How back in 2009 we had the same flu problems... Why is it that nothing changes? Just my observations.

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

An older post from way back in 2009, so about 9 years ago where we were already on that merry go round about the vaccines and get em now while the getting is good right... well, I never really got the shot or the flu ... haven't in I don't even remember how long anymore.

Well, we get the pattern like in crypto trading where the same moves need to be repeated in order to have the best effect. This is the flu I'm talking about here though right?

Vaccines are usually an option for this sort of thing but we never quite do much more than volunteer for side effects... drink a lotta lemon water and I mean just do it! Vitamin C!

Eventually, everything is A-ok and no one is either the wiser or any healthier... now watch for the pattern!

Quite simple to me, vaccines are bullshit.

Follow and upvote if you just want some healthy forum talk!

#vaccines #health #love #flu #medicine #politics #conspiracy #steemit #vincentb #steem #peace #autism

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Hi @jaimebetamax saw your post on the Vincentb Tag and gave it a like!

Thanks for posting! I got the flu this year and it was awful. I hadn't gotten in in a few years, but right after I got it I began to hear about how early and how bad the flu was hitting this year.

I just posted so if you wanted to like mine as well I would appreciate that. Anyways have a wonderful day

Hey thanks for the love Its a lot of people that I keep talking to are either getting over it or dealing with it now and they are telling me its the worst ... Im hoping we get some more understanding about all that in the health world. Im optomistic though glad your feeling better. Ill check it out now.

It is in the interest of the economy that everyone remain as unhealthy as possible. The more problems there are, the more solutions can be sold.

Oh yah its tough not to keep spotting the obvious going on and wonder til we are blue in the face. I get ya @proditor its a messy situation.