Why reinvesting will not work (sorry @ltndd1, but your fighting a losing battle)

in steemit •  8 years ago 

While I love the fact that this guy is trying so hard to raise the price of Steem, I do have to bring him back to reality with this post and explain to him @ltndd1 why this will not work. I have read all three of the attempts so far that he is trying to make and "Yes" it could work if he could get the support of the Bigger fish. Sadly this is where he will fail and unfortunately Steemit will as well, this is because now gaining the votes from the Whales if you will may be easier but it comes with a new function that allows them to choose how much weight they want to put on your post and if you have not noticed, they mainly vote full weight on Each others posts or unless you have a 60 or higher Reputation. Now don't get me wrong if they actually thought about what you are trying to do, it would actually help them tremendously. We all know the big accounts and how much they are holding of all coins and power across the board, but with this holding and their unwillingness to Invest back if you will, like you are trying to do Your efforts are futile.

We can only hope for major changes when the site comes out of Beta and the excitement might just jump the price up a little. The only way I think this platform could actually bounce back would be to wipe the slate clean and give everyone the same voting power, with the ability to choose their weight on posts. This would give a better distribution of funds and would level off the hoarding technique some are currently doing. My main fear is that if the price does jump a little after the Merge out of Beta that the big guys are going to sell what they have been holding and the site will flat line. Trust me they are not in a hurry to help others as much as they feel they should help themselves.

@ltndd1 while you are trying to help, there is no chance that it will work. I am not a Hater, I just look at the facts and speak the Truth. I hope you all the best but without the big guys you are left out at sea paddling in circles.

Good luck guy

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Can Synereo be a replacement for Steemit then in your opinion if it goes online for the public?

"gaining the votes from the Whales if you will may be easier but it comes with a new function"

No, the higher SP users always had that. It's only new for lower SP users now.
