Our Individuality Is Now The Key To Success! The Diversity Of Individuals!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

When we refer to diversity the most common notion is that which refers to racial diversity. Generally meaning a mix of peoples of different races.

Some go one step further and also add gender and religious beliefs to this term.

Some may go even further and add to the above, a persons personality, age group, skillset, level of education and the list goes on and on from this point.

Although all of the above have through the decades been encompassed into the term diversity, the fact of the matter is that what diversity now boils down to in a professional manner of speaking is no longer focused on any one of the above mentioned groups of peoples. It is now based on individuality.

Why is this so?
We have all witnessed that no matter what a person may be as far as genetic make up goes, each and every individual has something that can bring good to an organization and workplace.
No two people are identical, no matter what their genetic make up, gender, religion or age may me.
Even twins are not identical as far as their individuality goes!

So a successful organization aims to encourage and promote individuality, it concentrates on harnessing the good that people can bring to their organization, the qualities that they can bring into a team of people and combine them into one workforce.

Why have I gone into this topic?
Well, as with any community out there, human nature at times tends to kick in and go a few steps back, rather than forwards.

Instead of diversifying the teams and allowing for teams to work in their own work groups, instead of sharing networking out, where one person can be working with two or three teams of people within the organization, there tends to be a common reaction which I can only portray with words that all of us have heard to date, and that is “them and us”.

If all the different teams of people are within the same organization, then there is no “them and us”, it is “us”. (dot, full stop, period, end of story).

What drives people to go backwards and to frown upon teams of peoples getting together and networking within the organization?

IDK, maybe the fear of loss?
Loss of imoportance, loss of power, loss of self esteem.... IDK....

The best companies out there have concentrated on ensuring that teams of people get together around common goals and that they work side by side, often intermingling without any problems. However, these companies have managers who head these changes within the working structures, who are professionals and who ensure that no “want to be general” out there puts the company at risk because of their personal inability to adapt and accept a modern day organizational chart which can evolve to even more pockets of people in groups all working side by side and intermingling when necessary.
I am extremely impressed with the way the blockchain technology allows for this, in fact it promotes the opportunity for individuality, especially when we look at Steemit and what it can be. WOW! Nothing else to say.

Now all we need to watch out for is those people who don’t want individuality and groups of individuals, who enjoy a centralized system and who want to always be the key number one person out there. Who can not accept that their knowhow is just as important as the other persons in this diverse workforce we have here on Steemit.

For all those who think they know, here is a saying that defies everything that they believe:

“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know,” Aristotel.

It is here that we see just how important it is to diversify our groups and to network them all, rather than push for a large centralized organization that influences the minorities and individuals who feel that they are at lower levels in the “foodchain”.

Lets not forget that one of the most attractive points about the blockchain technology is in fact that is allows for individualatiy and can be utilized to promote individuality and that this is why it is so appealing to the majority.

Belonging to a big mob may in some way be a reaction that many have because the big mob or gang has already set itself up as the most influentual organization within the company, however, this then leads to the downfall of individuality and in the long run to the downfall of those who wish to join the party!
For decades we have seen how small companies have been able to capitalize on the individuality of people, rather than their ability to blend in and bow down to or “brown nose” to others.
This is now what many of the fortune 500 companies out there have started integrating into their long term goals and changes within their organizational charts.

It would be a shame to see this happen on the blockchain! (Note: a bit of sarcasm there)

So, to end this post off, we have the tools, we have the platform, we have the diversity among us, all we need to do is not go down the path that leads us back to where many were many moons ago, we need to ensure that individuality is promoted, that groups of people can be formed within the organization and not feel intimidated by others withing the overall organization.

Steemit to me has become something more important than I ever thought it could become when I first signed up.

Not only because of the potential here, but also because it is so early on in its evolutionary stages that we the people here can make a difference and ensure that our individuality becomes a proactive and constructive part of organizations within this “company”.

Hopefully, we shall see this come about in every part of our company and all of our organizations shall be working side by side, with intermingling and sharing of our knowledge and out common wealth of Steem.

Thanks for reading this personal observation of mine, hope that it may evoke some more proactive and constructive thoughts out there among us!
Look forward to reading them!

Yours gratefully
Jack Miller

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I know that I know nothing, but others do not know even this...

Question: is it the diversity of individuals or the diversity of thought that creates the outcome?

Each individual has a unique perception and hence a unique trail of thought and logic!

i.e. Two people, each an individual may be taught by the same teacher, yet through their life experiences may go about the exact same things in a different manner!