Gun-Toting Steemit Chicks Confronted by Rude Cops with Drawn AR-15 - This Steemer Records The Encounter

in steemit •  8 years ago 

It was a beautiful summer day in Missouri as we cruised down the highway headed for St. Louis. Hungry from our travels, my companions and I took a couple minutes to stretch our legs and grab a bite to eat at a local Marshfield Wal-Mart before continuing the last leg of our trip.

Of course, most of us were armed. But that's nothing out of the ordinary for us. We hail from Oklahoma, so strapping a gun to our side as we walk out the door is as natural, to us, as putting our pants on.

We don't leave home without our guns. Karl Malden would have been proud!

Before leaving, and in order to familiarize ourselves with the gun laws for the states we were going to pass through and at which we would arrive, we did a quick internet search to make sure we knew our "rights." Missouri, just so you know, is a "Constitutional Carry" state that requires NO state-issued license for carrying a fire arm.

So, no big deal, right? Wrong!

We weren't in there 5 minutes, when the manager approached me and, with a concerned look on her face, asked me if I would please leave the building...that "customers are complaining that you (I) have a gun." I was caught a little off guard that people would be responding like this. Having already gotten my chicken from the deli, I politely asked her if it would be okay with her if I paid for the rest of my items before exiting. She said, "sure."

After leaving the store, I locked the firearm in the trunk of my car and returned to discover that quite a few squad cars were parked in front. As I was walking toward the front door, I noticed the group girls I was with was being detained and questioned by the "authorities." One of the girls had my phone. I grabbed it and began to record the interaction between me and "Mr Grumpy Cop."

Here is the VERY interesting interaction. Enjoy! I'd LOVE to hear your comments!

I'm Brian Young, owner of the HighImpactFlix YouTube channel.

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Gotta love the ignorance of thug cops who don't understand the law because their IQ is too low to think critically, only high enough to blindly enforce laws that don't exist or do as other people order them to do. * Rolls eyes *

And yet, I find myself torn, because they are my fellow human beings and I know that I once was where they are right now. I have this hope (maybe a false hope) that people will "get it" and things will change dramatically for the better. Thanks for your reply. Peace.

I have a hope too, but with all the different things I'm seeing and the fact that even "good" cops are protecting the shitty ones.. I don't think it will ever get better.. I believe we don't truly need them anyhow, that we can protect ourselves or hire out private security that will do it's job and if not, doesn't get paid.. Giving them incentive to do a better job. We're basically forced to accept them even if they don't do their job properly and escalate situations. When government declares law enforcement a monopoly, it tends to have the trend of every other monopoly.. Doing as they please because there is no other option..

with the recent uptick in police violence caught on video and the response of communities against said violence - I think it is important not to misrepresent such encounters -- sometimes the power is in your hand. ron

What misrepresentation are you referring to?

The cops were harassing innocent people here - if anything they were misrepresenting the law.

the only laws i saw being broken were by the policeman, who obviously didn't know the laws he was supposed to be enforcing. those crimes would be harassment, official oppression, unlawful detention,and menacing by the other policeman holding the gun.

Very true!

Rude (not to mention ignorant) police officers! Law abiding citizens wisely using their 2nd amendment rights should not be hassled. The cops in this case had no reason to suspect that any crime had been committed so they had to "search" for one... NICE!!!!