There Is No Secret To Doing Well On Steemit, It's Actually Quite Simple

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Recently I've gotten questions regarding how to do well on Steemit. Many newer people want to know the "secret". There is no secret to doing well on Steemit and although there are a few factors that help, I only want to focus on one. 

The common thread I'm noticing with many so called successful Steemians is that they are adding value to the platform or to the lives of many people. Now, there are so many different ways you can add value to the lives of other people. You have to ask yourself this question.

"What am I really fired up about that can also help someone?"

This is a simple question that I understand is hard for many to nail down. Think about your life experiences for example. You may have a pool of knowledge about what you've been through that can encourage or inspire someone else. I've shared many stories here about the difficulties in my own life. For me I know that if I can open up about these problems in my life there is someone who can relate or be helped by it.   

Look, we all have something to give. Yes. Every last one of us. When we give we truly live. Focus on giving and you will have no problem connecting with other people. If you can just help one other person then you've made a difference. Everyone's success looks different so just focus on being yourself too. 

Ideas To Add Value:

  • If you enjoy fitness you can share with people how exercising can improve their cardiovascular health
  • If you enjoy traveling you can talk about what you learned about a particular culture
  • If you enjoy reading you can write about some books that have changed your life
  • If you enjoy math you can teach people how to solve difficult problems
  • If you enjoy talking about money management you can give people tips on how to use their money more wisely
  • These are only a handful of examples of things that can help people. What you need to remember is that your life is not just for you to enjoy. It is to be shared for the benefit of others as well. That's why I showed the picture of Ikigai right up above. Hopefully understanding Ikigai will help you brainstorm some value adding ideas that can help you improve your blogs or videos and connect with others much better. You can learn more about it here.

    Matthew 23:11-12 “But the greatest among you shall be your servant.“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."

    What are some ways you can add value to others?

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What are some ways you can add value to others?

one of those ways we can add value to the loves of poeple on steemit is by leaving heart-warming comments on their posts. Everyone needs encouragement to once in a while. I might make a post that pays me $0.02 after 7 days but if I have very nice, engaging and encouraging comments on it, I would feel like the payout doesn't matter anymore. Good comments of people's post is synonymous to a lovely smile in reality.

Talking about success on steemit, I often tell those I mentor, patience and consistency is the key. Nobody gets up a ladder without first taking the first step from the lowest part of the ladder. Little drops of water makes the ocean and the way of a thousand miles begins with a step. People come into steemit and want to become successful overnight but it never works that way. Patience and persistence has always been my watchword here and I will continue till I see myself at the top even though I am a minnow today.

Right it takes a good amount of pushing through and having patience. And even though people have to put in the work I still enjoy helping just to give some encouragement and fuel to keep pushing forward. Great thoughts you have.

I am BRAND NEW to this, but posts like these are so helpful. Thank you! And you're totally right, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!! What a wonderful reminder.

There are so many tags here in steemit and if one pays little attention to those tags then definitely he can find his interest area to share here in this community.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

So many tags and so many communities to be a part of. There's something for everyone.

Majority of people who complain that they are not successful on steemit don't produce original content. There is no way you can truly impact people if you don't produce a content from your heart. You have to birth live changing write ups.

Don't feel like you can't do it, but know that you can. Be yourself, be happy and spread the love. The community is all about caring for each other, so don't worry if you don't see the love yet - it will come knocking on your door pretty soon.

Just write from your heart, and before you know it, people will come knocking on your page.

Yea I've seen way too many people copy and pasting material from other sites and try to get credit for it. It's hard creating original work but if you want to build your blog then that's what you have to do.

You are so right. You have to be you. We have enough people trying to be someone else.

Yes there is a lot to learn and contribute to this community and as we experience more, we can deliver more and that is what i have learned so far.

But one thing is quite certain here that the learning process is continuous phenomena and value addition is always there.

Thank you @humanearl...steem on and stay blissful...

It's so much to learn which is s good thing. I still have a long way to go in that department.

Thank you so much @humanearl, I learnt a lot from this post with regards to being a successful steemian. But I feel it's important the steemian in quote gives a description of what he takes as success. To one, success might mean an increase in steemit reputation, to another increase in upvotes, and to another increase in the influence in the lives of others.

If your definition of success is to influence the lives of others, then you have to have a heart connection with them. I can recommend @humanearl method of this heart connection, by asking your audience questions, giving them the opportunity to ask you any question that bothers them, and trying as much as possible to give solutions to those problems.

Through this means, you would have impacted the lives of so many, and success would have begun.

Right bro. That's why I said whatever success you are trying to achieve here because it is different from person to person. You pretty much hit the nail on the head with my goal here and how I view success. Reputation, upvotes, and payout are just bonuses. But what I really love is connecting.

