This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things and Why Steemit Should Crush Facebook - A Quick Peek at Censorship

in steemit •  9 years ago 

People who hail the benefits of censorship say that it "exists NOT to curtail the freedom of the people but to PROTECT them." I'm saying that, as an individual, I don't need some third party attempting to step in and "protect" me unless I ask for it.

Recently I attempted to promote one of my Steemit articles on the FedBook platform. When I posted it, I tagged about 15 or 20 people who I KNOW are interested in my content. Two minutes after I clicked on "POST" I got a message from one of those friend saying, "Hey Brian, I got a notification of a post I was tagged in, but when I clicked on it, nothing was there." I looked back on my profile page and, sure enough, it was gone.

I posted the same Steemit article again, this time WITHOUT tags. Then I contacted @jaredhowe. "Hey Jared, look at my page and tell me what the last post was." He told me that it was a post that I was tagged in YESTERDAY!

What the....??

I screen captured the entire thing and created a video about it. Maybe, you, my Fellow Steemtrekkies, can help me figure this one out:

I'm Brian Young, the anarchist owner of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix; and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page:

I have a SERIOUS desire to teach and empower people to live to their MAXIMUM potential. The aim, when producing any of my videos, is to create something that will reach out, IMPACT, challenge and educate. Peace to you and yours!

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SteamTrekkies? That just might stick, good one.

Great video as always Bryan!

It's crazy to have seen that go down in real time. Not only can I not see the original post on fedbook, I can't see the repost on your page, and I cannot see the post to Jared's page. (though to be fair, Jared may have a setting that only he can see other's posts to his page).

I actually don't. My profile is set to be publicly viewable.

Something is rotten in FaceMark!

God! You can't see the post on Jared's page? What the heck??? That means they allow me and Jared to see it, but no one else...very interesting.

Zucker-face strikes again!