It's Ok Not To Have All The Answers

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

It's Ok Not To Have All The Answers

I think the image below tells us everything I am trying to point out. Many of us want to have a life that is all figured out and resolved. It is really not a bad opinion to think that way; however, big part of the story doesn't end up the way we have planned it. We can compare this in the crypto market, we sometimes win and we sometimes lose.


In life, just try to go with the flow and enjoy whatever the universe puts in your way. We should be enjoying the little things everyday of our life, so the big things can be exciting. This reality really feels like being in a Matrix where we get out of it when we meditate or go to sleep.

The main point is not to stress about what is not coming out the way you want it. If you fail, analyze what happened, learn from it and move on. I'm sure if you do that, the next times things will just get easier and you may flow with the universe laws. We all have a plan and a meaning to be on earth and we should live it up the best was possible along the way.

It's ok not to have all the answers, if you would have them all, your life purpose would have not meaning.

Many blessings to all.


"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.


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Enjoy watever the situation is :)

It's definitely okay. Or more specifically, it's good not to know everything, but to know that you'll learn something cool or new with each day that comes.

"Everything" is infinite. "Everything" describes a never-ending universe one can not possibly travel. And so it's impossible for a person to know simply everything, and normal for one not to—but to still be curious about the infinite things he or she has yet to discover in life.

I really agree with you @javybar. not everything we want we get. when we fail, we make it as experience to achieve success.

True :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Buenos dias @javybar, es verdad , si tuvieramos todas las respuestas , no tendria sentido untilizar nuestro cerebro , no tendrias que pensar ni analizar , para luego decidir, osea que seriamos como entes vagando por el mundo.
Pero bueno no es asi , menos mal, si te equivocas , aprende y no lo repitas.
Javybar ,feliz domingo :)

Asi mismo mi amiga. Es mejor de esta manera para poder vivir una vida con significado. Gracias ;)

I agree with you ,life is like a race and the ground of race only two possibilities we can win or we can lose the race but continue racing in life


life is not about finindg answears for everything
its good to learn and grow up learning and never stop trying new things so that you can learn much more and live life the way it should be, then everything will be clear and you'll find answears for a lot of things.

Thanks at first for sharing some love related quotes... All of quotes are superb.. I added another one about love @javybar

We loved with a love that was more than love

Glad you liked them. They're very meaningful

i am agree with your opinion dear. . You shouldn't put pressure on yourself and instead of that, you should look for solutions. You said right if we fail we should learn a lesson from our failures and go for it again next time applying those lessons. Every failure produce a new lesson so try try again. One day success will kiss your feet.. our support always helped me my own work in the steemit giving support always.. i wish that of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend.. resteem done your post.because you are a my favorite person one of them.. dear best friend.. @javybar..very well done..

nice to see you dear..i like so much your suggest about life...its so good or helpfull for us...thanks for sharing..your post...

Anytime for you :)

Great post.Loved the amazing words, really motivating.Yes my friend we are the one who doesn't something in life and if some know something than they have not tried new things.There is a saying 'No one is perfect so pencil needs eraser.We make mistake but we should learn from and never repeat it.Thanks for sharing it with us. @javybar

Awesome words my friend. Loved it

In our country they say "Inscrutable ways of the Lord," it means the impossibility to predict fate, the course of events in full. In Christianity, it is believed that God controls a lot of destiny, and he determines all important events. At the same time, people are given some freedom of will and action. So you are right, you must stick to your life plan and rejoice at every day.

Golden words my friend. We just have to follow the flow of life :)

Yes,i totally agree with you Sir @javybar ..its OK not have all the answer" really true words..yes this image and words tell us everything.. Great post and impressive thought.. Thanks for sharing us and keep sharing more.. I will waiting for your next post.

Thank you very much my friend. Glad you liked it :)

i am also sir @javybar please upvote

Really you said right we should enjoying little thing everyday. It's not to have the all answer super okay

Very true my friend

In life, just try to go with the flow and enjoy whatever the universe puts in your way. We should be enjoying the little things everyday of our life, so the big things can be exciting. This reality really feels like being in a Matrix where we get out of it when we meditate or go to sleep.