I know God will bring the harvest in due time so no worries.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For me being good on steemit is being yourself.We know what talent we have,we should use those talent to be an inspiration to others.But do not stop there because others has also talent that they can showcase.Be open to everyone.We should practice the give and take.Steemit is not focusing in 1 person only,it is a community that shared different talents and different thoughts,different races with different culture.We should be open to that.Teach them at the same time learn from them.With that you can be successful.And you @humanearl has that character that makes us,your followers,keeps visiting your page.

@kimaben I appreciate you so much. You said it perfect. That's why I talk about the Art of Reciprocity because it is about us helping each other out and using our talents to do so.

Exactly that is also the reason why i love your blogs you keep sharing experiences and bring motivation to every steemians.Thank you for appreciating my thoughts.

While reading this post, I must say that something @humanearl does with respect to this topic came to my mind. There is no other content creator I know that engages and reads the comments of his commentors like @humanearl, and this is a secret what taking note of. If you spend time reading the comments of you post, not just for the sake of reading, but for the sake of digesting and replying, not giving the "nice comment" reply, people will become addicted to your posts.

Unfortunately I just ignore those "nice comment", "good post" replies. I really don't mind responding to comments and upvoting them but at the same time I want people to contribute to the conversation.

@humanearl adding value is what ive known u for since i met u on steemit.. And i must confess, i wish to do the things yu do here on steemit.. Thks so much for this inspiring post. Its a daily pill to me. U have my upvote on this, tho it worths very little but its from my heart

It's from the heart man that's all that matters. I hope that the culture of giving to one another and supporting followers becomes a big deal on Steemit. I am just playing my part.

thanks for the acceptance. And I hope so too. All I know is that for those who are doing it now, will surely get rewarded bountifully both on Steemit and from God. So keep up the work sir.

Being a successful starts with defining exactly what you want to achieve. Achieving success therefore starts with defining it in terms of what you will have when your now you have achieved it!

Financial success is good (that is your SBD value), but the best success is the impact you make in the lives of others. This can never go away, even onto death.
Having defined this, the next step is to seek ways you can impact those who visit your post. The best way to do this is through your personal experience, because as the saying goes,
experience is the best teacher

Of course I agree. The impact you have on others is much more valuable.

I believe the first step towards being successful at anything is the believe that you can be successful and you believe in God, yourself and your abilites. Success comes to those who believe in themselves. Points of doubt and feelings of uncertainty have a knack of holding success at arm’s length.

Don't look down on your experiences as not good enough to help another. Someone might just need exactly what you have to offer. And that would be the turning point for him or her.

Our experiences however painful they may be in the moment are valuable lessons learned. I have now embraced all that I've experienced in my life and I use it constructively.

Time is a very great factor in the success equation. Most people want to start steeming today, and start influencing 50 people today, that's not possible. You need the ingredient of time to bring your success to fruition. You need time to understand the steemit system better, to become better at writing and formatting your posts, to become better at replying to comments, etc. And if you continue diligently, you will grow to become a big success and influence.

Yes time is so huge in the equation. I think people want things to happen fast since we have all this new tech but building something usually requires an amount of time spent.

There is No Magic Pill for the Lack Of Will ! Being Yourself is the key to being successful, that is why you are right! Success looks different us all, because we all have different stories to tell. The one similarity is that we all accept our strengths & overcome weaknesses ⭐️


I like that "no magic pill for lack of will". Nice one.

Brilliant! No magic.

You have talked about a wonderful requirement for success here on steemit @humanearl, and In my own opinion, one way I feel we can add value to the lives of others is by trying as much as possible to give feedback to your audience.
When you get a comment to your post, try as much as possible to give a feedback to that comment, even when the comment is not pleasant, you can't tell whose life you may impact.

Nice to see you here again @lucyc. I agree with you there. That's why i do my best to give feedback even if it is delayed like today. Sorry for the late reply

This so true @humanearl. If you don't know how to get to a place, you can never get there. Another way I think a person can be successful here on steemit is by producing quality and consistent content. Quality meaning that it adds value to the life of others, and consistent meaning that you have to do this frequently.

With these two weapons in the arsenal of a steemian, I believe he can be successful.

True that and I can can attest to this.

Focus on giving and you will have no problem connecting with other people

This is absolutely true, hope you don't mind me calling it the golden rule of steemit
When your focus is on what you can contribute to the lives of others, you naturally become attractive to people.

When Jesus Christ came to this world, he came to give, to give his life, and 2000 years later he is still attracting men unto himself.

No problem. that's a great to put it. Wow 2000 years ago and his impact is still felt.

