Collection of Modifications Image Honda Scoopy Cool & Elegant - Who does not know the motor matik named Scoopy? Motor matik made by Honda that looks almost like a vespa is indeed quite a lot of attention the public homeland.With retro design featuring a modern and stylish, motor matic is much in demand by young people who really like things that have a classic feel. Although the original appearance is so interesting and certainly good to look at.However, for some people who have this automatic motor is still needed to be given a touch of modification in order to add to the modern impression and that certainly displays something more interesting again. The way you can use to make modifications to Scoopy motor that you have to be more cool and elegant.For that, consider the following reviews.
How to modify the Honda Scoopy motor
The first step you can do when making modifications is that you have to choose a suitable modification concept to apply to your Scoopy motor. If you prefer a masculine concept, you can use dark colors to apply on your motor.But, if you are more likely to be feminine, then the colors to be used are sweet colors like red or pink can be the best choice. In addition, you can choose to use an abstract design that displays the color game is so beautiful and fascinating.By choosing this concept can indeed make the look of the Honda Scoopy you have become more eccentric, but try to choose the right color.
Collection Pictures Modifications Honda Scoopy Cool & Elegant:
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Then you can choose a good wheels and suitable to apply to your Honda Scoopy modification.There are many types of motor wheels that you can choose from small to large start there. However, for motor wheels honda Scoopy this should use a small wheel size, because this bike does have a wheel size that is not too large and in the design in a small form.Then you can also add a unique rearview mirror to add charm to your Honda Scoopy
In addition to choosing alloy wheels motor and also the rearview mirror, there are also tips that are not less important is choosing a seat or the seat of Honda Scoopy's elegant motorcycle.In the selection of this seat you must choose a seat made from soft and comfortable and certainly not torture when used, especially for those of you who like long distance travel like touring. In addition, you can also replace the standard exhaust of Honda Scoopy with racing muffler or exhaust with other forms that you can apply to your Scoopy motor modifications.Not only that, other accessories are also very important ie motor lights. You can increase the effect on your Scoopy motor light so that your Scoopy motor is more attractive when crossing the dark streets