The TRUTH About Success Stories: MOST Newcomers Aren't Aware of it. -Are YOU Aware of it?!

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

How is it that everyone is so successful when I'm not?

This is a very common question you can see more or less everywhere online. Especially when it comes to Freelancing and online business.

How is it that everyone else is so successful, everyone's talking about their great success. I haven't felt so successful yet in my life time. I come here and read about the great things others have accomplished here and in life generally, but don't feel like that's ever going to happen to me. I don't feel jealousy so much as frustration that I can't achieve what they are and wondering how I'm falling short of this mark of success. If you understand, let me know.

I recently answered this question and I thought I'd share it with you steemers too.

And here follows my entire reply:

I can totally relate to you. I've had similar thoughts and feelings too. Several times in my life actually. I won't go into any major details regarding those things as most of the things are in the past, and they should stay there.

However, I lost my father for instance, in late 2012. I was 27 years old. He died in front of me. Do you think I blame myself for this? Do you think I wish that this never had happened? Do you think I would rather have him alive and wished that another man would have died instead of him? -The answer for these three questions are very simple. I would say yes, no matter how many times you ask me this. But that's because I'm selfish. I wouldn't wish any other person that single moment when you take a look at your parent for 2 seconds and realize that he's dead.. And you did everything you could... For nothing.

Life isn't fair.

Not for a single minute.. And I'll give you a perfect quote, from Rocky Balboa:

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!”
-Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa

And it's true. What you need to do, is to keep fighting. You won't get a single thing for free. You'll need to spend time, put in effort and make things happen. That's the only way you can reach success.

Do you think I consider myself lucky or successful?

-No I don't. Even though I have personal clients and even though I've been working full time online for the past 4-5 years now.. I don't. I'm not lucky. I don't consider myself successful either. I've earned the things I have today.. I am where I am today because of me and I will keep fighting to reach new goals.

Success stories often comes with big sacrifices..

I'm sorry for this "dark" story, the only intention I have by sharing this, is to make people aware of how success stories works. People have great success, some more than others, but it's not made by a single click or within a minute. Success stories often comes with big sacrifices, blood, sweat and tears too, even though people cuts that specific part out of their stories.

Let us bring more value and knowledge into this world!

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Best Regards,

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I will be your Follower from now on
Good Job Great Achievement 🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍


Thank you very much bullionstackers, I appreciate it :) :)

Anyone who uses a Rocky Quote gets an instant upvote from me!!

Thank you, I appreciate it :)

That quote is the best I've ever heard in my entire life.

So good!! I'm going to watch with my little nephews and cant wait for them to see that part.

Yeah, you do that :)
It's probably one of the most accurate quotes ever.. And still, so many people have never heard it!

anyone who sees a Rocky quote gets an instant upvote from me!

Well.. Even though I already got this reply, I'll still appreciate the comment.

I hold a viewpoint that success stories do help in a way. It depends how you look at someone's success. I look at the success of others and get inspired. I never compare . But I agree with you that many do look at others' success and compare themselves only to feel miserable at the end.

Hey dev, I'm glad you're not one of those who compare yourself with others. One should always measure and compare success with oneself and not fall for all empty promises of luxury within sales pages and within success stories. There's always more to it, no matter how "in-depth" the success story seems to be.

So true. Will look forward to great posts from you.

I appreciate your kind words and I'm thankful :)

Glad to see some good old fashioned realism. Success is a grueling process that requires nothing less than your all. It's not easy in any sense of the word, mostly because there are billions of other people trying to satiate their own needs and desires, usually without regard as to how they affect others along the way. If you can't suck up the willpower to commit to success (in any field), endure failure, and embrace risk, success will not simply come to you. It is an endless and exhausting pursuit. However, the avenues in life that require us to give more than we thought we could, usually end up rewarding us in ways that we never even dreamed of. It follows logic that those who are willing to invest the most time, energy, thought and sacrifice into a venture will see favorable results as opposed to those who give only the bare minimum. Occasionally of course, life simply deals you a crap hand and well... That's a pity. It doesn't mean you should neglect to try anyway.

Wise words. Upvote from me! :)

No matter how it seems, there are no shortcuts. Easy come, easy go. But slow and steady will always win the race.

That is very true and I agree with every single word of it. :)

Some great Insights and Points to Ponder, I am sorry for your loss. I Admire your Will to Not Give Up.

Thank you gman. I appreciate your kind words.

@hitmeasap it's well said and it's true. You need to fight for your right and definitely there is no shortcut's. I'm sorry that you lost your father, and that is a sad story, but in the end "whatever doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger"

Thank you @damirkatusic, I appreciate it. Yeah, it was a terrible situation and I am still struggling with feelings and emotions from that day.. However, even though my father passed away, and even though that left a huge hole in my heart and in my life.. My life still continues, whether I like it or not. The only thing I can do, is to be the best that I can be.. And move forward.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately, failure stories not published as much as stories of success...

Exactly! And that's the entire reason for my topic. I want people to understand the reality behind success stories. People often end up in failure due to sales pages and stories about luxury, mansions and a new, red Ferrari parked in the driveway.

You won't become the new Hugh Hefner surrounded with sexy models within a day or two.. Things takes time. Work. Effort. Tears. Blood. Sacrifices. That's what it takes!

Hey @hitmeasap,
I upvoted you not because I agree totally with your arguments here about success but because I believe you are starting an interesting conversation. I agree with you on the point that we need to continue fighting and working hard until success comes. I disagree that our success comes only from our own efforts. I believe what is needed is to find out what value we can offer others who want to exchange currency with us for that value. So we need others. Those others are those who will give us currency of some sort in exchange for the value we offer them. Also, sometimes we discover our value proposition(s) to the world by research and collaboration with yet others who have provided information to us on what is held as valuable to certain markets to whom we hope to sell our services. So there again is the point that we need others for their assistance to find out what value is needed in the world. The personal hard work however, does come into play because we now need to search ourselves for what valuable talents or skills we can offer others that will fulfill those value needs in the world and when we think we have found those things to offer then we need to take the actions needed to get the message out to the world that we are here to serve. So that part is what could be a struggle for some people and require more hard work until that secret formula is found that works for them whereby they are succeeding in exchanging their valuable services or products to meet the value needs of those who buy them.

It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.

Im going to be a huge nit and point out that life is fair. It isn't just, but everyone is playing by basically the same rules. If we're playing War (the card game) and you get an Ace, and I get a 2, thats fair. It sucks for me, and its great for you. But its fair for both of us.

Really enjoyed this piece of writing, so an upvote from me!!


Good post 😁👍🏼🍂