This is the best gift you will ever give yourself today........

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)


If you hate reading long posts irrespective of how valuable they might be to you, then you may need to jerk off this post right now.

I repeat, get off this post immediately for your own safety.

But if you are sure, I mean 100% sure that you are not allergic to KNOWLEDGE, then in the name of whatever deity you adore, I beseech you to read on.

I dare you to read on!

And that's because I'm about showing you something that will turn you on and cause you to happily buy me lunch today with the last money in your wallet.



Here is what I'm about to reveal to you in this post if you will be wise enough to read it to the end....

I will reveal to you....

"One Simple but POWERFUL SECRET Nobody is Telling you About The Movie -"ACRIMONY" That Will Help You Create IRRESISTIBLE Content People will Always Beg to Read."


Did you read that? Do you want that?

Of course you do. You can pretend like you don't want it for all I care, but you and I know the truth.

You want it. You need it. And I've got it.

So you better put away every distraction right now and allow me take you on this life-changing journey.

Are you ready for this? If you are, then let's do it......


Black Panther. Black Panther. 'Wakanda' thing is this?

Yet Tochi is yet to see the movie. Not that he doesn't love seeing movies, but because he is always late to parties, and that's if he even gets to attend any.

Trust me, I love seeing movies. That's one of the ways I unwind. But yet, I can never win a movie freak medal.

Movie freak? Nah, not guilty.

Music freak? Guilty as charged.

Now you can understand why I didn't even notice that the movie "ACRIMONY" has been getting lots of reviews until after I mistakenly watched it.

Damn it! A friend set me up with it.

He sent me movies after I demanded for some, and the movie- "ACRIMONY" happened to be one of them.

And so I watched it some days back when the spirit of boredom inflicted me. Good movie I must say.

While I admit I was thrilled by the storyline and the ensuing controversy and conversation that it has generated, I also have to admit that something else caught my fancy.

If you are a content creator of any sort (Every sane person serious about making money should be), you may need to pay great attention right now.

And that's because this might be the best content you will ever read this year.

First off, for the purpose of those who are yet to see the movie, let me quickly summarise the story without giving out too much details.

I hope I can pull off this stunt; so help me God.


So Robert and Melinda fell in love while in College. Melinda would do anything for Robert, and honestly, she did.

I mean, she did everything for him. But Robert, he was manipulative. He would cheat on her and was full of bullshits.

Yet Melinda still believed in him enough to marry him against everybody's advice.

18 years of marriage, she was everything but happy.

Robert couldn't and wouldn't work. Dude was only holding unto a dream that one day an invention of his would hit and he would build a castle for Melinda and make her a queen.

But the reality was that nobody believed and would buy into that piece of shit he called an invention, same with the fantasies he was peddling as dreams.

But Melinda did. She bought them. All of them.


She believed him like someone under a spell. Maybe she was.

And so she kept on waiting for years, believing that one day she would prove to everyone that they were wrong about him, and that she was right about him.

She was ready to wait forever for him. But one thing she was not ready to do was to tolerate another act of cheating from him.

And so when she got the hint that Robert was cheating on her again, it became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

She wanted out. She was done with him and his load of craps.

She reminded him how she did everything for him but yet lost everything for him.

She lost her womb because of him.

She lost all the money and the house she inherited from her late mother because he 'brainwashed' her into believing his fantasies and his piece of invention that was nothing but a piece of shit.

She wouldn't listen to his pleas anymore.

She wants no explanation from him. She was done. She only wants one thing. Melinda wants one thing. Melinda wants a divorce.

And so she divorced the 'motherfucker'. Yes she did!

Poor Robert!

He was so ruined. He had nothing and no one to go to.

Oh, I forgot. He still had his fantasies and that his piece of crap of an invention.

But here is the shocker. Melinda was wrong this time around.

Robert wasn't cheating on her this time. It was all a mix-up. Robert was a victim of circumstance. He was falsely accused.

As if that was not enough, Melinda was wrong again.

Robert's invention wasn't a piece of shit after all, but a time bomb of fortune which exploded right after she walked out on him.

My God! Robert became stupendously rich.

Robert became so rich that he bought back Melinda's house, walked over to her office with a cheque of 10 million dollars in one hand and a bouquet in another.

But don't be fooled. Don't be fooled because he didn't do all of those because he wanted her back.

No! He only went over to apologize to her.

But what exactly was he apologising for?

Trust me on this, it is better we find out from Robert himself as to what in the world he was up to with that move.

And here is what Robert said to her-

"I'm sorry that my dreams took too long to come true."

That was it. That was what the apology was about. That was all he went over to her office to do.

But no, that wasn't it for Melinda. Melinda wanted more.

She wanted them back again. She wanted to get back into the train.

But unfortunately for her, the train had left the station. Robert was already engaged to another woman.

Engaged? No way!

Melinda wouldn't take that nonsense. Melinda doesn't take nonsense.

And so Melinda was ready to disengage anything and anyone that will make her stand by the side and watch another woman reap the fruit of all the years she loved him, suffered for him, believed in him, and invested in him.

And when I said she was ready to do anything, it also includes killing.

What she did next?

Well, if you've seen the movie, you already know.

But if you've not seen the movie, don't be greedy, it's time to hit the cinema and go find out yourself.

But before you hit the cinema, let me show you that simple but powerful secret I found out from the movie.

Genesis 1:1 of the movie. Don't freak out on me, I'm not going bible on you. I only meant how the movie started.

But why are we looking at the beginning of the movie in search of this secret?