So true! I think the key of all that, we must be a good person to be grateful for God's blessings.

Thanks my best friend!

Amen! :)

thank you for great post,Really you said right we should enjoying little thing everyday. It's not to have the all answer super okay,

Very true :)

great post i love steemit,my dear friend @javybar,You are absolutely right friend, we should find happiness in little things. I follow your suggestion that you said,

Excellent :)

brain doesn't have all the answers, answers about some questions are with heart too...

Very true :)

You are absolutely right friend, we should find happiness in little things. I follow your suggestion that you said, we should not feel stress in up comming things, be positive and learn from it and move on. ❣

Very well saif my friend. You are a wise person

Like your content man. I agree with you... in this world, we cant know all type of question answer. If we are coming to know the all questions answer then we don't have to anything in this world. It's better to unknown something. it's increase our curiosity ;)

That's right my friend!

Failure is more powerful than success because failure teaches you how to be more strong and hardworking in the life. You beautifully quoted it Javy Bro ;)

The main point is not to stress about what is not coming out the way you want it. If you fail, analyze what happened, learn from it and move on. I'm sure if you do that, the next times things will just get easier and you may flow with the universe laws

Patience and consistency can do wonders and one should try to cheer on small things to grab the bigger picture of the happiness in his/her life :)

Have a Great Start of the Week :)

Glad this quote took your attention because it is the reality we are living. Thank you for your contribution.

100% agree with this, somehow the happiness is the inner value,there many ways to feel it. And we can maintain our happiness. I think a lots about happiness lately just like in my latest post. your post inspire many people @javybar. thank for the chance to have you as a part of my journey on steemit

yup it's ok 🙂🙂 very true my friend totally agreed with your opinion life
never gives you desired results always there is always a failure along with success so go with the flow of life that's it. always have faith and patience 🙂🙂. again thank you so much for such a beautiful post stay blessed always keep smiling😉😊........

Many blessings for you as well. The flow of life on its own is beautiful. We just have to go with the flow and learn. Thank you for your contribution

We can not find any answer but why are stopping here
if we tried hard we can succed
thanks for sharing

Agree! :)

very true my friend agreed. enjoy every bit of life though it's small or big :)
very nice post indeed

You got it :)

You are an extraordinary personality, which you have talked about before, was very important and dignified. There are many of us who do not have all the answers correctly, I mean, to respond to them, to run a number of steps and to try to answer these things, then some good reflection may occur.

No one has all the answer, all we can do is try over and over again :)

Yeah very well said we should be happy in everywhay the life puts us in. We shouldn't be complaining everytime. Sometimes things doesnot end as we think and we have to accept it in anyway. We should try to be happy in little things of life as it leads you to bigger ones as drops combine to form a ocean.

Amazing words, totally agree with you. Take day by day, step by step :)

Yes exactly

really great quotable quota ..
having no dout great insperational post
its need to take a great part of responsibility at our own choice
and take a great decission to lead our life

yap!thats really okay cause having all the answers comes in the category of perfection and we all are aware that their is no perfection in this entire universe and if you get all the answers then your aim of life will be completed and your time of death will be infront of you

Very true my friend. I feel it is better this way so that way we are able to evolve as human beings

yap sir!

Great lesson sir @javybar. Life is the race of failure and success as you compare it with crypto market. So patience is most important to be a gainer. Thanks sir @javubar for always sharing learning content.

We only need patience my friend

We shouldn't get worried and disheartened when things don't work out according to our plans. We should learn lessons from it. The things will surely be different when we will already know what were the causes of your failures.

Very true :)

Some time being clueless gives us chance to explore more so don't be disappointed and make that opportunity

Totally agree with you my friend. It gives us some meaning in life to where we want to go and what we want to be

That's true to a cent but everyone needs to understand this thing. If you are not able to perform a task as it was required or you don't know how it will be done, you should not worry. You shouldn't put pressure on yourself and instead of that, you should look for solutions. You said right if we fail we should learn a lesson from our failures and go for it again next time applying those lessons. I must say those who haven't tasted failure they can't taste the vicotry in that way as the one who has failed becauce he is the one who knows its imprtance much than others.

