in steemit •  6 years ago 


Different innovators in their various fields are people who are not well known. They are the ones who make things happen. They sacrifice everything in order to make the brands what they are today.
The seal app lets users to know if any product that is seal-enabled is genuine.It requires a simple tap with your smartphone allows you to scan the NFC chip, which shows the information about the particular product.

The Seal chip, Seal app, and the Seal network provide the genuineness of a product.

To create a more genuine world, out of love for creation.

Out of love for creation
We trust that the originators, craftsmen, researchers, software engineers and makers are the unsung legends behind brands that get enchantment going in our lives. The brands are the seal of these makers' spirits: they symbolize their hard work. Together they transform thoughts into the real world, change things into culture and bring us certainty, chuckling and satisfaction in our lives.

Along these lines, we trust that we ought to love brands and its makers, secure them, urge them to continue onward and fortify the association amongst individuals and brands. We need to prepare to a veritable and advancing world, without fakes or cruel items and their staggering results.

We seek to light a reestablished thankfulness for the world's most darling and advantageous brands. Out of adoration for creation.

Origin story
Bart and Joris cooperated on a social versatile diversions startup previously. In 2013 they set their gaming equipment to work mining Bitcoin and Litecoin after available time. They immediately made sense of that coupling NFC innovation with the blockchain could upset forgers, and this is an utilization case with the possibility to put the blockchain into the hands of a large number of individuals. In spite of the fact that their underlying work was done in those days, they knew the market was not prepared yet.
In 2017, they understood the time had come to give their end-all strategy something to do, thus they did. Conceived as offspring of a craftsman whose work succumbed to forgers more than once, Bart and Joris know direct how obliterating duplicating is to the lives of creatives.

Seal is the most ideal path for anybody to check if an item is authentic or counterfeit. Seal joins NFC chips, which are installed into physical items, the Seal application, and the Seal Network to give a quick, basic, and secure approach to give items credibility and different administrations.
By encouraging a safe tokenized variant of a physical item, Seal enables item particular administrations to work, for example, exchanging proprietorship, robbery aversion, protection, yet in addition mark initiation battles and item examination.
Seal gives marks a chance to win cash each time their items change proprietors. Without precedent for history, brands can procure cash from things sold through the used exchange, while all the while shielding their business sectors from forgers. Utilizing the energy of the blockchain, credibility can be checked and proprietorship can be exchanged a very long time from now, regardless of whether the item itself is stopped, insofar as individuals add to the decentralized Seal arrange.
Seal needs to convey back certainty to buyers and take into consideration brands to connect with their most vigorously vested clients in the most direct way the web has ever observed. Together, we construct a superior world in which shoppers value the imaginative work of creators and quit nourishing the fake economy.

Counterfeiting Targets
In its embodiment, forging is the arbitrage of an item's outward esteem. A brand's affectability to falsifying relies upon the extraneous estimation of its items. Extraneous esteem is typically gotten from mark value however it can likewise be gotten from different sources, for example, affirmations on account of pharmaceutical.
Secondary Submarket
Forgers target both essential market and optional markets. In essential markets costs are like real items. In auxiliary markets costs may change broadly (Note: The optional market isn't the same as the used market). As indicated by an examination by the OECD, fake Ray-Ban shades, Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton packs and Nike shoes with low costs focus on the auxiliary submarket. In this submarket the costs are significantly diminished when contrasted with the first since customers look for IP encroaching items deliberately (OECD, 2016,p55-138). Items might be promoted as intermediaries or imitations when venders don't imagine that the item is bona fide.

Rather, the dealer may contend that the item is of comparative quality to the first. Despite the fact that Seal can't address this portion of the market specifically, it can be tended to by the utilization of Seal by traditions control.

Primary submarket
Fake items in a higher value class have a place with the essential submarket. These fakes don't just encroach IP, yet in addition purposefully bamboozle purchasers. The costs for these items are just somewhat beneath the first item and are frequently sold as true items at a markdown.

