The Grammar of Isizulu; Noun classification

in steemit •  6 years ago 

Grammar of Isizulu



This language is almost the same as the language of Isixhosa. The reading procedure is the same as with common English alphabet except "3 clikcs" which is "C, Q, X" and "HL" which is pronounced as in Welsh. The formation of nouns are:

I.They are marked with eight sequences of classes and prefix which are difficult to memorized:

Class I (especially for living things)

This class is marked by:

  • Umu, for example "Umuntu" (person). To create plural form with adding in front of the noun "Aba", for example "Abantu" (People).
  • Um, example "Umfazi" (girl).
    To create plural form with adding Aba in front of noun, example "Abafazi" (girl).
  • U (special person name), for example "UFauji".
    To create plural with changing
    "U" to "O""OFauji".
    Class I for singular has personal pronoun "U" and for plural the personal pronoun is "Ba".

Class II:

  • This class is marked by ili or i, example "Itshe" (rock). For making plural noun in this class, you can add "ama" so it can be "amatshe". Class II has a personal pronoun on the singular "Li" and personal pronoun has plural "A".


Class III:

  • "Im" and "In", example "Imvu" (Sheep), "Indhlu" (House). Plural noun in this class can be done with adding in front of the word with "Izim" and "Izin" for example "Izimvu" (Cows) , "Izindhlu" (Houses). This class has its personal pronoun singular "i" and its plural is "Zi".

Class IV:

  • This class is marked as isi example Isiwa (cliff). For making this noun to be plural with adding iziwa. Class IV has a personal pronoun, its singular form is "Si" and plural "Zi".

Class V

  • Umu & Um (special dead object). Example: Umuti (tree) & Umgodi (hole). For making plural form with adding "imi" jd "imiti" (trees) & "imigodi"
    (holes). Class V has its personal pronoun singular "U" and plural "i".

Class VI

  • Ulu / U, for example Upape (feather) & Uti (Cane). You can add "izim" (for items beginning with "Um", "Up") & "izin" (other than Up & Um) so the plural form is izimpape & izinti. Class VI has a personal pronoun, its singular form is "Lu" & plural form is "i".


Class VII

  • Ubu/ U, example Ubuvila (laziness). This classs has no plural form. The singular form of personal pronoun is "Bu".

Class VII

  • "Uku", for example Ukudhla (food). This class doesnt have plural form. The singular form of personal pronoun is "Ku".


  • The formation of noun can be created from verb. Example:
    Hamba (To travel) → Umhambi (traveler).
    The establishment of noun which is derived from adjectives. Example:
  • De (Height) is changed to Ukude(Altitude) which is entered into class VIII (Uku).

The sources of pictures are

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It is very interesting to be read by people, thanks for information