True talk. I've taken my time to understand that the successful ones on steemit don't just post about random topics. They focus on a niche and do it so well that everyone knows them for it. As for me, i took my time to think this through and i'm going to choose a niche for myself, educate people very well in this chosen area.

What niche are you thinking of?

Good stuff, Earl. You also learn more by teaching, so if you're explaining something to other people, you'll learn more about it. It might as well be something that you're passionate about.

Yepp. I'd rather be teaching something I know well and am passionate about. I agree

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope .

Like what you are doing brother, I want also to help others like you, if I have more or even enough blessings to share I will give it to them, I will not hesitate to do good as long as We do our purpose in this world. And from the start you are helping others,"No one has ever become poor by giving" : There is a deep meaning of this quote. This is not about giving others a reward or making others spoiled at you, instead, we give because we want to support others and we give because we're not treating them as other person We are treating everyone as our OHANA or FAMILY.

BE A STEEMIAN ; Keep up the Good Work my fellow steemians, We can Do It!!!

Thanks man. I like how you say treat everyone as family. Are you Hawaiian?

No brother @humanearl ,I am a pure Filipino. But I have a friend from hawaii that keep on giving me a positive thought here in steemit. We have this group bro in which our mission is to help and inspire other. Like you bro You always keep on supporting everyone, lets spread this to anyone inside and outside the steemit community.

We sure will bro. And cool. I also have a Filipino friend. Keep doing what you're doing and Salamat!

Yes! I will bro hehehe maraming salamat din! we can be friends too brother @humanearl or even join us in our ohana, and I'm sure they will surprise to what they see .Not bad to conversate in tagalog men, your good anyway.

great advice, every person has a lesson or hobby that he likes to do. This is a good option for blogging.
Sometimes it's not easy to find your own theme for a blog. But if you look around, you will see opportunities. And if you look inside yourself, you will see potential. Share this potential in your blogs - this is the key to success.
But the main thing is to be persistent and be constant.

I like to say just be YOU. People appreciate others who are authentic and being themselves. So good words man.

You know what I noticed about you brother. You never hesitate helping other. By simple upvoting their post and comments, it's a great help really especially for those who struggles in getting upvotes. So they are giving back the support you are giving to them.

@tentalavera Man I thank you for your support too!

The "secret" of doing well on Steemit

so that means you have to work
to get to that Ten Percent.

Funny nd encouraging gif... Its nice. Hardwork pays off in the end

@everittdmickey Oh so that's your secret? Naw jk. Man you put in that WORK. Much respect. Last night I was a zombie so I understand.

I am of the opinion that you need to work hard here to achieve success. The most important thing is to work on the quality of your content and choose the topic in which you are well versed.
To be valuable and to benefit others is the most important goal on which you need to concentrate. I'm sure everyone is able to prove himself in the best degree and will succeed on the Stimite. The main thing is never give up and be unperturbed.
Daily efforts will bear fruit with time.

Someone else said "there's no magic pill" to doing well on Steemit. It does require time and effort. You have to really have the mindset of a farmer when you come to Steemit. Work hard by planting seeds now and be patient for the harvest. That's my take.

Every individual have their own uniqueness on how to add value to others, you're so inspiring @humanearl adding on your verse

Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in"love"

@maane I really appreciate your words. That verse is much harder to embody in practice but we must strive to live with that attitude. Thanks alot for that.

Matt 7 vs 12
''So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets''

Alot of us want to be successful, and have others visit our blogs, but yet we don't comment on the posts of others. That might be the reason for lack of success. You have to engage in other people's posts, and you'll find them coming to your blog. We can take cue from @humanearl who made a post celebrating his followers. Stuffs like this are the things that keep people glued to your blog.

You are on point bro..

Engagement is key. It goes a long way to doing well. Hopefully people will come here and have a place to share their ideas and feel welcomed.

you said it better no doubt its simple to interact and add value to the community :)

Very simple but it takes much time and effort.

If new members decided to do as you do, then no one can stop their success! That's what I am believing!


Nothing is impossible. I just want to encourage people that they too can find their way on Steemit.

One of the things you learn in engineering school: no matter how good you are, the success pf any project you embark on mainly depends on other "people". Not you or your IQ brain of 184.

This is the reason why any standard engineering team contains at least 5 different people with different skill sets.

yes bro, one person can't do it alone. I'm a prospective engineer so i know this.

Yeah. Exactly.

Another way of putting it is "Teamwork makes the dream work"

Yes! Used to be a non-believer till I signed up for a coding class and realized that what is achievable with working in groups clearly shows man was never created to be alone.

some really great ideas you have given and very rightly said to help all the new people out here there is no secret

There should be no secrets. I have nothing to gain by withholding information that can help hundreds of people.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

your work is worthy of respect.
I will not be mistaken if I answer that the only way to grow here on Stimit is to work hard, and most importantly do it regularly and with perseverance.