The Seal Network ensures this market. The OECD gauges the universal exchange fake items was up to $461b in 2013, or 2.5% worldwide exchange. This sum does exclude locally delivered and expended fakes nor fakes that were circulated on the web.

Secondhand market
The used market is amazingly delicate to debasement and low in customer trust. Numerous items lose an incentive in the used market, yet the items that Seal targets commonly go about as esteem stores. The uprightness of the used market manages regardless of whether the brand can offer items at a value premium. Clients will stir as a group once confide in the validness of items in the used market is risked, in light of the fact that collectibility is radically diminished when forgers dirty the market. At the end of the day, when fakes surge the market, shoppers will never again feel safe obtaining those items. They won't simply quit purchasing, however leave the market out and out (for example by auctioning off their accumulation).
The used market is where esteem stores frame a lucrative exchange, for example, on account of collectibles, funnies, vinyl, wines, tennis shoes, architect garments, cowhide merchandise and other vintage or constrained release items. These classes are ideal objectives for forgers, accordingly the interest for realness is most astounding here.
The used market is the greatest market in measure, since the market estimate is the whole of all items at any point sold, not only the ones that are available to be purchased at the present time, yet information on the used market is missing in light of the fact that there is essentially no chance to get for brands to catch that information legitimately. Since these business sectors carry on self-sufficiently, outside the ability to control of the brands, the brands can't communicate with this market. The outcome is that brands can't adapt the used market despite the fact that this is the place a large portion of the cash from items with collectible esteem is made. Brands just benefit at the underlying purpose of-offer, not on after deal exchanges.

Midnight Shifting
Midnight moving happens when true blue assembling accomplices of the brand deliver an authorized item keep running amid the day, yet in addition make an unlicensed item keep running amid the night. The authorized item run is sold through the honest to goodness inventory network, though the unlicensed item run is sold on the underground market or went into the genuine production network by means of plotting wholesalers. These items are not falsified, but rather they do constitute licensed innovation robbery by the maker.
Brands believe their assembling accomplices with their competitive advantages, to be specific the outlines, models, strategies, materials and procedures required to make their items. In midnight moving, the producer utilizes the competitive innovations it was depended with against its own customer.
Midnight moving contends specifically with the brand by undermining costs. Since the nature of the item is the very same, midnight moved items are to a great degree hurtful to the brand and are relatively difficult to distinguish or control.


    Static arrangements like QR-codes, visualizations and RFID will in the end be replicated and traded off. The Seal Network's blockchain and NFC chips are alter safe.
    Today, numerous against duplicating strategies exist. A portion of these incorporate watermarks, security strings, undetectable ultra-violet inks, shading moving inks, multi dimensional images, item numbering, fluorescent fiber, Moiré designs, miniaturized scale print and numerous others.
    Hostile to duplicating is an unending wait-and-see game amongst forgers and security pros. Unavoidably, all disconnected validation techniques move toward becoming traded off, as long as an adequately vast money related thought process exists. One problem is that specialized training is often required to appraise whether or not the more sophisticated anti-counterfeiting methods are violated. Consumers are still casualties since they don't have the information to recognize bona fide items from fakes.

    Online confirmation is the best way to guarantee validness, however the information that dwells on the item's inserted chip can be duplicated also. Duplicates would at present point to a substantial item section in the database. So as to tackle the issue there must be an approach to guarantee the information isn't duplicable. The blockchain is just a single piece of the arrangement. A dynamic chip, one that progressions express each time you communicate with it, keeps fraudsters from going off the chip as genuine on the grounds that each time an endeavor is made to confirm it, the information itself changes. The honest to goodness and the fake item will have out of adjust data on it, which shows the item is altered.

    Duplicating is driven by budgetary thought processes. To stop the wait-and-see game amongst forgers and security experts, the capacity to adapt expansive scale duplicating must stop. Rather than invigorating the item itself with unique markings or difficult to fake materials, we insert chips that are validated on a blockchain. We bring all these innovations together in the Seal stage.

