Hay friend steemit, may you all healthy and always the spirit of doing the activity. On this occasion I @harislalana will discuss about the process of the development of living things
Every living creature of either plants or animals has the ability to grow and develop. Have you ever noticed why a tiny baby can turn into a child and eventually turn into an adult? Or, the tiny kitten with her fine hair can turn into an adult cat with her hair that seems to have changed.
Similarly, the mango, rambutan, or orange that originally small can turn into a tall and large tree with a dense fruit. Growth and development is a process whereby both run side by side. Thus the process of growth and development can not be separated from each other.
But if we understand from the word growth and development there is a fundamental difference. Growth is a biological change event that occurs in living beings in the form of irreversible size changes. Irreversible means not to change back to the origin, because of the addition of substance and shape changes that occur during the growth process. In growth there is an increase in size, volume, length (height), and mass increase.
This can be shown in humans when new born, baby's body length about 45 cm and body mass approximately 3 kg. after experiencing growth, there was a long increase and body mass on the baby. Humans and animals generally have a limited period of growth, meaning that at certain periods no longer occur the growth process. But plants can experience growth throughout their lives.
Growth has the following characteristics:
a. Quantitative (can be calculated or expressed by unit number).
b. There is a meristem (for plant).
c. Reproduction in mitosis.
Development is the process toward achieving maturity or a more perfect level in living things. The developmental features are as follows:
a. Qualitative (not measurable).
b. Available on breeding / reproduction tools.
c. Meiosis reproduction.
Examples of developments include: the formation of flowers.
Factors that affect growth and development
Growth and development is influenced by internal factors (internal) and external factors (external).
- Factor In (internal)
Factor in (internal) is a factor that comes from within the body of living things themselves. Factors that fall into the internal (other) factors of the other delivery as follows:
a. Genes (Genetic)
Genes are not visible from the outside. Genes are formed from a number of nucleic acids arranged in macromolecules called DNA. The gene acts as a hereditary carrier, so that the properties possessed by the parent will be passed on to the offspring.
Each type (species), even each individual has a gene for certain traits such as: fast growing, high-trunked, short-stem, bushy fruit, rare fruit.
b. Hormone
Hormones that play a role in the process of growth and development, among others:
- Growth Hormone
Hormones are organic compounds in humans and some animals. Hormones are produced by the endocrine gland which is a dead-end gland. Hormones affect reproduction, metabolism, and growth and development. Growth hormone is a hormone that spur growth. In plants like
a. Auxins:
• Many are present at the end of the coleoptile
• Encouraging stem / tip lengthening
• Stimulate adventitous root growth on the stem / stem
• Spur the dominance of apical buds (buds at the end of the stem)
b. Giberelin:
• Spur the growth of the stem
• Stimulate germination of seeds and buds
• Stimulate the formation of interest
• Stimulates the development of seed without seed (partenokarpi)
c. Cytokines:
• Spur cell division and organ formation
• Delaying aging
• Spur the development of side buds
• Encourages cell magnification in dicotyled cotyledons.
d. Absisic Acid (ABA):
• Inhibits growth (Dormancy)
• Spur the leaves, flowers, and fruit
e. Gas Etilene:
Accelerate fruit maturation, stimulate flowering, stimulate aging and leaf abortion and inhibit stem lengthening.
Growth Hormone Growth
Growth hormone is a hormone that serves to stop growth and development activities and is often known as fitohormon. A condition in which no activity (activity) of growth and development is called dormant.Hormones Forming Body Organs
Hormone forming of organs is a hormone that serves to stimulate the formation of organs. In plants, for example Rhizokalin hormone serves to stimulate the formation of roots. Kaulocalin, Filokalin, and Antokalin are hormones that help also in the formation of organs.
- Rhizokalin = root
- Filokalin = leaf
- Kaulokalin = stem
- Antho = flower
Hormone Injuries
Wound hormone is a hormone that stimulates the formation of new tissue from the edges of the wound which will then cover it. In plants for example, traumalin acids will form callus tissue that will cover the wound.Hormones in humans
Hormones are produced by endocrine glands (dead ends) and carried by blood to target organs so as to affect the growth and development of animals including humans.
a. Pituitary Gland Produce
• Somatotroph - Affects growth
• Tirotropin - Affects the working of the thyroid gland
• Prolactin - Affects milk expenditure
• Gonadotropin - Affects the work of the sex glands
• ACTH - Affects the working of the Adrenal gland
• ADH - Affects urine expenditure
• Oxytocin - Affects uterine muscle contractions during childbirth
b. The thyroid produces thyroxine: regulates the metabolism of substances and growth.
c. Parathyroid produces Parathormon: Regulates levels of calcium in the blood.
d. Adrenaline produces Adrenaline: Regulates blood sugar levels by converting glycogen into glucose.
e. Pancreas produces Insulin: Regulates blood sugar levels by converting glucose into glycogen.
f. Testes produce Testosterone: Affects secondary male genital traits.
g. Ovaries produce Estrogen and Progresterone: Affects secondary female sex characteristics.
- External Factors (external)
External factors (external) are the factors that come from outside the body of living things themselves.
Factors that belong to external factors (external), among others, as follows:
a. Food (Nutrition)
Food is a major factor for the growth and development of living things. Food is a raw material which will then be processed on the event of metabolism to produce energy. Energy is indispensable for growth.
In plants, the food is in the form of substances and minerals (nutrients) contained in the soil. Plants will experience growth disorders (abnormal) if the lack of substances and minerals (nutrients).
Nutritional function in it is as the building material of living organism. Nutrition for most animals and humans can be proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Protein is the building material of body cells.
b. Temperature
Every living thing has a tolerance limit on temperature. If the ambient temperature is too cold or too hot, then living things can not grow and flourish completely. High low temperature becomes one of the factors that determine the growth, reproduction and also the survival of the plant. A good temperature for plants is between 22 ° C to 37 ° C.
Temperatures that are more or less than normal limits can lead to slow or stagnant growth. Each plant species generally has different optimum temperatures. At the optimum temperature, a plant species grows and develops well. Air temperature affects all plant activities associated with growth and development processes such as water absorption, photosynthesis, evaporation (transpiration) and respiration (respiration).
Plants that have beautiful flowers in cold temperatures (mountains) when planted in hot temperate regions then the growth and development of these plants will be hampered, not even flowering.
c. Light (Light)
Light (light) is needed for life, especially sunlight. All living things need sunlight. For example, green plants need sunlight to support the process of photosynthesis. If a plant lacks sunlight, then the plant may appear pale and the color of the plant is yellowish (etiolation). In sprouts, the sun can inhibit the growth process.
d. Humidity
To some extent, moist soil and air have a good effect on plant growth. This is because the water that can be absorbed by more plants and less water is evaporated, causing an outbreak of cells. Thus the cells of the plant will more quickly reach the maximum size.
The environmental factors mentioned above that affect the growth and development of plants are complex. These factors do not work independently, but are a unity that interacts in influencing the growth and development of plant.
This is all I can share with you for all my friends and for my own person.