2 Factor Authentication on 2 devices

in steemit •  8 years ago 


Google Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes on your phone. 2-Step Verification provides stronger securit

Googles 2 factor authentication guide for multiple devices.

Useful links:

Why should I have 2 devices with 2 factor authentication on it?

  • You might not always have access to your device(Stolen, Broken, Lost, Out of batter, etc.)
  • Peace of mind that you have a backup for all your apps

Guide to running 2 factor authentication (Goolge Authenticator)

  • Please make sure to have the backup keys before you start
  • Please make sure that you can log in to the app without needing 2 factor authentication.


  • Thank you to Paul at G suites for the help
  • Google images for the icon
  • Steemit for bringing it all together!

This is the help I received from G suites help

  • To delete existing Google Authenticator entries, press and hold the 6-digit code displayed on the corresponding line in the Google Authenticator App. A bar should appear with a trash can icon. Tap it to delete the entry.
  • It's possible to have an unlimited number of devices providing authentication codes for the same accounts. When setting up an app to use Google Authenticator you'll be provided with either a QR code, or a string of characters. Sometimes you'll have the option of seeing both. On each device you want to have codes generated on, open the Google Authenticator app, click the + sign, and either take a picture of the QR code, or enter the string of characters - you'll also have an option to name the entry.
  • You now have two devices generating codes for the same app. Now go back to the app you were adding Google Authenticator to. You'll be asked to enter a backup code from one of your devices to confirm Google Authentication. This is to ensure you've setup a device properly before activating two-factor-authentication. Simply enter one of the 6 digit codes from either device.

Feel free to leave any commentary and if you have a page that might be useful please share.

Keep Steeming!

The Yacht Guy

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liked and followed! Help my profile too (:

Brilliant, Will do bud!