Coffee Flour

in steemit •  8 years ago 

As a Steemit noob, I'm trying to share something cool that I found. In reality, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I thought this product was unbelievably cool, and I think others will as well....

Please let me know if you think this is as much of a game changer as I do :)

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I wonder how coffee flour taste in pancakes.

As my understanding goes the taste is not altered that much... So you get the health benefits of the the coffee flour without much of a change in taste at all. You should try and report back! :)

Ok, I wonder if it has a sweet taste to it, but I will order some and try it out.

Thanks for the blog @GoldMatters . This company has be buzzing! Very excited to see what the possibilities are with @coffeeflour

Welcome to Steemit!

Good work for a "noobbb" :D Keep on STEEMING! :D

Thank you! Yes, I am most definitely a noob!!! :)