The secondhand suffers the most because value stores are very lucrative and are targets of counterfeited products. The market size is a large one, therefore it is easy and possesses low risk of scamming people.

The Seal is more than just anti-counterfeiting platform. Having the Seal, we allow users to get used to each unique product on theSealNetwork. The following shortlist of possible services are as follows:

Verify Authenticity (Already implemented) Track Parallel Trade
Consumers check the authenticity of a product Brands tracks the original product and see where they are being sold.

Register ownership (Already implemented) product Recalls
Consumers claim ownership of a product. For Seal provides geospatial/time series product analytics to brands.
insurance, P2P transaction theft prevention

Theft-Prevention Custom Integration
Consumers mark products as lost or stolen. Brands use tokens to pay for API calls that redirect to a custom source
Displays a custom message triggered when scanned. Such as an app or browser.


Theft prevention
When ownership of a product is registered, it is registered in the blockchain.Products Sometimes the products are lost or stolen. Mostly products that are expensive. It stands at a high risk of theft and the owners have no idea on how to retrieve the product.
In this case, owners of such products can flag them as lost or stolenthrough the use of Seal App.

Track Parallel Trade
Parallel trade means the importation of products from another country without license from the brand. This has become a menace to the brands.
There are various reasons why parallel trade is difficult to fight. The intricacies of running a global organization makes it hard to keep track of distributors.
This is where Seal comes in in a huge way. With Seal, each product can be assigned to an assigned country. For each single product it is known which distributor has purchased it.

Product Recalls
This is a request for a product to be returned after the discovery of safety concerns or might have some other issues which may not be good for consumption. It is not an easy task to recall products from the market.
Brands can recall their products by using Seal by marking the specific range of products which are affected.

Product Analytics
Presently, retail analytics is not yet at its best. Brands can analyze scanner data and that’s all. Scanner data is known to be the data on the sales of consumer goods that are derived from scanning the barcodes at each single product.

Custom Integration
Brands are advised to make custom brands to use the Seal platform. By scanning a Seal chip opens up the Seal app where the records of all the customer items are listed.
Some examples are:
(1.) General interaction with the brand app (Nike +app)
(2.) Loyalty app
(3.) Access to exclusive content, such as bonus tracks from music artists, books, emojis or in-game items
(4.) Access to behind-the scenes or making off material
(5.) Purchasing refills or replacements of consumable products
(6.) Product service and support
(7.) Access to a limited edition item obtainable only if you own a complete set of products


  1. Master plan – Phase 1
    Infrastructure of Authenticity
    Seal's interests in the stage will lay the foundation for the world's framework of legitimacy. This framework is the premise whereupon an administration biological system can be based upon. Maybe most strikingly, it would give an approach to brands to accumulate information and perform geographic and time arrangement examination on item streams. This is a jump forward in the development of knowledge driven associations. Different administrations are not constrained to the already featured administrations. Later on, Seal may additionally grow its administration offering, for instance with unique traditions and law authorization programming,
  2. Master Plan – Phase 2
    Convergence of E-Commerce& Retail.
    Seal has both E-Commerce and Retail applications. In retail, Seal can turn into a no-checkout strategy to pay for honest to goodness items. Essentially output, pay and leave. In E-Commerce, checking and asserting the responsibility for could happen even before the item is dispatched, or recorded on locales like eBay or Amazon. Should the vender neglect to send the item, the new proprietor can bolt the item by stamping it as lost or stolen.
  3. Master plan – Phase 3
    Currency of Authenticity
    Seal builds up itself as the money of validness. The cash is enhanced for executing customer products. Utilizing Seal to pay for items while specifically asserting possession gives both purchaser and dealer an ensured trade of products. With consistent FIAT exchanges, there is no real way to tell with assurance whether (a) the item is real and (b) physical cash/banknotes are not duplicated

The chip makes use of AES cryptographic authentication (advanced encryption standard) and lets automatically and securely connect to the web service by simply tapping the tag without installing the app on a mobile NFC device.


