And fuck the bots.


Keep beating that drum. I'm coming back for another round :)

Good deal, i was just thinking about you.
You're staying busy, i'm sure?

Always busy :) New job and a few other changes . Getting back in the grove now though.
Glad you're still here. I managed to get my brother to sign up finally @Damian-D
and another buddy still waiting to be verified.

We can use all the help we can get.
Did you see that bs minnowbooster posted?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Not yet. What about it? I've got a lot of catching up to do again. All this scamy self boosting stuff is a real turn off. Steem is becoming a battleground for voting bots by the looks.

Have you had a chance to check out the Riot chat app? There is a tiny community starting there for Steem. https://about.riot.im/ it's the open source alternative to Discord.

Look in Your brothers comments.
I made a post, too.
Ok, im in riot, same name.

I'm having trouble finding you there. I'm @camb:odat.xyz.
I just sent you a connection request @ @freebornangel:matrix.org

Ok, give me a minute to look.

Are you "@freebornangel:matrix.org"?


I have been summoned to answer your question! My Magic 8-Ball says:

You may rely on it

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

gave me a good smile.