Wow very nice said my friend. Thank you for your contribution.

My pleasure to add my part. I am glad that you liked my words.

After all that's what makes our life interesting and it allows us to go forward and figure the unknown and point out the right direction :)

Quite a coincidence I somehow posted a similar content a little while ago lolz ;)

Wise words my friens. Very true. Thank you for this smart comment.

Ha Yes,i totally agree with you
Sir @javybar ..its OK not have all the answer
" really true words..yes this image and words tell us everything..
Great post and impressive thought.. Thanks for sharing us and keep sharing more
.. I will waiting for your next post

Thank you :)

Our life is like this. When we have to spend life in good times and times of crisis. But there is always need to be full of self-sufficiency @javybar

Very true :)

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

Very nice :)

Every failure produce a new lesson so try try again. One day success will kiss your feet.

Stay blessed and keep it up

Very true :)

lossing something is a part of life .if we trying hard we will be success in some thing but not all

what a creativity writing my friend In our whole life ,it is not possible if we want this think and get this thing ,but keep trying and never give up .

very nice and motivational post. Well said there is no need to be panic and go under stress. All things are not possible in this world. Men can only do his best effort to get success. If you fail. All you need to analyse why do you fail and try it again, stress doesn't work for you. Thanks for sharing such a nice post @javybar

You can not find answers for all things
Just live with your self
Beautiful theme worth reading

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

your thought always perfect dear.its universal truth. every people want everything to get in her life.i think its not possible one life. but a failure if not success her work he obviously success may next work.. but today i am very sad..because some steeminer copy paste my sms.. name:- @jakir007, @greene101, @sujonmia, @doool, @looop,.. pls help my friend. i am frustrated this time to see its..every day my comment copy/paste doing steemians.but i don,t know what,s the problem their?.. but today alots of person copy my,i am giving their name in my comment. pls help my friend.. i hope that,you helped me found its problem solution...take care yourself my dear best friend... @javybar

I do not reward repeated comments or copy/paste comments my friend. Write yours in a natural way and ill take care of the rest

yeah, are right always.but when i see my comment any person doing copy/paste.this time my mind is very bad i feel doing frustrated.but read to your post i found alots of encourage my work and my real life.thank you my dear best friend..see you again... take care yourself.. @javybar

Your twenties are a time of uncertainty. You’re finishing college, starting a career in the real world, making friends and (losing friends) all the time. No matter how much you learn, no matter how much you know about things, there’s always something you don’t have the answers to yet.

Life isn’t supposed to be easy. You don’t reach a certain age, a certain social status, a certain position in your career, and suddenly have all the answers. There isn’t a secret potion, a lucky token, or even a prayer that will change the course of your life with a snap of your fingers.

But you can find comfort in this: You’re not alone.

No one has all the answers. No one knows what they’re doing, and even if they do in the temporary, in the now, they can’t possibly know this forever.

There are so many unknowns in this world, so much change, so many situations and events to come. These moments will propel us forward and they will drag us backwards. They will send us in hundreds of different directions that it’s nearly impossible to know where we’re headed or where we’ll end up.

Thanks for great post.i appreciate this life.all the best..I mean, to respond to them, to run a number of steps and to try to answer these things, then some good reflection may occur. Every failure produce a new lesson so try try again. One day success will kiss your feet.. our support always helped me my own work in the steemit giving support always.. i wish that of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend.. resteem done your post.because you are a my favorite person one of them.. dear best friend.. @javybar..

i am agree with your opinion dear. . You shouldn't put pressure on yourself and instead of that, you should look for solutions. You said right if we fail we should learn a lesson from our failures and go for it again next time applying those lessons. Every failure produce a new lesson so try try again. One day success will kiss your feet.. our support always helped me my own work in the steemit giving support always.. i wish that of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend.. resteem done your post.because you are a my favorite person one of them.. dear best friend.. @javybar..very well done..I mean, to respond to them, to run a number of steps and to try to answer these things, then some good reflection may occur.

