Islam is a Universal Religion That Respects Tolerance, and Stop Hates Islam Because We Love Peacefull

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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Islam is high and not high from Islam. Islam so respects any religion in this world. Islam never hates and harasses anyone and any religion.

Islam is a universal religion, all of which are governed by Islam. Big mistakes and big sins if Muslims are insulting and tyrannizing and persecuting people or followers of other faiths.

Islam is a peaceful religion, and Islam always maintains good relationships with anyone and any country.

In the perspective of Islamic teachings that all human beings are equal (nothing more and nothing less) only distinguishing between one and another is obedience to God. Obedience to God what distinguishes someone with someone else.

While steemit was created not for one particular religion and not for a particular country. Steemit founder, @ned and @dan allowed anyone to register steemit (being a steemit user or part of a large family of steemit ).

It is a social media that makes it easy for us to establish friendly relationships and fraternity among the whole world community. With this great medium we all make friends and share something here.

Historically, Muslims have been working with non-Muslims since the beginning. So therefore, let's make a determination, put together a goal to build this great platform to grow into a profitable medium for everyone.

Judging from today's steemit development, this platform will be a versatile medium that provides many advantages and benefits to us.

We hope to everyone not to create a riot and destroy the peace of this community. Let's think positively to build this media to be a medium that really benefits everyone.

Thank You Very Much

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Ya benar sekali bro, islam itu sangat bijaksana, islam itu cinta damai dan menghargai toleransi. Di Indonesia rumah ibadah orang islam dan non islam di bangun berdampingan. Itu menjadi bukti kalau islam cinta damai

iya bro, kita harus berbaik dengan semua orang tanpa membeda-bedakan antar suku, bangsa, ras maupun agama

Saya setuju dengan anda, @abuz. Islam agama yg sangat universal dan semua aturan sangat manusiawi

Saya juga sependapat dengan anda. Muslim memang dari dulu sampai saat ini dan sampai dunia ini berakhir akan selalu menerapkan hidup damai dan menerima perbedaan agama.
لكم دينكم ولي دين

I love islam.. Because the islama is best region to exchange life of human.

I would confess in all sincerity that the best and most honest person I have ever met yet is a Muslim. I venerate those moral virtues.
Nice one @ijoel