RE: Honey Pots are coming! Get ready to help fight spam and earn doing so!

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Honey Pots are coming! Get ready to help fight spam and earn doing so!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

i changed my settings back and see if it makes a change. I do not know how come it did this, i do not even find my own posts anymore.

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Auto Follow Back has no effect on re-steeming. The resteem threshold is the only setting that controls that feature. Turning it to off disables the feature which is the default setting and is what I see for your account.

where can i find this resteem treshold?

It is under your account settings tab. We are looking into this issue now and have turned off the functionality completely until we can identify if the issue was user error or a software bug.

i have to do some work now, but i hope you still will let me know, thank you ever so much for sorting out if it can be caused by that.

Is it possible you set the re-steem threshold setting to something other than "Off"? That is the only setting that controls the re-steem feature.

We can't duplicate the issue without directly setting the "Resteem Threshold" by accident. What browser are you using? Maybe we can look at that.

when i came to the shadowbot account and looked at resteem i saw it standing on 10 percent? I did put it of, i thought it had to be off. And now indeed since i done that no resteems anymore so i think it cured it. I hope it only was that, and due to my own possible mistake, because i have been reading and looking what i could do with shadowbot yesterday. So far everything calm here again. :-) i hope loosing all my own blogs out of sight of the page will give me some reward, lol, than this frustration has been good for something. Man i am blond... thanks when it would occure again i will contact you . thanks for you looking in to it !

We have completely disabled auto-resteem feature until we can identify if/what is causing the issue.

thank you !! it is weird is it not? do you advice me to change pasword maybe ? or do you really think it is from a wrong setting somewhere?