Tell them

Great pic to go along with it. It's tough at times.

Matthew 23:11-12 “But the greatest among you shall be your servant.“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."

This is one of Jesus admonitions to us and it's very salient even in these last days .

You have a point @humanearl, it's simple here if you know what you doing.

I love that verse because it puts success and achievement into perspective.

@humanearl - Sir this is a good advice for all of us... We need to add a true value to the community... Sir if someone willing to follow what you said here... He/she can be a good Steemian Sir...


Yepp. Adding value is key.

Yes that is true this platform is so vast and diverse that any one can get an get a space here to accomodate himself/herself.

And initially one may experience hickups but later one the journey will be smooth.

Thank you and Have a great day.

People have to realize when they come here most people don't know them so it takes time to build these relationships.

Yes we do have a secret stuff to give and help within all of us ,we just need to find it and let it of use and help others !
Like you say it is not a secret :)

It's within all of us. Hopefully we dig deep to find it.

Yes buddy :)

only consistency is the key to follow :)

Be like the ocean. Constantly churning.

You have told the truth, which can help people. And it is also true that life is not only enjoyed for themselves but it will also be shared for the benefit of others.

We have to learn that we are just facilitators of what we have. We must pass it on.

@humanearl sir...
Actualy...What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..


we just need to keep go on and on there is no secrets only the journey is gong to be special

No secrets. That's why I gave this info.

It's kind of like fishing. The guy in the boat next to you might catch 10 fish that day while you didn't catch any, or the new guy who doesn't know how to fish catches one while you, the expert, catches none. But if you keep fishing, you'll catch fish. It's that simple.

I like that analogy. Just keep on regardless and sooner or later you will catch something.

Its exceptional. You're right. Every individual should have something of value to give to the world.

We all have something to give and it is amazing when we do give.

@humanearl It's really sad that many don't have the intention to truly serve the community by way of adding value.

I spoke with two persons yesterday who I noticed have kind of withdrawn from being active on their blogs. I was surprised at how soon people can give up even with the possibilities here.

I encouraged them and told them I couldn't even think of quitting because I didn't earn substantially on some posts because right here I'm doing what I love to do.

I could do the same thin I do here on Steemit all day without pay because it's my life's assignment. It's just a plus that there's some form of reward on Steemit for doing what I am cut out for.

If people really focused on their area of passion, I think they wouldn't get discouraged by anything.

So yeah, it's really about adding value and serving others.

@humanearl Thumbs up bro!

You really know how to speak man. 100% on that. I'm really excited about encouraging people to seek out their calling because your calling is something you pour your heart into out of love for it. If I wasn't getting paid from Steemit I might initially think dang that suck because I am working hard but at this point I've realized that it is bigger than ME. Plus we know we will be really balling once the Kingdom comes anyways. Storing up treasures family.

thank you @humanearl :-) for your valuable post

Wonderful post again, It will definitely help new comers and those who are not getting reward as per their expectations or they think they are doing well but people not giving attention to their work as i am, i am going to give you link for my post please taake a look on that than do advise me that what can i do???

please just have a look and advise me

Thanks @humanearl for the advice. I like your graphic too - very true.
Upvoted & resteemed

This is so true. Adding value is sharing something that you yourself are passionate about and it igniting someone else's enthusiasm and in turn making them more motivated and focused!

You got it. Perfectly said.

Hey @humanearl,

Thank you for putting this content together. It really just sings out professionalism. I am on my third week on Steemit. It truly is an amazing and supportive community. Of course there are exceptions, but they are easy enough to ignore.

Your work is very well formatted, with great visuals. Would you be able to suggest a post of a website that could explain how to apply these effects? I just know the basics.

After reading my comment it sort of sounds like I don't know how to use a search engine. I just find that searching for really anything Steemit related can be difficult. Please don't go out of your way for this but thought that maybe you have a favorite website or post that you use or used in the past.

Thank you for your shared wisdom and encouragement.

PS I'm going to feel like a tool if you video goes into this, I just was really taken back by your post graphics, and wanted to ask before my mind went on to other things. Plus I find commenting on is more troublesome than here. Well off to watch your video. Cheers

Ok so sorry for the late reply because I am just now seeing your comment. You must check out @valorforfreedom. He has so much informative stuff about formatting etc. He is a good friend of mine.

No worries. Anytime you need help just ask. I'm here!

Dude no need to apologize, you got like fourteen hundred + followers. I'm just psyched you decided to respond. Have a lovely day, and God bless Brother.

that's pretty cool to know....fabulous one.........