Dynamic Verification
Each Seal chip contains (1) a 7-byte UID, (2) a tap count that increments every time the chip is being scanned and (3) a private key. Messages are being signed with the count of a tap.

Digital Coupling
Producers link a product key to a UID by making use of the Seal enterprise app which is intended for brands and manufactures. This app lets brands to distribute new products made for the desired product run.


Ethereum Blockchain
The Seal token is an ERC20 token which is built on top of the ethereum which works together with NFC-chips. Seal targets to be the controlling platform that millions of people can rely on when getting a new or used products.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are both working on solutions to scale network throughout and increase transaction speed. Though it’s still a huge challenge for Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Smart Contracts
We want to be able to put smart contract system into our solutions. Ethereum is way far the most popular smart contract blockchain obtainable at the moment.

Availability of engineers
The smart contract of ethereum is flexible to learn. Due to Ethereum’s unwavering standard, documentation and proper tooling (e.g. Truffle, Solidity) the availability of engineers is high but the the learning curve is very low.

ERC20 vs. ERC223
Seal is built on the ERC20 token standard. ERC23 token standard has some technical advantages over ERC20.

This depends on the developments of blockchain technology and the need to develop funds being raised. We will have the need to develop our own blockchain in order to support higher transaction volumes, and reduce transaction fees.

The Seal API is the major way of communicating with the Seal network. It releases requests the inbuilt microservices. It helps us to change and upgrade the inbuilt platform with ease, while you still maintain the backward compatibility with Seal App and other API consumers.

A microservices architecture is a flexible and efficient way in building and operating software. Microservices separate huge applications into smaller parts which are not dependent of each other.
The Ethereum blockchain is used to save all the transaction concerning a particular product, such as information references about a product.

Seal Tokens are used to pay for services by consumers and brands. The number of services that are supported will also be improved on the platform.
Currency of Authenticity
The major aim for Seal is to be the currency of authenticity, a currency that is highly recommended for the exchange of consumer products. In this regards, Seal Token is a medium of exchange.
Decentralized Apps for Brands
Seal will support brands to set up their own decentralized apps for products on the Seal network. Seal Tokens can be used to communicate with these decentralized brand apps.
Value Creation
the value in the Seal environment is connected with the brands that place their products on the Seal Network. Every service on the Seal Network has a fee cost for the service.
Network Effects
The utility of Seal tokens increases as more brands take up the platform. In order to explain how network effects increase utility, a good example is a phone network where the utility of the first phone in the network is low, but becomes more useful as more people begins to use the phone.
Tokens Required
Seal tokens are required in order to enter the ecosystem. The Seal tokens drives the Seal Network. They allow low-cost micropayments between the Seal Network, consumers and brands.
Future Use
This depends on future improvements and lawsadditional properties can also be added to the Token. These properties could include rights to vote or other token holder incentives.

Service Fees
Brands do pay up to 25% fee for the Seal Network on all service fees for the usage of the platform. Seal Network uses 5% of the fees which are received from brands. Service fees depend on the brands and mining is not included.

Though our technology supports many different pricing patterns, we believe that brands should make their decision on the price of ownership transfers in order to match their products, strategy and their image.
Alternative 1- Static pricing set by Seal
A static, predetermined price for ownership transfers that would also apply to all productsworldwide which will amount to general low service fees because the system would be required to be priced to the lowest common denomination.

Alternative 2 – Dynamic pricing
This is basing the price of ownership of the current price of the product is a good idea but it is a very sensitive to abuse.

Chip sales
Seal will sell NFC chips to brands. Seal aims to develop its personal property NFC chips in the future.
SaaS (Software as a Service) products
Additional SaaS products, like analytics tools and private integrations, will be sold as subscriptions separately.
Consulting & Integration
Seal provides integration consulting and onboarding servicesto new brands adopting Seal as well as support and training for the API.

Token Cap
A maximum of 1.2b tokens will be minted and will never be surpass this amount. It is no more than 492m tokens will be allocated for the token sale rounds. Discounts and bonuses depend on the strategic partnerships and size of the deal.

