Facebook bans Crypto ads. Safe measure for community OR a conflict of interest?!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Facebook has banned ads for crypocurrencies. With so many ICO scams happening, this seems like a good thing to keep the community safe.

Let us also understand that, in a case of ICO scam - Facebook is merely a platform that promotes ads and hence not directly responsible for any consequences. By banning these ads, Facebook is turning down millions of dollars worth ads. Mr Zuckerberg's being a crony capitalist, this move doesn't seem very Facebooky. So MAYBE, Facebook is consdering it's own coin? Maybe adapt a model similar to steemit? The new coin would be a very smart move now that Facebook has it's own marketplace.

or MAYBE, this is just to distract us from the alien invasion?


What are your thoughts fellas?

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thanx for sharing!

Thank you. Would have been nicer if you actually read the post but I'll take what I get.