Todays My Steemy Anniversary!! 365 Days On Steemit!!! 1900+ followers 580+ Posts!!! WOW!!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today 365 days ago I signed up for this crazy new social media that pays people to post!!!! I was honestly in disbelief when @jessamynorchard first showed me this crazy place called STEEMIT I honestly couldn't believe it!!!!

When i started here i just started posting random pictures.... no text... barely a title.....
My very first post got 6 upvotes and one comment and netted $0.00!! But that didn't stop me!!! I eventually started making a few cents per post and started meeting all the awesome people that were already here! I first found @jamtaylor's Steemit Photo Challenge and i was hooked!!!

I slowly figured out how this place worked with the help of @jessamynorchard answering all my dumb questions along the way! I won a few of @jamtaylor's SPC's and got some nice upvotes from some fantastic dolphins and whales!!! Lets just say I was (am) Hooked on steemit!

@melodyrussell saw what was happening here and a few weeks later signed up herself!! Though it took her until April or May to start blogging herself she's also now addicted!!!! We have also gotten several of our friends to sign up and several of them have done VERY WELL HERE!!! Here are just a few that are still active and posting quite often! @hethur240 (posts about chickenshit every sunday.... NO really) @sallyswitchblade ( #openmic winner ) @rockchickjen ( #openmic winner ) @ashleyhogan (melody's little sister). Those are just a few of our hometown friends that we have brought into this crazy steemland!!!

In my 365 days I have posted almost every day!!! I created the Steemit Portrait Contest ( #portraitcontest ) back in early May i think and have been trying to help support the #photography community here on steemit! After starting this contest is when i met one of the most helpful people in all of steemit land!! This awesome person is @sykochica!!! She helped me pay the winners of my #portraitcontest for MANY weeks!! She has no idea how much I appreciated her support!!!!

Back in May Me and @melodyrussell along with the fabulous @jessamynorchard ; got to go to Kansas City to the Meetup held by @stellabelle! We got to meet face to face with some HUGE names in steemit!!!! @sykochica @virtualgrowth and the one and only @papa-pepper were on hand!!

IMG_5847vghcrop.jpg (and here's the proof)

In my 365 days i have created 580 posts gotten 1958 Followers and have acquired 3,531.312 STEEM POWER!! Back several months ago when my wife @melodyrussell got into steemit (finally) i delegated half of my steem power to her so that she could make a see a size-able vote on things she is interested in!!!

When i first started here I knew what bitcoin but I had no idea of this whole universe of crypto that's out there! In the last 6 months ago at I got into the crypto trading markets! I've set a little aside whenever cashing out what liquid SBD's i could. I've now almost doubled what I put into my crypto portfolio!!! (thanks to @acidyo and @satchmo for the smart buying tips)

Ok now this seems like rambling so i'm going to cut this off here!! I just wanted to thank everyone that has supported me over the last year!! Also A HUGE thank you to EVERYONE that has entered my contest!!!! That means the world to me honestly!!! If i wasn't getting entries every week the contest would not happen!!! SO THANK YOU!!!! EVERYONE OF YOU!!!

Here are the winners from last weeks #portraitcontest: Week 23

Join us for WEEK 24!!!!

Thank you again one and all!!! What a crazy year it has been!!! Here's hoping for 365 more days!!!!

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Nice achievement for persistence! Congratulations! 🙂

Thank you @ana-maria!!

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I might just have to make that picture from the meetup my new banner pic! Lol!

Grats on making it a year! It's got to feel like sooo long ago that you started....but I'm def glad you did!

is it weird that it feels like yesterday but then an eternity too?! Crazy...

Congratulations and should I say happy birthday to you in steemit. You have achieved a lot compared to what I have. Having written Over 500 posts including comments but still not many followers and a little steempower

Congrats man!

Thanks @condra!! it's been a wild ride!!

Congrats on the milestone. That makes you a Steemit veteran :)

congratulations on true steemit players. hope the future works better in this steemit. i will follow you always

Yay!!! Congrats dude! You've worked hard and deserve it! Thanks for all your help too! You've become my go to guy when I have any questions at all! So thanks for your help as well!

Aweee thanks jen! And you're very welcome! If i don't know the answer we have a crap ton of people here that probably do know the answer to anything you question you might have!

congrats mate :)

Thanks so much @tarazkp!! I'm so happy to have a place to share photography with like minded individuals!!

That's awesome, I just started and so it is cool to hear that someone is still into it after a year.

Your post is inspiring. I am fairly new to the platform and hope that I could achieve at least the half you obtained in 365 days! As far as I have understood it's the community that matters here. The rest will follow.
Cheers :)

Thats absolutely correct!! The community here is fantastic!!

Congratulations! 🎉 Your Steemversay has arrived. One year ago today you made your steem account along with 223 others. You are one of 6 users who have posted in the last week. Well done you.

I've upvoted your post, I hope it helps. Happy Steemversay ✌️;

p.s I'm a new bot, I've only been alive 6 days :)
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happy steemy anniversary jason!! :D that's awesome!

Wow, congrats


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Happy #SteemDay!

Ha! Thank you!

Great to see and hear!

Our steemit birthday is 3 weeks apart. Let's have a party!!!!

Congratulation:) I hope I can do the same