Token Emission
KYC and AML is needed before buying any tokens. Buyers need to provide their information and the address which will be used to send Ether from.

The following projections show the intended scope of the work and scale of the organization per milestone. This can be changed depending on the environmental factors.

41% = Token sale: A maximum of 492m tokens will be distributed during the token sale. Unsold tokens will be distributed proportionately to ALL Private Investors, Presale and Mainsale Buyers.
13% = Team & Advisors: 156m tokens will be used for rewards to the team, advisors, bounties and future staff members. This pool is also used to attract senior executives. Tokens will vest every 6 months over a period of 3 years.
7% = Influence: 84m tokens will be used for lobbying, influencing, and other pr. Tokens will vest every 6 months over a period of 3 years
22% = Future Operations: 264m tokens will be held by Seal. Tokens will be used for strategic relationships, business acquisitions, institutional investors, other operations, architecture, execution of master plan phase 2 & phase 3, and in case we require extra cashflow. Tokens vest every year over a period of 4 years.
17% = Future R&D: 204m tokens will be held by Seal. Tokens will be used for future R&D such as custom chip development, inlay integration, development of a proprietary blockchain, bApp functionality, service extensions, analytics platform, other R&D, and in case we require extra cashflow. Tokens vest every year over a period of 4 years.


  1. SEAL APP- Basic app is created with NFC scanning. Authenticity checks implemented
  2. BACKEND- The basic backend portal is created which allows brands to configure products for their production lines.
  3. CROWDSALE Q 1 2018- Token sale and distribution.
  4. PRODUCT DEPLOYMENT Q 3 2018- The first commercial products are deployed on the Seal Network.
  5. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Q 4 2018- The Seal App and backend will be further developed.
  6. EXTRA SERVICES Q 1 2019- The services portfolio is extended with other and brand-specific services.
  7. ANALYTICS Q 3 2019- An analytics dashboard made for executives who wish to better understand their customers’ behavior.
  8. BLOCKCHAIN R&D Q 1 2020- A Seal blockchain is created and tokens are migrated from Ethereum to the Seal blockchain.
  9. CHIP DESIGN R&D Q 1 2021- A more advanced proprietary NFC is developed together with a development partner.


  1. LEGAL & BUSINESS- Set up the legal and business structure to protect IP and manage regulatory stakeholders.
  2. PARTNERS- Set up strategic partnerships with the IACC, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and other
  3. PARTNERS Q 2 2018- Set up partnerships with NFC-, inlay-, and other suppliers.
  4. TALENT Q 2 2018- Standardize HR processes and controls to quickly scale team and manage performance
  5. TECHNOLOGY Q 3 2018- Scale the technology division tasked with the development and technical operations.
  6. BRAND DEVELOPMENT Q 3 2018- Develop and address the needs of designated niche categories (wine, art, limited edition and luxury goods)
  7. SALES & MARKETING Q 3 2018- Design & deploy an enterprise sales strategy to create a unified, scalable sales approach for Seal engagements.
  8. PARTNER PROGRAM Q 4 2019- A partner program & certification model for value-added resellers is created (e.g. brand agencies & IP consultants)

Bart Verschoor - Chief Executive Officer
Joris Verschoor - Chief Operating & Technical Officer
Ilya Rool - VP / Relations
Michael de Blok - VP of Seal USA / IT
Yuri Scholte - Business Development Manager
Alexandra Moraga Pizarro -Blockchain / Quantum Security Engineer
Kian Ghiri - Marketing Strategist / Content Manager
Desley Mooij - Marketing Manager / Business Analyst
Joël Happé - Blockchain Specialist
Willem Nauta - Social Media Platform Manager

Caterina Moraga Pizarro - Channel / Brand Engagement
Cees Geel - Strategy / Semiconductors
Max Blom Sr. - Negotiation / Brands
Esther Jacobs - Brand Protection
Noah Boeken - Ambassador
Petri Kuivala Security / Semiconductors

SEAL M.jpg

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