Why are witnesses discouraging conversations?

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Until recently, when someone replied to a response made by someone on an article I wrote and posted, that 2nd reply would show up in my list of replies. This ensured that I would know when anyone adds anything to any of my articles.

EDIT: It seems I goofed up and THOUGHT things had changed when it had NOT. However this might be a good discussion to have about what we could do better here on Steemit. I posted an apology to the witnesses in my reply to @abh12345 and apologize again for my mistake. Perhaps it would be helpful to list replies in order of age rather than by VP so that new replies can be more easily found? A button perhaps that toggles the order? A 'SHOW NEW' button? There must be SOME way to more easily find new replies.

However, as of a few days ago, I have noticed people have made comments on some of my articles, but because they were not directly under one of my own articles, I was not notified of its existence. This is rather discouraging because I bet lots of comments are now being missed by many authors. I have commented on remarks made by others to an author's post and wondered why the author had not made any mention about seeing my comment(s). I am quite sure they also rely on the notifications in order to find new comments on their own articles.


For some strange reason, the witnesses have approved this change and I really wish they would reconsider. Commenting is part of the social fabric of this platform and making it harder to find new comments is counter-productive in my opinion.

Has anyone else noticed the missing notifications? How do you feel about that? Please comment below and make your voice heard.


I sincerely thank you for your input!

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If you use my Notifications bot for telegram it tells you even when someone edits a post addressed to you :)

If the post is addressed to you, don't you always get a notification in that case?

On edits? I know I saw the steemit notifications are gone again anyway .

BTW it is not the witnesses who make the code for the web site, that part is steem inc)

This is attempt #2 at responding to @reveur; the first one seems to have vanished after saying it was loading. The system has been spotty the past few days.

What I wrote was that as far as I know, the witnesses have the option to update the new code or not. If half choose to do so and half do not, then we have a hard fork and 2 systems.

I think it is important that people understand exactly what goes on behind the scenes and a full post explanation from a witness would be very appreciated by a lot of people.

I don't remember replies to replies ever showing up here on Steemit. Happy to be corrected though!

Now that you mention it... you may be correct! Perhaps I'm thinking of cases where someone replies to MY comments on the article written by someone else! I just searched through a bunch of my replies trying to find an example and was unsuccessful. The only thing I could find is where there is a reply to a reply but the previous comment was one of my own. YIKES!!!

My apologies to the witnesses on that blunder!!!

However, having said that... can we perhaps have that feature added? It sure would help with finding those elusive responses to a reply that wasn't your own, but still on your blog page.

I think i've seen it asked for in the past. On some post with comments in the 200, and where the thread goes completely off topic, I'm not sure I'd want to be notified in the same menu as 'Replies'. 'Replies to replies'? Tricky one!

I do appreciate the engagement we are having here. This is what I believe this platform was intending us to do.

As for posts with 200 or more responses: I think there is even more reason to not have to scroll through all those replies to see if there is anything new; especially when everything is re-arranged by VP rather than by age. If it was listed by age only, then it would be quite easy to simply look for the last response. If the conversation goes off-topic, I guess it would be up to the original Poster (OP) to decide if they want to allow off-topic conversations to continue or if they want to strictly control the replies so that they are on-topic. If they never see that the conversation takes a fork, they won't be able to say something to stop that unwanted behaviour.

To be honest though, I have not had the pleasure of having that problem yet, so I may change my mind about that at a later date! Some better filtering of all this data would be a nice improvement. I guess if we keep complaining, perhaps one day things will improve.


I am with you on the 'missing' a reply to a reply, i've apologized in the past even though its the interface that is at fault I (we) think.

If the conversation goes off-topic, I guess it would be up to the original Poster (OP) to decide if they want to allow off-topic conversations to continue or if they want to strictly control the replies so that they are on-topic.

This is unlikely to ever happen - freedom of the blockchain - unless you wish to flag.

If they never see that the conversation takes a fork, they won't be able to say something to stop that unwanted behavior.

True, but people must understand that the text on your blog that is not written by you, isn't controlled by you. You can up and down vote it, but never stop what is being said.

Thanks for the discussion, i'm going to need another coffee :)

the text on your blog that is not written by you, isn't controlled by you.