Relax, I will tell you in a moment.

You see, as a content creator, the beginning of your content is the making or breaking point.

Get it right, you are a hero, miss it, you are a shitty loser.

With the attention span of an average person decreasing day by day at an alarming rate, and the incredible surge in the number of content being churned out every day, if you think you can afford to be shitty with the Genesis 1:1 of your content, then congratulations.

You just won yourself the joker of the year award.


And by the way, it doesn't matter the type of content you are creating, whether it's a video, an audio, text, etc. The same rule applies.

Let me put this in a better perspective so you can understand what you are up against as a content creator and the importance of the secret I'm about to reveal to you.

Are you aware that Instagram users upload 46,740 million posts every minute?

Excuse me, I didn't say every hour. I said every freaking minute.


Are you also aware that every minute, 293,000 statuses are updated every day on Facebook?

Yes you read that right, per minute.

Now help me do the maths and tell me what the number will be in an hour. I'm not good with mathematics, so help a brother with that calculation.

By the way, I made E8 in my WAEC. Please don't tell my wife.

Are you equally aware that every minute, YouTube users upload 400 hours of new video every day?

Listen, I can go on and on showing you statistics of the volume of content your own content is always up against, but I will stop here.

I'm not a fan of numbers. I do better with words.

But here is the picture I'm trying to paint for you. Not only do you have the Goliath of low attention span to fight with as a content creator, but you also have millions of content out there jostling for the same attention you are seeking.

It's a war people. It's a jungle. We are up against sharks.

So who then is going to win this attention war? Or better put, how can you win this attention battle with your own content?

Now let's sail back to our movie-ACRIMONY, for that's where our island is, and there we will find our treasure.

And so the movie started with a courtroom setting.

I need 100% of your attention right now; else all the time you've spent so far in this journey would have been in vain.

Ready? Let's go!!!

So Melinda was seated in court with her lawyer bedside her. She was looking like a hungry tiger ready to devour a prey.

Robert was there too with his fiancée and their lawyer.

And the first voice we heard was that of the judge with the following words-

“What is it going to take to make you heed the warnings of this court? It is obvious to me that you are not taking this matter seriously.

I will not allow you to continue to harass this people. Is that clear?

If you violate this restraining order, I assure you, you will spend 40 days in the County jail..."

That was the judge talking to Melinda.

And by the way, the above scene was after she had divorced Robert and after Robert's invention had made him some serious bucks.

But hold on a second. Why did the movie start with a scene that was obviously not the beginning of the story?

No, that's not the beginning of the story!

In fact, that courtroom scene happened towards the end of the story, but yet, it began the movie.


Why the decision to use a courtroom setting as the opening scene when it was not the beginning of the story?

Let me tell you a bit about courtroom setting before we continue so we can all be on the same page.

Trust me, it's about getting interesting now.


I know that setting very well. I have plied my trade within those four walls for close to ten years now. And so, yes, I know the 'evil' that goes on there.

And if there is one thing I can tell you about that crazy place, it is this-

It's freaking a war zone!

It's a battleground. It's a place where Samanda must be declared a winner and Lucy a loser.

Mike will leave with a battered face dripping with blood, while Frank leaves laughing and shouting hallelujah.

To hell with that place! I hate it. It’s a Golgotha. It's a highly tensed zone.

But that's it. That's the secret we've been searching for. That's the treasure on the island.

Don't get confused yet, for I will quickly unpack the mystery box for you.

Let me begin the unpacking process by asking you one simple question-

When you are in an environment that is tension-soaked and super-charged, what is usually your state of mind?

You know it! You are at an alert. You are focused. Your attention is pulled towards the source of that tension like a magnetic force.

Is that not true? Sure it is.


You see, that's the same thing that happens with a content that has a BEGINNING that can produce that kind of effect.

People's attention will be quickly grabbed, their focus heightened, and their interest pulled towards that content.

Why is that so? Simple too!

It is because once you create a scenario or conjure up words that can get the human brain to feel some sense of tension, danger, or suspense, a hormone known as cortisol is quickly released in the human body.

And when that hormone is released, that's exactly what leads to the attention-grabbing, focus-heightening and interest-pulling effect.

And that explains why people will stop to interact with one content within a few seconds of coming in contact with it, but will jump over another.

Why the latter case? Simple! The creator of that content used what I call a boring Genesis 1:1.

By the way, how do you think I got you reading this post till now?

Now you can understand why Tyler Perry took the end of a story scene and made it the beginning of his movie.

You think that was a coincidence or some sort of fluke?

No offence, but you will be so dumb to think so.

Tyler knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly what he wanted for his movie. (Do you even know what you want for your content?)

And that's not all, he also knew the things he was up against as a content creator.

And so being a smart content creator, he figured that he needed not just a good Genesis 1:1 for his content, but also a cortisol-producing, attention-grabbing, focus-heightening and interest-pulling Genesis 1:1 for his movie.

And guess what? He did what he had to do. And boom, he got the result he wanted.

And so right from the first second of the movie, our attention got hooked and smoked without our permission.


You see, that's exactly what you've been missing all the while in your content creation process.

But now that you know better, that's exactly what you should start fixing from now henceforth.

Always ask yourself- How best can I grab the attention of my audience within the first few seconds they come in contact with my content?

Hey, listen, while I admit this is not something you can master overnight, but it is still an art and consciousness that if you keep at it, with time, you will become better at it.

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Thanks for the tips. This post sure grabbed my attention.