Sphere "The securer"

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Exchanging of information and Communication started when Human beings came into existence.

When Humans set foot on Earth they started communicating with each other through different mediums.
There was no language in the ancient world but they used some tools and signs to communicate with each other.
"Rock Art" & Cave paintings" were used for communication in the ancient times.

After some time they started to learn some languages.The communication between them started getting better and better.
I don't know what languages they used to communicate but there was something that helped them to understand each others things quite easily.We should be grateful to them because they created a way which helped the human beings to communicate with each other.

Time passed by and the communication system started getting even better. They used wood sticks for counting hours, days and years. They used Rock Art for remembering their ways and directions. They used hollow woods and bones of animals for creating sounds in order to communicate with their family but every family used their own unique sound.
They made a device using Coconut cups and connected it with a hollow string of some metal or a hollow tendrils or roots of plants.
It was used as a medium for communication. They were able to listen each others sound at a distance of 15-20 meters.



Humans used to enjoy making paintings in their caves. They used many signs for communication but it was the Rock Art which helped them to learn the skill of writing.
First, people wrote on plain stones and barks of wood using coals.
Time passed by and paper came into existence and they started writing letters to each other as means of communication and that brought post offices into existence. That was a step towards development.



The tool that was used as a medium for communication by ancient humans was made of coconut cups and later they used tin cups and strings of some metal.

But in 1875-76, a person named Alexander Graham Bell, created something that revolutionized the world.
He invented Telephone. The first successful transmission of clear speech by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson was made on March 10-1986.
People are now able to talk with each other from a long distance.
We can communicate with each other through telephone from one country to another.



People started to develop this telephone system and they were able to make something that revolutionized the world and it was one of greatest inventions in the modern world.

"Internet": thats what I'm talking about.
It has been an outstanding source for learning, studying, chatting, downloading pictures and other interesting stuff.
People can stay connected and make friends through internet.
Internet came into existence in late 1990s and it has helped in every field of life.
It changed the world and now almost every work is done using The Internet.



Social Networking:

After the invention of internet.
Many social applications and websites were introduced.
These apps and websites offered online chatting, voice call, video calls and much more.

From 2004-10, many social apps came and one of the biggest giants of social networks "Facebook" was introduced.
Billions of people are using this social network and has been dominating since then.

After some time many other social networks like Twitter and Instagram followed and billions of people are using it.

Many other social networks like Snapchat, Google plus, Whatsapp and others which account for billions of users around the globe.

Almost every single person is using these social networks and are enjoying making friends around the world.
From a 10 year old kid to a 70 year old man or woman, everyone is using these social networks and sometimes a person has more than one account on a single app.

In nutshell, I just want you to say that every single person is using these giants of social networks.
But it's the people who have popularized these social networking websites.

Now we will talk about how much profit they make from the time and data that we spend on these websites?

Have you ever wondered that the information and data you share on these social networks is secure or not?

Have you ever wondered that you get the privacy you wanted from these social networking sites?

Well let me answer these questions one by one:

  1. All these social networking sites makes more than 1 billion dollar per month from selling your data and by selling your adds.

  2. It's true, they make money by selling data which you use to surf their websites and by selling your adds.

  3. This amount is pretty huge. And the advertising companies pay them a lot money to have their adds published on these websites.

What do you get in return?

Not a single penny!!

And the answer of your question is

  1. No your data is not safe because these are all centralized websites.

  2. No they don't give you the privacy and transparency you need.

But in return they sell your data and sell you adds and make a large amount of money.
And in return.... You get nothing!

So what do you need to do now in order to get something in return???

  1. Stop using these social networking websites.

But I know you can't, because these things have become a part of your life.

  1. Then you should look for an alternative option. Perhaps a decentralized network!!


Those days are gone when these centralized social networks used to loot us.
Now we have a decentralized social network which assures data security, transparency and privacy.

So guys!!
I introduce to you the Revolutionary Decentralized social networking platformSPHERE

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what is Sphere?

I found out about sphere 3/4 months ago.
I have been following the development closely.
Sphere is decentralized social network which aims to give power back to the people.Other centralized social networks doesn't give us any in return but Sphere IA decentralized social networking system which gives us a chance of earning money from the time and data we spend on Sphere.

It is decentralized social network which means it gives you the privacy that you need.Transparency and security of data are also its return gifts.

Other centralized social networks make a lot of profit by selling our data and our adds to different companies. They make huge profits with it without telling us about our spended data and adds.
But Sphere is totally different.
It is a decentralized social network which gives us the privacy an DC control on our time and data that we spend on Sphere and also gives us the control over our adds.

And with this quality, Sphere is going to revolutionize the whole world and in each and every corner of the world, people will talk about Sphere and its benefits.

It's not just like any other social networking system.they only think about themselves.
But Sphere will benefit users as well as the advertisers.


SAT Tokens


Sphere has its own token. It's known as Social Activity Token(SAT). It can be used to transact within the platform and even utilized to help provide funds for the campaigns and projects.

These transactions can be used in block chain.Therefore these transactions and whole sphere (decentralized network) will be transparent.

You can participate in the coin offering by clicking here

ICO Timeline


Sphere ICO started on 12th of February 2018 and April 9 will mark the end of its ICO.

And the current price of 1 SAT is $0.14.
You can also join sphere with my referral link and get 20 SAT tokens as a signup bonus.
You can also buy SAT tokens but you should do your own research before buying SAT tokens. It will help you in many ways. So be careful and do your own research.

Here is a link to Sphere.social Sphere social network has an application for both android and ios.
The links are given below,check them out!

Google play link

IOS Link

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Thanks for your valuable and informative post.

Thank you @Lazypanda