I understand that. I was thinking more like politely asking people to stay on topic. Most people would respect the OP's page I suspect. There are always the few that have no respect.

You will only see replies to your own comments,
but not to a reply on somebody else's comment,
even if it is on a post of your own.
It has always been this way.
I know that I have sometimes gone back a few days later to look at a post of mine, and see that I missed some interesting back-and-forth conversations between other people on my posts.

Thank-you for the clarification. I seem to have confused the issue and responded to @abh12345 with an apology to the witnesses. My bad.

For me the attitude about comments at the lack of appreciation in favor of upvotes is a serious red flag about how serious this website is about fostering a vibrant Social network.
For me fine several months I do not see notifications for a reply on my posts. I missed many comments and the conversation stopped !
I've noticed that comments have in many cases disappeared ( in the sense that no humans are commentating any more )
Without that interaction, this site will become obsolete fast ... a bunch of bots talking.
It is clear from the latest videos by Ned that the focus is on ICO's through their media token ... there is no pretense even that there is work to improve the social network side ...
Actively looking for the next steemit.com maybe on the STEEM blockchain but really don't care.

Many thanks for your comments. I hear you loud and clear about the reduced amount of human interaction and I blame automation for that. People are using bots to do their voting for them to ensure they use up their allotted votes, however, without reading the content, how do they know if that particular post should receive a 10% VP vote or a 50% VP vote? For those who receive regular bot votes, they could get away with having a bot write a bunch of gibberish several times per day and still enjoy those automated votes!

I have already written some material about my concerns and am trying my best to alter the mindset of people who can only see the short-term gains for themselves and are missing out on the long-term potential of this platform. I'm still hopeful that I can gather the support of like-minded individuals and together we can influence the direction that this platform takes.

I do hope there is some fresh initiative from Steemit Inc., but the lack of communication about the real concerns of the users doesn't seem to indicate that is where their focus lies...
I have great hope for the concept but tge execution so far seems to have stalled. The great thing about the STEEM blockchain is that other interfaces might be developed and become more user friendly... but so far most of them are a bit painful to use still...
Busy.org and chainbb hopefully can focus more on executing a great idea. The steemit inc. group seems more focussed on how to boost the STEEM value through developing ICO alternatives. Which also is indirectly useful for the users although not so much the average users, it disproportionally favours the whales (again). To make steemit a success I think that is the wrong group to focus on for long term success. The steemit site urgently needs to come out of Beta with a focus on interventions that stimulate organic human interaction and systematically disfavors automated behaviours. Automatic upvoting does obviously not promote quality content. Which is the stated goal in the Steem white paper. The system is vulnerable to abuse and those vulnerabilities need to be engineered out, manual spambot flagging is a huge waste of time abd motivation.

As long as the fox is guarding the henhouse, you can be sure there will be a few hens that go missing. The system is designed like real-world finances where those who already have will get more and the rest will struggle for the scraps. For those with very little, it is a big deal when their 500 Steem increases in value ten-fold and that is what keeps them here, regardless of the amounts others may make. So why change things for the benefit of those who come here for the social part? This is a business for many and maximizing income is the goal. I'm no expert on how speculation works, but I do methodically think things through and I can't see how sustainable it would be for just a few speculators to trade amongst themselves indefinitely. In order for a few to make a lot of money, many must lose something. That means they need mass adoption. Maybe I'm just not able to see the light and I need some kind soul to explain it to me.

The steemit site urgently needs to come out of Beta with a focus on interventions that stimulate organic human interaction and systematically disfavors automated behaviours. Automatic upvoting does obviously not promote quality content.

I hear you here my dear @the-traveller. ¡Loud & Clear! :)

Never better said!!

I fully agree I have been propossing to remove the nesting, encourage votes on comments and have some kind of notifications!

Well look at me indirectly causing drama
it's like I'm at teenager all over again. But yeah I replied to the parent comment not your reply :p easy mistake to make :p

It was my mistake of assuming all replies made under an article were reported to the original poster (OP). This was the first time I noticed such behaviour and assumed things had been altered. I was quickly set straight by people who have more experience on this platform. There is always something new to learn. I do wish this kind of issue is taken seriously though, because lots of comments will go unseen under the current condition.

My VP is too low to give any more votes today, so I need to wait a day for it to recover somewhat.