How to Maintain New Habits and Succeed as an Adult

in steemit •  6 years ago 

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Everybody likes setting goals, and as an adult learner you won’t get far without a well-laid out plan.

You have an idea of how much you wish to have achieved in the next five years or so. Unfortunately, there is a wide difference between intention and action. If you do not change your habits, you might not achieve the great career you are looking forward to. After you decide the habits you need to acquire and those that you should change, the next challenge is to maintain them. Here are some tips to help you maintain your wining habits.

  1. Self control
    Although developing self control can be challenging at times, it is one of the best qualities one can ever possess. Avoid surrounding yourself with the things you are trying to avoid. For instance, if you have decided to sacrifice the time you spend watching TV so that you can study, avoid staying in the room where you keep the television. Never Too late to set goals.png

  2. Maintain motivation
    Without motivation, you may not achieve much. The motivation you have to start a new behavior such as take classes might light the spark, but it might not maintain the fire. Look for a long-term motivation factor like getting a raise at work, making your family proud or achieving your goals. Next, find short-term motivation factors like getting good grades and completing the course within the set period.

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  1. Create daily habits

New habits are likely to stick if you weave them into your daily activities. If you get to a point where you don’t have to think too hard about a habit, it becomes second to nature. Try not to change a lot of habits all at once as it might discourage you along the way. It will also seem like you are climbing a steep mountain. Therefore, blend your study time into your routine gradually.

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