love teaches us sacrifice
love teaches us faithfulness
love fosters happiness for us
with love we can enjoy any bit of life

Nice post.. Great words and thoughts are outstanding.. Great post sir @javybar.. Thanks for sharing

enjoy life like enjoying a glass of bitter coffee in the morning
when we enjoy it we will be addicted to the bitter every next morning

even if you will try to find all the answers
they will not be available!
sometimes it is better to know nothing
more answers means more questions

Great post... I love steemit ...
That's true to a cent but everyone needs to understand this thing. If you are not able to perform a task as it was required or you don't know how it will be done, you should not worry. You shouldn't put pressure on yourself and instead of that, you should look for solutions. You said right if we fail we should learn a lesson from our failures and go for it again next time applying those lessons. I must say those who haven't tasted failure they can't taste the vicotry in that way as the one who has failed becauce he is the one who knows its imprtance much than of luck

very nice post..i love steemit.thanks for sharing this life..i appreciate your valuable post..

images.jpg work

nice post

dear @javybar
no dout its great motivated post, i all time love your post
life is our so our life based on our mind..we shoud take the right path to
carry on our life

its really great post
dear @javybar
we should believe ourselve properly,
we shou;ld take our decission on the motion of ourselve what out maind
want ,thanks for share

There is such a proverb THE PERSON OFFERS, AND GOD REALIZES. It is said then, when the life circumstances are not the way they want. And the truth of this saying I experienced many times in my life. It is necessary to go through life easily to plan your life step-by-step and not give up if something is wrong.

This is a amazing post and great work..i love happy life..thanks for shar thos post..dear @javybar

Thanks for great post.i appreciate this life.all the best..

This is a amazing post and great work..i love happy life..Thanks for sharing

failure is the key of success


Wow this is i share this post on my blog........

good point here. Love to read it......

good post.i agree with you sir @javybar. your life great time spend. thanks for sharing

i am agree with your opinion dear. . You shouldn't put pressure on yourself and instead of that, you should look for solutions. You said right if we fail we should learn a lesson from our failures and go for it again next time applying those lessons. Every failure produce a new lesson so try try again. One day success will kiss your feet.. our support always helped me my own work in the steemit giving support always.. i wish that of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend.. resteem done your post.because you are a my favorite person one of them.. dear best friend.. @javybar..very well done..I mean, to respond to them, to run a number of steps and to try to answer these things, then some good reflection may occur.Buenos dias @javybar, es verdad , si tuvieramos todas las respuestas , no tendria sentido untilizar nuestro cerebro , no tendrias que pensar ni analizar , para luego decidir, osea que seriamos como entes vagando por el mundo.
Pero bueno no es asi , menos mal, si te equivocas , aprende y no lo repitas.

not copy paste my sms... @looop

love is spritual fact. It was determined by ceeator.

great post i love steemit,my dear friend @javybar,You are absolutely right friend, we should find happiness in little things. I follow your suggestion that you said,
look for solutions. You said right if we fail we should learn a lesson from our failures and go for it again next time applying those lessons. Every failure produce a new lesson so try try again. One day success will kiss your feet.. our support always helped me my own work in the steemit giving support always.. i wish that of luck and take care od your health. i want you always stayed my sides and inspired my work.obviously its my goodluck that,god giving a good and best friend as like you. i appreciate your post every time..I completely agree with you, my friend.. resteem done your post.because you are a my favorite person one of them.. dear best friend.. @javybar..very well done..
Thanks at first for sharing some love related quotes... All of quotes are superb.. I added another one about

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your @ecs (eastcoaststeem) community leaders @chelsea88 & @inthenow

Very very wise words. I am glad that with every year of my life I have many answers. But, even more I am happy that I have new questions. Good luck to you and Love.

Очень-очень мудрые слова. Я рад, что с каждым годом моей жизни у меня появляются многие ответы. Но, еще больше я радуюсь, что у меня возникают новые вопросы. Удачи Вам и Любви.